Former Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh Taken Of

So the question remains. Why is it okay to use a racist term like Redskins but not other racist terms such as ****** and ****? Isn't racist, racist? Or have the PC idiots now determined degrees of racism associated with various terms?

It is pretty simple, Redskin isn't a racist term...I would say it is closer to a term of endearment! Riots haven't started over the use of Redskin. People don't use the word Redskin to represent vile hated and racism. There is a big difference...and only disingenuous and racist teaper scum try to use such simplistic arguments to justify their racism.

Stupid works when you are preaching to idiots (like teapers) doesn't work with people who display an ounce of intelligence.

Actually, it is racist. And an entire civilization was crushed because of hatred for "red skin".

Racism is pretty much universal. There is no group who does not find some idiotic reason to hate those who are different from from them. That fact that humans tend to hate entire groups for no real reason is not justification for assholes like Joe (Dead Beat Dad) Welsh or Rick (oops) Perry to spew their ignorance and hate.

Humans should be and can be better than them and their ignorance is good reason to vote them out of office.

Most of the native Americans were wiped out by disease not because hatred.
Just put up a thread on any Black Republican and you'll see who the real racist are and what party they come from

this is just another BS THREAD accusing the WHOLE Tea Party and people who are involved in it as Racist

so what do they dig up, A FORMER a former Gop...THAT'S DESPERATION FOLKS

they have nothing else folks, Obama and Democrats are falling down into the gutter

They're like little marching tools who just spouts the liberal/democrat talking points

these types needs to be shunned
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If only he'd tell some of the lbs to go f**k Cheney did.

Cheney is awesome. Too bad you are a typical teaper that remains silent when racists represent you. Telling, very telling and more proof the tea party is nothing more than a racist movement, thinly disguised as something political.

You are so totally wrong on so many points that I wonder if you really think at all. First, using the word "", does not make one a racist, except in the eyes of ignorant asses. It may mean one is insensitive, politically incorrect, and not too bright, but it gives no indication of whether one believes that his/her race is superior to another.

Second, the words, and/or actions of one man, or one woman, do not represent the views of millions of people who do not even know who the asshole is. It does not imply that either the Tea party movement or the GOP is racist, insensitive, or even politically incorrect. Except, in the eyes of ignorant, partisan asses, looking to tar the Tea party movement, with anything they can find.

Third, people are only represented by the people they get to vote for, or against. The only people this politician represents are the people of his district.

Once one gets beyond the ignorant nonsense, it is patently clear, that you don't even have a valid complaint, let alone a partisan political point.
Just put up a thread on any Black Republican and you'll see who the real racist are and what party they come from

this is just another BS THREAD accusing the WHOLE Tea Party and people who are involved in it as Racist

so what do they dig up, A FORMER a former Gop...THAT'S DESPERATION FOLKS

they have nothing else folks, Obama and Democrats are falling down into the gutter

They're like little marching tools who just spouts the liberal/democrat talking points

these types needs to be shunned

Thing is, Staph, you are one of the biggest racists on this forum and perhaps THE biggest lemming around here. You have ZERO original thought and all you ever do is post about the liberal media and 'marching tools'. LOL...Have you ever taken the time to think that people believe teapers are racist because of YOU and your ilk? Media has nothing to do with are proof enough.

Teapers hypocrisy is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Their talking points are to call everyone a liberal that disagrees with them. These types should be shunned.

HOw is that revolution going guys planning another stand off with the guys planning another mass shooting?
Poor OKTX...a teaper lemming. Look bud, you either condemn racism or you support it. Which is it?

I support his free speech rights to make a point, there was nothing racist about it, only ignorant people can't see that. Now answer my question.
If only he'd tell some of the lbs to go f**k Cheney did.

Cheney is awesome. Too bad you are a typical teaper that remains silent when racists represent you. Telling, very telling and more proof the tea party is nothing more than a racist movement, thinly disguised as something political.

You are so totally wrong on so many points that I wonder if you really think at all. First, using the word "", does not make one a racist, except in the eyes of ignorant asses. It may mean one is insensitive, politically incorrect, and not too bright, but it gives no indication of whether one believes that his/her race is superior to another.
When you use the word to show hate and is indeed a racist statement.

Second, the words, and/or actions of one man, or one woman, do not represent the views of millions of people who do not even know who the asshole is. It does not imply that either the Tea party movement or the GOP is racist, insensitive, or even politically incorrect. Except, in the eyes of ignorant, partisan asses, looking to tar the Tea party movement, with anything they can find.
It is many more than just one person who spew racist nonsense in the tea party. All you really need to do is peruse this forum to see examples of teaper hatred.
Third, people are only represented by the people they get to vote for, or against. The only people this politician represents are the people of his district.

Once one gets beyond the ignorant nonsense, it is patently clear, that you don't even have a valid complaint, let alone a partisan political point.
Then why not condemn racism and racist comments made by your teaper breathern? Saying something isn't racist (justifying or rationalizing hate) is not condemning, it is enabling.
Where did I say anything about "black" racism?

You and your teaper ilk bring it up all of the time. Hell, even in this thread...justifying racism because *some* (meaning very few) black racists use the term 'cracker'.

:lmao: pathetic. Just embrace your racism instead of trying to hide it. Coward pussies!

Like I said (and you just admitted your own funny negro way)....I never commented about "black" racism.

You go around calling black people 'negro' and you expect us to believe you are not racist scum...that is classic. Preach your stupid to stupid people (teapers)...they are lemmings and will eat it up.
Poor OKTX...a teaper lemming. Look bud, you either condemn racism or you support it. Which is it?

