Former Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh Taken Of

I'm surprised you didn't call me a ******...since it is okay, since black people say it. Do you even know any black people? Funny how you teapers claim you aren't racist, but never condemn racism and can only say FUCK YOU when the facts are presented to you.

Pathetic, truly pathetic.

How is that race war going?

Yep, I was correct that you lack the intellectual honesty, not surprised by it though, most of you fucking commies are the same.

I am a conservative...I have a duty to expose the tea party for what it is....a bunch of racist assholes who can't even explain why they are teapers.

How is the race war going?

Teaper Tactics 101 (Taking directly from the Grand Wizards Playbook)

If anyone disagrees with you, call them a commie.

Bullshit. You're nothing more than a garden variety progressive. Further you're a one trick pony. You need some new material. You've gotten stale.
notice how EVERYONE IS now a teapartier folks?

screw all these left wing hate sites stirring up this he said this, he said that

let them freakout all their zombie base of readers while they sucker them to pay to bill with it
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Nutz is just what his name says, loser, shit stirrer and leftist

no conservative would post such stupid crap from some site called, freakoutnation
Nutz is just what his name says, loser, shit stirrer and leftist

no conservative would post such stupid crap from some site called, freakoutnation

Stephanie is just a typical teaper, someone who wants to destroy the GOP in their effort for a race war. Pathetic, stupid and an asswipe. Why do you hate America so much, racist teaper scum.

Just once, it would be nice to have an honest discussion with a teaper, but how in the hell can that happen when all they do is justify racism and manufacture problems.
Read your own article. He wasn't calling anyone a ****** or ****. This is just a really weak excuse to start another "Let's call the Tea Partiers racist" thread. Besides, as long as blacks are permitted to use racist terms like "white boy, cracker", etc. they don't have any right to be offended.

I swear, all teapers must have the mentality of a 12 year old. Joey did it, so I can do it too. How pathetic. That is why teapers get no respect, they are sophomoric racists whose platform and ideology is based on nonsense. Its okay to be a racist because some blacks are racist...fucking pathetic.
Conservatives here invoke the name "Bush" more often than liberals do. Doing so has become a defense mechanism.

Don't bring Bush into this conversation, he was a true conservative.
Yep, I was correct that you lack the intellectual honesty, not surprised by it though, most of you fucking commies are the same.

I am a conservative...I have a duty to expose the tea party for what it is....a bunch of racist assholes who can't even explain why they are teapers.

How is the race war going?

Teaper Tactics 101 (Taking directly from the Grand Wizards Playbook)

If anyone disagrees with you, call them a commie.

Bullshit. You're nothing more than a garden variety progressive. Further you're a one trick pony. You need some new material. You've gotten stale.

Whatever you I said...racist teaper tactic anyone who disagrees with you a liberal, commie or progressive. How dare someone stand up to teaper racism and hypocrisy.

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