Former Sailor suing the DOJ, Obama and James Comey

The Donald is closing in on the Mueller/Comey/Crooked Hillary/Obama fake investigation and turning it on its head!

In related news, every black person who was ever arrested will be suing the American legal system!

Why? Typically cops and the court system are very lenient with Blacks.

Lol! Maybe in bizzaro world ! You don’t seriously believe that .

What’s your next statement. Hot chicks catch no breaks in life ?
  • Kristian Saucier spent 1 year in federal prison for taking souvenir photos of a classified area aboard the nuclear sub where he worked as a U.S. Navy sailor
  • President Trump pardoned him this year but his life had largely been ruined as he was forced to work as a garbageman to feed his family
  • Now Saucier is preparing to sue the Justice Department, former president Barack Obama and former FBI Director James Comey
  • He says he received unequal legal treatment and cites their failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton for storing classified files on her private email server
  • 'There’s a two-tier justice system and we want it to be corrected,' his lawyer says

Read more: Sailor pardoned by Trump after photographing classified area of sub is SUING Obama and Comey | Daily Mail Online
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Unequal treatment huh?

Is there anything in the Constitution that demands that if you commit a crime you get equal treatment to everyone else that has committed this crime?

Er... NO.

Basically, if he wins, then every person who committed a crime similar to those that Trump gave pardons to the criminals, then they would ALL GET PARDONS.
  • Kristian Saucier spent 1 year in federal prison for taking souvenir photos of a classified area aboard the nuclear sub where he worked as a U.S. Navy sailor
  • President Trump pardoned him this year but his life had largely been ruined as he was forced to work as a garbageman to feed his family
  • Now Saucier is preparing to sue the Justice Department, former president Barack Obama and former FBI Director James Comey
  • He says he received unequal legal treatment and cites their failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton for storing classified files on her private email server
  • 'There’s a two-tier justice system and we want it to be corrected,' his lawyer says
Read more: Sailor pardoned by Trump after photographing classified area of sub is SUING Obama and Comey | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Unequal treatment huh?

Is there anything in the Constitution that demands that if you commit a crime you get equal treatment to everyone else that has committed this crime?

Er... NO.

Basically, if he wins, then every person who committed a crime similar to those that Trump gave pardons to the criminals, then they would ALL GET PARDONS.

Yes, dumbass as previously pointed is something called the l4th amendment. As in................"The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws".

Now git back under dat rock boyo. hehheh
  • Kristian Saucier spent 1 year in federal prison for taking souvenir photos of a classified area aboard the nuclear sub where he worked as a U.S. Navy sailor
  • President Trump pardoned him this year but his life had largely been ruined as he was forced to work as a garbageman to feed his family
  • Now Saucier is preparing to sue the Justice Department, former president Barack Obama and former FBI Director James Comey
  • He says he received unequal legal treatment and cites their failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton for storing classified files on her private email server
  • 'There’s a two-tier justice system and we want it to be corrected,' his lawyer says

Read more: Sailor pardoned by Trump after photographing classified area of sub is SUING Obama and Comey | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

So Trump pardons a traitor so he can sue previous administration personnel. A traitor pardons a traitor.

REPUBLICAN, never forget.
  • Kristian Saucier spent 1 year in federal prison for taking souvenir photos of a classified area aboard the nuclear sub where he worked as a U.S. Navy sailor
  • President Trump pardoned him this year but his life had largely been ruined as he was forced to work as a garbageman to feed his family
  • Now Saucier is preparing to sue the Justice Department, former president Barack Obama and former FBI Director James Comey
  • He says he received unequal legal treatment and cites their failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton for storing classified files on her private email server
  • 'There’s a two-tier justice system and we want it to be corrected,' his lawyer says
Read more: Sailor pardoned by Trump after photographing classified area of sub is SUING Obama and Comey | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Unequal treatment huh?

Is there anything in the Constitution that demands that if you commit a crime you get equal treatment to everyone else that has committed this crime?

Er... NO.

Basically, if he wins, then every person who committed a crime similar to those that Trump gave pardons to the criminals, then they would ALL GET PARDONS.

Yes, dumbass as previously pointed is something called the l4th amendment. As in................"The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws".

Now git back under dat rock boyo. hehheh

Ah, insults.

I don't do insulters.


Well obama may be exempt on that basis but not

As explained..............The U.S. president's executive immunity is absolute; however, the immunity of other federal executive officials is qualified. But once a President is out of office? Does the immunity still apply? I would presume so....but anyhow the real purpose of the lawsuit is simply to draw attention to the mistreatment of the sailor and the favortism enjoyed by crooked hillary and corrupted Comey.

it's all simply a political stunt..... with no legs...

yet you praise this kind of divisive shenanigans?

