Former Speaker talks about how Fascism (are we there yet?) is big govt colluding w/ big business to tyrannize individuals/small businesses


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

I always miss the best Ingraham shows! But anyhow, Newt Gingrich has always been a fave of mine because he tells it like it is RE such things as deep state and how awful this country is getting to be, going against it's traditional values, etc.

Before I got into current events/politics, I always had this misconception that the Republicans were for big business (maybe ONLY for them). What a crock that is. I see how I was brainwashed by the mainstream media, which was about all I had access to back in those days (was not into news, too busy).

Today, almost everyone is against big business because it is so damn woke (that word is like fingernails on a chalkboard...) :eusa_doh:

At point 1.42 they talk about how Rs are normally very reluctant to interfere in private business to regulate it or what have you but something needs to be done. I had this same thought a long time ago. (But who listens to nobodies?)
MAYBE in 1920 the RNC was all about "big business" in the perspective of a union commissar. Yet when it came to taking money from the unions AND "big business" the DNC was a financial cum dumpster full of political whores who helped pass regulations that made competition from small businesses more difficult.

Yet to this day the most vacuous consumers of MSM agitprop believe "democrats are the party of the people".

So were the soviets, khmer rouge, ccp, nazis... you see where this is going....
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At point 3.50 gingrich talks about how "these people are liars" (people who run big tech, etc)

He praises Elon Musk, a "first generation immigrant" who is doing more to uphold free speech than just about anyone
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MAYBE in 1920 the RNC was all about "big business" in the perspective of a union commissar. Yet when it came to taking money from the unions AND "big business" the DNC was a financial cum dumpster full of political whores who helped pass regulations that made competition from small businesses more difficult.

Yet to this day the most vacuous consumers of MSM agitprop believe "democrats are the party of the people".
yeh, it never ceases to amaze me how GULLIBLE the cnn viewers are (When I say CNN I am usually speaking of ALL fake news, like msnbc and etc)

I mean, cnn says it, the useful idiots turn around immediately and spoutate it off to whomever is within earshot like its the gospel freaking truth
Before I got into current events/politics, I always had this misconception that the Republicans were for big business (maybe ONLY for them). What a crock that is. I see how I was brainwashed by the mainstream media, which was about all I had access to back in those days (was not into news, too busy).
Republicans have a pretty cozy relationship with Fox News, don’t they?

News Corp is pretty big business.

Anyway, who lowered corporate tax rate by like half? Who protects carried interest? Who promotes deregulation? Who attacks unionization?
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Republicans have a pretty cozy relationship with Fox News, don’t they?

News Corp is pretty big business.

Anyway, who lowered corporate tax rate by like half? Who protects carried interest? Who promotes deregulation? Who attacks unionization?
Those things need to be attacked and the corporate tax being "low" is a very good thing because.. surprise surprise! Americans depend on business for JOBS. business does not create jobs when business cannot expand and/or its leaders cannot plan to do so bc of OVER regulation or the THREAT of it from dimrats in gummit.


guess in Libville everyone is supposed to depend on the gummit. And just where is gummit going to get the $$ to support 320 million people without BUSINESS

I feel like I am always teaching a class in Logic 101
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Those things need to be attacked and the corporate tax being "low" is a very good thing because.. surprise surprise! Americans depend on business for JOBS. business does not create jobs when business cannot expand and/or its leaders cannot plan to do so bc of OVER regulation.


guess in Libville everyone is supposed to depend on the gummit. And just where is gummit going to get the $$ to support 320 million people without BUSINESS

I feel like I am always teaching a class in Logic 101
It’s okay to have your opinions, I’m not attacking you for it.

But you are clearly pro-corporate.
That's all you liberals have.. snark.

no facts to counter-argue conservatives' info

It’s not snark, it’s just factual that you’re expressing pro-corporatist positions.

You believe that policy favorable to corporations will “trickle down” to the rest of us. I’m not saying your position is factually wrong or that you’re bad for holding it. I disagree with it personally but that’s not the point. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck.

I always miss the best Ingraham shows! But anyhow, Newt Gingrich has always been a fave of mine because he tells it like it is RE such things as deep state and how awful this country is getting to be, going against it's traditional values, etc.

Before I got into current events/politics, I always had this misconception that the Republicans were for big business (maybe ONLY for them). What a crock that is. I see how I was brainwashed by the mainstream media, which was about all I had access to back in those days (was not into news, too busy).

