Former Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh Taken Of

Notice how teapers will justify racism, but they won't condemn racism. I call that a red flag.
Here is more proof the Tea Party is nothing more than a racist movement.
Here is more proof that the leftists have no agenda they can defend, so they have to dig and dig at their opponents instead until they finally find one racist, and then try to pretend the other 30,000,000 are just like him, hoping that people won't notice that they had to dig for months to even find one.
Here is more proof the Tea Party is nothing more than a racist movement.
Here is more proof that the leftists have no agenda they can defend, so they have to dig and dig at their opponents instead until they finally find one racist, and then try to pretend the other 30,000,000 are just like him, hoping that people won't notice that they had to dig for months to even find one.

If one teaper condemned racism...I would be inclined to listen to them. They won't, instead they spew bullshit. You say we find only one, yet we see the racist pukes on this forum everyday.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with a teaper...they are just so full of hate and rage, they have lost track of reality.
So the question remains. Why is it okay to use a racist term like Redskins but not other racist terms such as ****** and ****? Isn't racist, racist? Or have the PC idiots now determined degrees of racism associated with various terms?

Any lefties have an answer?
So the question remains. Why is it okay to use a racist term like Redskins but not other racist terms such as ****** and ****? Isn't racist, racist? Or have the PC idiots now determined degrees of racism associated with various terms?

It is pretty simple, Redskin isn't a racist term...I would say it is closer to a term of endearment! Riots haven't started over the use of Redskin. People don't use the word Redskin to represent vile hated and racism. There is a big difference...and only disingenuous and racist teaper scum try to use such simplistic arguments to justify their racism.

Stupid works when you are preaching to idiots (like teapers) doesn't work with people who display an ounce of intelligence.
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Here is more proof the Tea Party is nothing more than a racist movement.
Here is more proof that the leftists have no agenda they can defend, so they have to dig and dig at their opponents instead until they finally find one racist, and then try to pretend the other 30,000,000 are just like him, hoping that people won't notice that they had to dig for months to even find one.

If one teaper condemned racism...I would be inclined to listen to them. They won't, instead they spew bullshit. You say we find only one, yet we see the racist pukes on this forum everyday.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with a teaper...they are just so full of hate and rage, they have lost track of reality.

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Big deal.

Here's how the real world works;
Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race.

People like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs.

That's just the way it is and all attempts at marxist social engineering to create artificial "equality"...or lowering standards in order to ensure "equality" do nothing to improve society and, in fact, lead to further racial friction.
Here is more proof that the leftists have no agenda they can defend, so they have to dig and dig at their opponents instead until they finally find one racist, and then try to pretend the other 30,000,000 are just like him, hoping that people won't notice that they had to dig for months to even find one.

If one teaper condemned racism...I would be inclined to listen to them. They won't, instead they spew bullshit. You say we find only one, yet we see the racist pukes on this forum everyday.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with a teaper...they are just so full of hate and rage, they have lost track of reality.

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Big deal.

So I suppose you will never use the black racist argument and the rest of the nonsense from your racist 101 talking points.
If one teaper condemned racism...I would be inclined to listen to them. They won't, instead they spew bullshit. You say we find only one, yet we see the racist pukes on this forum everyday.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with a teaper...they are just so full of hate and rage, they have lost track of reality.

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Big deal.

So I suppose you will never use the black racist argument and the rest of the nonsense from your racist 101 talking points.

You can "suppose" anything you want.
It is also quite telling, when teapers try tojustify racism by spewing nonsense about social engineering. Isn't about getting along and RESPECTING your neighbor? Apparently not, as racist teapers focus on hate and race.
This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Big deal.

So I suppose you will never use the black racist argument and the rest of the nonsense from your racist 101 talking points.

You can "suppose" anything you want.

Lol, because you will! If racism isn't a big deal, why do you spew so much nonsense about black racism. Teapers are fucking hilariously hypocritical.
It is also quite telling, when teapers try tojustify racism by spewing nonsense about social engineering. Isn't about getting along and RESPECTING your neighbor? Apparently not, as racist teapers focus on hate and race.

In political science, "social engineering" refers to organized efforts to manipulate people, influence attitudes, beliefs, and social behavior for the purpose of political control.
So I suppose you will never use the black racist argument and the rest of the nonsense from your racist 101 talking points.

You can "suppose" anything you want.

Lol, because you will! If racism isn't a big deal, why do you spew so much nonsense about black racism. Teapers are fucking hilariously hypocritical.

Where did I say anything about "black" racism?
You can "suppose" anything you want.

Lol, because you will! If racism isn't a big deal, why do you spew so much nonsense about black racism. Teapers are fucking hilariously hypocritical.

Where did I say anything about "black" racism?

You and your teaper ilk bring it up all of the time. Hell, even in this thread...justifying racism because *some* (meaning very few) black racists use the term 'cracker'.

:lmao: pathetic. Just embrace your racism instead of trying to hide it. Coward pussies!
Lol, because you will! If racism isn't a big deal, why do you spew so much nonsense about black racism. Teapers are fucking hilariously hypocritical.

Where did I say anything about "black" racism?

You and your teaper ilk bring it up all of the time. Hell, even in this thread...justifying racism because *some* (meaning very few) black racists use the term 'cracker'.

:lmao: pathetic. Just embrace your racism instead of trying to hide it. Coward pussies!

Like I said (and you just admitted your own funny negro way)....I never commented about "black" racism.
Lol, because you will! If racism isn't a big deal, why do you spew so much nonsense about black racism. Teapers are fucking hilariously hypocritical.

Where did I say anything about "black" racism?

You and your teaper ilk bring it up all of the time. Hell, even in this thread...justifying racism because *some* (meaning very few) black racists use the term 'cracker'.

:lmao: pathetic. Just embrace your racism instead of trying to hide it. Coward pussies!

You put the post up.
You are the one who did not get the point he was making.

Funny that you can distinguish between the few black racists but not the few white racists and then label everyone in a movement as all.
So the question remains. Why is it okay to use a racist term like Redskins but not other racist terms such as ****** and ****? Isn't racist, racist? Or have the PC idiots now determined degrees of racism associated with various terms?

It is pretty simple, Redskin isn't a racist term...I would say it is closer to a term of endearment! Riots haven't started over the use of Redskin. People don't use the word Redskin to represent vile hated and racism. There is a big difference...and only disingenuous and racist teaper scum try to use such simplistic arguments to justify their racism.

Stupid works when you are preaching to idiots (like teapers) doesn't work with people who display an ounce of intelligence.

Actually, it is racist. And an entire civilization was crushed because of hatred for "red skin".

Racism is pretty much universal. There is no group who does not find some idiotic reason to hate those who are different from from them. That fact that humans tend to hate entire groups for no real reason is not justification for assholes like Joe (Dead Beat Dad) Welsh or Rick (oops) Perry to spew their ignorance and hate.

Humans should be and can be better than them and their ignorance is good reason to vote them out of office.

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