Trump/Fox/or RNC, is paying for his lawyer or the Russian oligarchs, ya wanna bet? :D
  • Kristian Saucier spent 1 year in federal prison for taking souvenir photos of a classified area aboard the nuclear sub where he worked as a U.S. Navy sailor
  • President Trump pardoned him this year but his life had largely been ruined as he was forced to work as a garbageman to feed his family
  • Now Saucier is preparing to sue the Justice Department, former president Barack Obama and former FBI Director James Comey
  • He says he received unequal legal treatment and cites their failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton for storing classified files on her private email server
  • 'There’s a two-tier justice system and we want it to be corrected,' his lawyer says

Read more: Sailor pardoned by Trump after photographing classified area of sub is SUING Obama and Comey | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Good luck to him.
for the clear double standard relative to his conviction and Hillary Clintons preferential treatment


Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he's suing Comey and Obama

A former Navy sailor who is one of five people to receive a pardon from President Donald Trump is planning to file a lawsuit against Obama administration officials, alleging that he was subject to unequal protection of the law.

Specifically, Kristian Saucier, who served a year in federal prison for taking photos of classified sections of the submarine on which he worked, argues that the same officials who meted out punishment to him for his actions chose to be lenient with Hillary Clinton in her use of a private email server and handling of classified information.

Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he's suing Comey and Obama

for the clear double standard relative to his conviction and Hillary Clintons preferential treatment


Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he's suing Comey and Obama

A former Navy sailor who is one of five people to receive a pardon from President Donald Trump is planning to file a lawsuit against Obama administration officials, alleging that he was subject to unequal protection of the law.

Specifically, Kristian Saucier, who served a year in federal prison for taking photos of classified sections of the submarine on which he worked, argues that the same officials who meted out punishment to him for his actions chose to be lenient with Hillary Clinton in her use of a private email server and handling of classified information.

Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he's suing Comey and Obama

Should of never been pardoned. He can now fit in the group of those who should of never been pardoned. Good luck in his stupid suit, he is not a vet but a traitor, but then again Trump is too.
The Donald is closing in on the Mueller/Comey/Crooked Hillary/Obama fake investigation and turning it on its head!

In related news, every black person who was ever arrested will be suing the American legal system!

Why? Typically cops and the court system are very lenient with Blacks.

Lol! Maybe in bizzaro world ! You don’t seriously believe that .

What’s your next statement. Hot chicks catch no breaks in life ?
The Donald is closing in on the Mueller/Comey/Crooked Hillary/Obama fake investigation and turning it on its head!

In related news, every black person who was ever arrested will be suing the American legal system!

Why? Typically cops and the court system are very lenient with Blacks.

Lol! Maybe in bizzaro world ! You don’t seriously believe that .

What’s your next statement. Hot chicks catch no breaks in life ?

Recent news reports included two remarkable stories about what passes for justice in multi-racial America. One was about a retired Brooklyn judge, Frank Barbaro, who is now asking an appeals court to overturn a conviction that he, himself, handed down in a 1999 murder trial.

Only a few facts about the case have been reported, but it appears that a 22-year-old black man named Wavell Wint approached 24-year-old Donald Kagan, who is white, in front of a Brooklyn movie theater and tried to steal Mr. Kagan’s chain. There was a fight, and Mr. Kagan ended up shooting and killing Wint.

Wavell Wint

Judge Barbaro, who is white, heard the case without a jury, and convicted Mr. Kagan of second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon. The judge, who has since retired, says he now believes the shooting was self defense, and that he could not be impartial because he was obsessed with white racism.

Donald Kagan

“Mr. Kagan had no intent to kill that man,” he says, explaining that he found him guilty of murder because “I was seeing this young white fellow as a bigot, as someone who assassinated an African-American.” He says he was blind to Mr. Kagan’s innocence because “the question of discrimination against African-American people became part of my fiber—my very fiber.”

Many judges show racial bias in favor of blacks...most especially black judges and liberal judges of which there are many.

Color-blind Justice? - American Renaissance
Caught in the wrong sue, sounds like a Trump tactic. Hillary Clinton was cleared by the congress of the BS the right still believes. You wingnuts need to read sometime. Why are right wing snowflakes so easily led?

If anyone is interested in the truth concerning this topic please check page 139 of 'The Destruction of Hillary Clinton' by Susan Bordo. None of the information that was later marked classified was marked that way when Hillary received it. Also Hillary's private use of an email server was - as I have noted many times having managed email for a major corporation - was an OK procedure with the State dept when HRC was secretary of state, that only changed afterwards. No one on the right will care about the truth as they elected a man so inept, they'll spend the next four year pleading loyalty and excusing his constant stupidity. Comey was right in his decision, but the manner etc in which he did it bizarre and wrong. For those who want to understand how this could happen read the book. 'The Destruction of Hillary Clinton' by Susan Bordo'

"The Inspector General confirmed what we have known all along-that Secretary Clinton followed the practice of her predecessor when she used a personal email account. While Secretary Clinton preserved and returned tens of thousands of pages of her emails to the Department for public release, Secretary Powell returned none. Republicans need to stop wasting taxpayer dollars singling out Secretary Clinton just because she is running for President. If Republicans really care about transparency, they will work constructively with Democrats to focus on fixing what this report shows are longstanding, systemic flaws in the State Department's record keeping practices for decades.