Today, almost everyone is against big business because it is so damn woke (that word is like fingernails on a chalkboard...) :eusa_doh:

At point 1.42 they talk about how Rs are normally very reluctant to interfere in private business to regulate it or what have you but something needs to be done. I had this same thought a long time ago. (But who listens to nobodies?)
The EPA and the Green Religion Cult is one of the primary weapons The New World Order Globalist State uses to attack our freedoms, our livelihoods, and our businesses.
It’s not snark, it’s just factual that you’re expressing pro-corporatist positions.

You believe that policy favorable to corporations will “trickle down” to the rest of us. I’m not saying your position is factually wrong or that you’re bad for holding it. I disagree with it personally but that’s not the point. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck.
another say-nothing post

The left are always vilifying business but again, how is gummit going to support 320 million people if there are no businesses or workers paying taxes?

oh, just print up more money..
Isn't inflation high enough as it is, even WITH businesses in America still intact?

prices aren't high enough for ya?

I recall photos I have seen circa 1930s in Germany.. people with wheel-barrels full of money on their way to buy... whatever they can afford

"Alarming echoes of the past have long been evident in a Republican Party that supports Trump’s description of undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border as “animals, “rapists” and “vermin.” They were silent (if not overtly supportive) when he disparaged Black athletes, claimed that all Haitians have AIDS, and repeatedly used the language of white nationalism and white supremacy as a badge of identity and as a tool to mobilize his supporters. It is worth remembering that in a different historical context, Adolf Hitler spoke of Jews, LGBTQ people and political opponents in the same terms. In both historical and contemporary cases, demagogues created a cultural politics and discourse that allowed people to think the unthinkable. In the current era of militarized hate, bigotry and white nationalism, the conditions that have produced fascism in the past are with us once again, proving, as Primo Levi noted, that, “Every age has its own fascism.” Again, Gilroy gets it right in stating that there is a need to understand “Fascism as a recurrent and infinitely translatable phenomenon.”


In the face of the Republican Party’s attack on electoral integrity, judicial independence, critical education and voter rights, coupled with its unabashed defense of corruption, white nationalism and support for oligarchs such as Viktor Orbán in Hungary, the U.S. has become more closely aligned with the nightmare of fascism. As language is stripped of any substantive meaning, and reason is undermined by conspiracy theories, falsehoods and misinformation produced by the right’s disimagination machine, the ideological and institutional guardrails designed to protect democracy begin to collapse.

Fascism today once again wears boldly and shamelessly the trappings of white supremacy. As neoliberalism disconnects itself from any democratic values and resorts to blaming the victim, it easily bonds with the poison of white supremacy in order to divert attention from its own economic and political failures. Instead of appealing to a free-market utopia which has lost its legitimacy due to its ruthless policies of austerity, deregulation, destruction of the welfare state, galloping immiseration and scorn for any vestige of government responsibility, neoliberalism now joins hands with a fascist politics. In this discourse, it blames all social problems, including the absurd claim that white people are victims of racism, on people of color, anti-racist discourse, progressive social movements and almost any source capable of holding power accountable."
The EPA and the Green Religion Cult is one of the primary weapons The New World Order Globalist State uses to attack our freedoms, our livelihoods, and our businesses.
I know.

I read a book by Senator Inhoffe of OK once on environmental issues. . half to confess it was awhile ago and I cannot remember much of it but he made excellent, scientific points RE how the environemnt is not in as bad or half-bad shape as dimrats claim
I know.

I read a book by Senator Inhoffe of OK once on environmental issues. . half to confess it was awhile ago and I cannot remember much of it but he made excellent, scientific points RE how the environemnt is not in as bad or half-bad shape as dimrats claim
We have the cleanest air and water now since the beginning of The Industrial Revolution. That is a fact.
another say-nothing post

The left are always vilifying business but again, how is gummit going to support 320 million people if there are no businesses or workers paying taxes?

oh, just print up more money..
Isn't inflation high enough as it is, even WITH businesses in America still intact?

prices aren't high enough for ya?

I recall photos I have seen circa 1930s in Germany.. people with wheel-barrels full of money on their way to buy... whatever they can afford
I’m being very careful not to vilify anything or anyone.

Your positions are factually described as pro-corporate and you continue to do so. Do you deny it?
We have the cleanest air and water now since the beginning of The Industrial Revolution. That is a fact.
but its never enough for the dimrats who need an issue.. any damn issue.. to further their sick communistic agenda, to force it down Americans' throats.

It is aptly called Green policies

as in Greenbacks galore (for the dimrats-- and few others)

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