Former Special Ops Official ‘Shocked’ WH isn’t Considering Stripping Hillary's Security Clearance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Two retired colonels say former Secretary of State and failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should have had her security clearance pulled.

One, retired Col. James Williamson, was surprised Clinton was not included in the White House’s announcement that it was considering revoking six former national security officials’ security clearances.

The colonels’ organization, OPSEC, twice asked then-Secretary of State John Kerry in 2015 to suspend the security clearances of Hillary Clinton and her aides, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Jacob Sullivan.

-- Surprise, surprise: Kerry refused to do so.

“Frankly, I was shocked that Hillary, the chief culprit, was omitted,” stated retired Col. James Williamson, who was in special operations for 30 years and has held a top-level security since 1982, is president of OPSEC, a nonpartisan organization representing retired special forces and intelligence community officials.

“There is more than ample evidence that Hillary Clinton committed, whether its gross negligence, or, as [former FBI Director James] Comey would like to say, extreme carelessness,” Williamson told TheDCNF. “Just from the documented evidence, there was enough to prosecute. If there’s evidence to prosecute, then there’s certainly grounds to pull somebody’s clearance.”

(Actually it was not Comey who used the phrase ' extreme carelessness'. Comey wrote 'gross negligence' - twice - in the final report on the Hillary server investigation. It was FBI Agent Strzok who later changed the wording to protect Hillary from indictment.)

"Clinton “moved classified information from the State Department to a private server,” Waurishuk, who served on the National Security Council and on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told TheDCNF. “Her clearance should have been immediately revoked and proper action taken to have her removed. She still carries that crime.”

“She was a risk,” he continued. “That is one of the things you look at. Is this person a risk? And yes, she was a risk. From that standpoint, she should have her clearance revoked.”

The FACT that Hillary was a national security risk is UNDENIABLE based on the fact that she not only operated an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all crimes) server containing TOP SECRET+ information, the US IG reported that 6 FOREIGN ENTITIES - not just Russia - ended up acquiring this data from off of her unprotected illegal server.


"Unfortunately, there is ample evidence that this private server was inadequately protected from foreign intelligence penetration and malicious ‘hacking,'”

'Representatives for Clinton did not respond to a request for comment.'

Former Special Ops Official ‘Shocked’ White House Isn’t Considering Stripping Hillary Clinton’s Security Clearance

Guess we folks aren't the only ones who know what a POS Hitlery is and always has been.

Anyone else would probably be up on charges for what she's done.

Don't worry though. Hitlery will never, ever be held accountable for anything she's ever done.
It's okay. Trump's security clearance can be removed while the next guy is taking the oath of office.
I would assume it wouldn’t matter as her hubby would still have his, and thus she would still have access.

I don’t agree with it, but what can you do.
I don’t agree with it, but what can you do.
Strip both of them of their security clearances.

Indict her, perp-walk her, and send her to prison for proven violations of the FOIA / FRA, mishandling classified, Obstruction, 'Gross Negligence', Espionage.......
I don’t agree with it, but what can you do.
Strip both of them of their security clearances.

Indict her, perp-walk her, and send her to prison for proven violations of the FOIA / FRA, mishandling classified, Obstruction, 'Gross Negligence', Espionage.......
I understand all past presidents retain their security clearances.
I don’t agree with it, but what can you do.
Strip both of them of their security clearances.

Indict her, perp-walk her, and send her to prison for proven violations of the FOIA / FRA, mishandling classified, Obstruction, 'Gross Negligence', Espionage.......

Hope you ain't holding your breath there babe cause it will never happen.

It should happen. But it won't.
I don’t agree with it, but what can you do.
Strip both of them of their security clearances.

Indict her, perp-walk her, and send her to prison for proven violations of the FOIA / FRA, mishandling classified, Obstruction, 'Gross Negligence', Espionage.......
I understand all past presidents retain their security clearances.

Good article on just that.
Oh and Hitlery's security clearance should have been pulled after she left her Secretary's post.
I understand all past presidents retain their security clearances.
Not all past Presidents were Impeached, worked for the KHB Bank, and met directly with Putin before their wives signed off on a deal to give Putin 20% of the US supply of uranium......
Why Not?

Trump is stripping them from all his other enemies
I understand all past presidents retain their security clearances.
Not all past Presidents were Impeached, worked for the KHB Bank, and met directly with Putin before their wives signed off on a deal to give Putin 20% of the US supply of uranium......
I hear you. But he finished out his term. It will never happen.
Two retired colonels say former Secretary of State and failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should have had her security clearance pulled.

One, retired Col. James Williamson, was surprised Clinton was not included in the White House’s announcement that it was considering revoking six former national security officials’ security clearances.

The colonels’ organization, OPSEC, twice asked then-Secretary of State John Kerry in 2015 to suspend the security clearances of Hillary Clinton and her aides, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Jacob Sullivan.

-- Surprise, surprise: Kerry refused to do so.

“Frankly, I was shocked that Hillary, the chief culprit, was omitted,” stated retired Col. James Williamson, who was in special operations for 30 years and has held a top-level security since 1982, is president of OPSEC, a nonpartisan organization representing retired special forces and intelligence community officials.

“There is more than ample evidence that Hillary Clinton committed, whether its gross negligence, or, as [former FBI Director James] Comey would like to say, extreme carelessness,” Williamson told TheDCNF. “Just from the documented evidence, there was enough to prosecute. If there’s evidence to prosecute, then there’s certainly grounds to pull somebody’s clearance.”

(Actually it was not Comey who used the phrase ' extreme carelessness'. Comey wrote 'gross negligence' - twice - in the final report on the Hillary server investigation. It was FBI Agent Strzok who later changed the wording to protect Hillary from indictment.)

"Clinton “moved classified information from the State Department to a private server,” Waurishuk, who served on the National Security Council and on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told TheDCNF. “Her clearance should have been immediately revoked and proper action taken to have her removed. She still carries that crime.”

“She was a risk,” he continued. “That is one of the things you look at. Is this person a risk? And yes, she was a risk. From that standpoint, she should have her clearance revoked.”

The FACT that Hillary was a national security risk is UNDENIABLE based on the fact that she not only operated an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all crimes) server containing TOP SECRET+ information, the US IG reported that 6 FOREIGN ENTITIES - not just Russia - ended up acquiring this data from off of her unprotected illegal server.


"Unfortunately, there is ample evidence that this private server was inadequately protected from foreign intelligence penetration and malicious ‘hacking,'”

'Representatives for Clinton did not respond to a request for comment.'

Former Special Ops Official ‘Shocked’ White House Isn’t Considering Stripping Hillary Clinton’s Security Clearance

he's a deep state whacko!
it's a damn shame what the Divider n Chief has done by politicizing our intelligence agencies.... he really wants us to be Russia.... lock up any dissenters...who don't agree with him.... strip any dissenters of intelligence so they can't help the newbies coming in.... or strip their 1st amendment right.

can't wait till the lawless destroyer gets his due justice and burns in hell.... forever and ever. amen! :p
It's okay. Trump's security clearance can be removed while the next guy is taking the oath of office.
When he becomes a citizen again, his security clearance should be removed. So should Clinton's.

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