Cummings's press release was substantiated by a piece in Forbes magazine, which concluded, that as regards Clinton's handling of emails, the evaluation "does not add any new serious charges or adverse facts" about Clinton but rather retraces a "dreary history of records and archival policy" involving "general problems" with printing and filing emails in a retrievable way that should not be "pinned" on Clinton. The piece concludes: "A report that says so little new against Clinton, amounts to a vindication."

"The Inspector General confirmed what we have known all along-that Secretary Clinton followed the practice of her predecessor when she used a personal email account. While Secretary Clinton preserved and returned tens of thousands of pages of her emails to the Department for public release, Secretary Powell returned none. Republicans need to stop wasting taxpayer dollars singling out Secretary Clinton just because she is running for President. If Republicans really care about transparency, they will work constructively with Democrats to focus on fixing what this report shows are longstanding, systemic flaws in the State Department's record keeping practices for decades.

Cummings's press release was substantiated by a piece in Forbes magazine, which concluded, that as regards Clinton's handling of emails, the evaluation "does not add any new serious charges or adverse facts" about Clinton but rather retraces a "dreary history of records and archival policy" involving "general problems" with printing and filing emails in a retrievable way that should not be "pinned" on Clinton. The piece concludes: "A report that says so little new against Clinton, amounts to a vindication."

p141 'The Destruction of Hillary Clinton' by Susan Bordo
he needs a new lawyer
Or perhaps a bodyguard. I was just watching a few of his interviews on YouTube. He seemed a bit off. Acting strange. Nerves from being on TV perhaps.

Then it dawned on me that his body language was that of a very frightened person. Not like stage fright. He seems terrified. And the pantsuit mafia seems VERY ANGRY at him.

I think Comey may be afraid that they are going to murder him.
Kristian is an IDIOT for suing-----He is DAMNED LUCKY and should be thankful that Trump pardoned him. He KNOWINGLY committed a crime. My kid served in a sub-----he would have DROPPED DEAD before he took a picture. In
RETROSPECT he does not deserve to be pardoned-----but that is only with the use of a
In related news, every black person who was ever arrested will be suing the American legal system!

Lol. “Waaaah. Hillary had a server vs me taking photos of nuke sub engines after I was warned not too”.

Oh the irony .You can’t sue an administration that no longer exists ! He can only sue Trump .
No. You can't indict a sitting president.
You can sue anyone you want.
He can sue, but he will lose

He can’t deny that he broke the law
he needs a new lawyer
Or perhaps a bodyguard. I was just watching a few of his interviews on YouTube. He seemed a bit off. Acting strange. Nerves from being on TV perhaps.

Then it dawned on me that his body language was that of a very frightened person. Not like stage fright. He seems terrified. And the pantsuit mafia seems VERY ANGRY at him.

I think Comey may be afraid that they are going to murder him.
Muhammed, none of us knows the circumstances of this man's conviction. Every opinion posted here is just that, speculation, and it looks like that speculation is influenced by the poster's political views. Now you are adding to and clouding the issue with possible death threats. Remember the old game we played as kids where one person whispered something simple into the ear of someone next to them, and that person passed it on, until at the end of the line, the original 'secret' was completely lost and unrecognizable?...Wallah!
How do you sue over something you admit you are guilty of?
he needs a new lawyer
Or perhaps a bodyguard. I was just watching a few of his interviews on YouTube. He seemed a bit off. Acting strange. Nerves from being on TV perhaps.

Then it dawned on me that his body language was that of a very frightened person. Not like stage fright. He seems terrified. And the pantsuit mafia seems VERY ANGRY at him.

I think Comey may be afraid that they are going to murder him.
Muhammed, none of us knows the circumstances of this man's conviction. Every opinion posted here is just that, speculation, and it looks like that speculation is influenced by the poster's political views. Now you are adding to and clouding the issue with possible death threats. Remember the old game we played as kids where one person whispered something simple into the ear of someone next to them, and that person passed it on, until at the end of the line, the original 'secret' was completely lost and unrecognizable?...Wallah!
I'm not adding to or clouding any any fucking issues. Nor have I in any way implied that there were any death threats.

I have been studying body language for decades. Over 90% of human communication is not verbal, that is, it is not the words we speak.
The vast majority of our communication is expressed with our physical mannerisms, our eye movements, and the subtle vocal intonation, timbre, inflections and overtones in our vocals.

In my expert opinion, judging from his recent television appearances, former FBI director James Comey is terrified.

And obviously Clinton and her cronies are very angry with him. Clinton has even blamed James Comey for her 2016 presidential campaign failure. Not once, but on several occasions. She is fucking pissed off, big league.

I think he's afraid that Clinton is going to have him murdered.

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