I support his free speech rights to make a point, there was nothing racist about it, only ignorant people can't see that. Now answer my question.

'I support free speech,' lemming teaper code word for I support racism. LMAO...tell the grand wizard to come up with a new argument. :lol: Pathetic.

What question?
You go around calling black people 'negro' and you expect us to believe you are not racist scum...that is classic. Preach your stupid to stupid people (teapers)...they are lemmings and will eat it up. you've abandoned your lie about me talking about "black" racism and introduced a new topic. Great tactic. :doubt:

People of the asian race are "asians". Is that "racist"?

People of the caucasian race are "caucasians". Is that "racist"?

People of the negroid race are "negroes". Is that "racist"? What's the problem?
Poor OKTX...a teaper lemming. Look bud, you either condemn racism or you support it. Which is it?

I support his free speech rights to make a point, there was nothing racist about it, only ignorant people can't see that. Now answer my question.

'I support free speech,' lemming teaper code word for I support racism. LMAO...tell the grand wizard to come up with a new argument. :lol: Pathetic.

What question?

I'm sorry, are you suffering dementia along with your jackass ignorance. Review the thread you'll find it.
You go around calling black people 'negro' and you expect us to believe you are not racist scum...that is classic. Preach your stupid to stupid people (teapers)...they are lemmings and will eat it up. you've abandoned your lie about me talking about "black" racism and introduced a new topic. Great tactic. :doubt:

People of the asian race are "asians". Is that "racist"?

People of the caucasian race are "caucasians". Is that "racist"?

People of the negroid race are "negroes". Is that "racist"? What's the problem?

You haven't figured it out yet, nutz thinks he's the only arbiter of racism, no one has a valid opinion other than him. He's just a lonely little person, pathetic really.
You go around calling black people 'negro' and you expect us to believe you are not racist scum...that is classic. Preach your stupid to stupid people (teapers)...they are lemmings and will eat it up. you've abandoned your lie about me talking about "black" racism and introduced a new topic. Great tactic. :doubt:

People of the asian race are "asians". Is that "racist"?

People of the caucasian race are "caucasians". Is that "racist"?

People of the negroid race are "negroes". Is that "racist"? What's the problem?

You haven't figured it out yet, nutz thinks he's the only arbiter of racism, no one has a valid opinion other than him. He's just a lonely little person, pathetic really.

I have him completely figured out. He hates white people and facts. In that order.

All that name calling?..LMAO..obviously projecting his own insecurity and unhappiness.
Cheney is awesome. Too bad you are a typical teaper that remains silent when racists represent you. Telling, very telling and more proof the tea party is nothing more than a racist movement, thinly disguised as something political.

You are so totally wrong on so many points that I wonder if you really think at all. First, using the word "", does not make one a racist, except in the eyes of ignorant asses. It may mean one is insensitive, politically incorrect, and not too bright, but it gives no indication of whether one believes that his/her race is superior to another.
When you use the word to show hate and is indeed a racist statement.

Second, the words, and/or actions of one man, or one woman, do not represent the views of millions of people who do not even know who the asshole is. It does not imply that either the Tea party movement or the GOP is racist, insensitive, or even politically incorrect. Except, in the eyes of ignorant, partisan asses, looking to tar the Tea party movement, with anything they can find.
It is many more than just one person who spew racist nonsense in the tea party. All you really need to do is peruse this forum to see examples of teaper hatred.
Third, people are only represented by the people they get to vote for, or against. The only people this politician represents are the people of his district.

Once one gets beyond the ignorant nonsense, it is patently clear, that you don't even have a valid complaint, let alone a partisan political point.
Then why not condemn racism and racist comments made by your teaper breathern? Saying something isn't racist (justifying or rationalizing hate) is not condemning, it is enabling.

Since the comments were not racist, they don't demand condemnation. Since I am not a Tea party member, I don't have any teaper breathern. And, since the comments had absolutely nothing to do with racism, or hate, your assertion is nothing more than a figment of your own imagination and/or bad education.

I am a conservative that believes in a limited federal government, reasonable tax policy, reasonable regulatory policy, and accountability from government at all levels. That does not make me unAmerican, or a supporter of racists or racist politics.

I am also a firm believer that words are neither good, nor evil, and must be considered in the thought or idea that the words are used to convey to others. This stupid concept that some words are out of bounds, is akin to the blaspheny laws of the middle ages and some modern Moslem countries.

The people who wish to enforce this political correctness are no different than the witch hunters that we condemn in our history, or the people who cut off heads of others that do not agree with their religion.
Tiger, your opinion on what is racism sux.

Just saying, dude.

Uttering three words to make a point, not using them as a pejorative against anyone, is not racist. Commies like yourself who claim to be all about science still haven't figured out that there is only one race, it's called human, the labels you use to try to divide, just shows your ignorance.
Here is more proof the Tea Party is nothing more than a racist movement.
Here is more proof that the leftists have no agenda they can defend, so they have to dig and dig at their opponents instead until they finally find one racist, and then try to pretend the other 30,000,000 are just like him, hoping that people won't notice that they had to dig for months to even find one.

If one teaper condemned racism...I would be inclined to listen to them. They won't, instead they spew bullshit. You say we find only one, yet we see the racist pukes on this forum everyday.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with a teaper...they are just so full of hate and rage, they have lost track of reality.

:lol::lol::lol: You're so full of shit I am surprised you can see past the brown. TEA party folks nationwide have condemned ALL forms of bigotry, even yours where you accuse all Germans of being NAZI's and Canadians whom you claim are worthless.

Smile in the mirror next time you make a jackass statement like this moron.

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