Former Trump aide Kash Patel set to testify in Mar-a-Lago docs probe: report

That would be when they could either impanel or select a grand jury for the purpose of rendering an indictment. Add to that the time to get people to honor subpoenas, and the grand jury returning a true bill.

So it could easily take until January or later.
There already is a Grand Jury, dumbass! They have not indicted him because they have no clue as to what crime he supposedly committed. That's why Patel is testifying. It's a fishing expedition that will come up empty once again!
The linked article is NOT to the NY Times! I don't do paywalls either!

The article is in The Hill!
You need to stop always being so contentious. The article I was referencing was one linked to the Slimes.

Subsequent to that, I did see the other article and ( before you interjected your usual supercilious commentary), I had already conceded the point.

Shouldn’t you be off somewhere scouring the other threads for typos and misspellings, ensign?
1. No one is above the law.

2. So long as Crooked Donald continues to cocktease the tards about a 2024 run, he will be relevant.

3. The Right went after Hillary every day for YEARS before she ran in 2016.
Biden and family say they are above the law every day with their actions.
As I said, it depends how long witnesses can delay their subpoenaed testimony before the grand jury.

Look how long Lindsey Graham stalled his testimony. And of course there was Trump in the New York case, was delayed for years.
The delay was because Trump committed no crime. That indictment of the Trump Organization will go away as soon as the Republican prosecuter takes office. He's beating the shit out of the incumbent in the polls and will win on Tuesday.
Trump fucked up by not returning all the government property he took.

If he had just returned ALL the documents he took when the National Archives came asking nice and politely, he would not be in legal jeopardy now.

But Trump just can't stop himself from being a thief and a liar. He lies even when he doesn't need to! He lies for recreation.

All he had to do when the National Archives came knocking is say, "Oops! My bad! Honest mistake. Here you go. Here's everything that belongs to you."

But just like he always cheats his contractors, Trump could not resist trying to pull a fast one.

Too bad for the fat fuck there was a paper trail which proved he had concealed some of the government's property.

And so we had to go through the drama of watching a crook having a search warrant executed on his fat thieving ass.

And then we had to watch the criminal prime his deluded stupid herd for violence if he is indicted.

Remember way back in the mists of time when the Clintons left the White House with some furniture which was government property?

They had been given a lot of gifts when they were in office. But some gifts were meant for the White House and not them personally.

The gifts meant for the White House were $28,000 worth of furniture.

You know what they did?

They said, "Oops! My bad! Honest mistake. Here you go." And they returned ALL of the furniture.

THAT is how Trump should have handled his situation.

I'm done with this topic. Hardheaded tards are gonna be hardhead tards. I'm done wasting any more of my time.
What is going to be hilarious is watching the MAGAt SPIN when Patel throws Trump under the bus.

After ALL this time quoting his bullshit "2000 Mules" misinformation as if it were the Holy Grail....and prattling on and on about his "IMPECCABLE" credentials, just watch the MAGAt reaction the moment Patel admits to investigators that he has NO idea what the orange cat-turd king is talking about as far as "declassification" of these documents goes.


Suddenly Patel will shift from cult idol to "traitor," liar, RHINO, "insignificant-doesn't-know-what-he's-talking-about, closet Democrat, scum of the earth....and on, and on, and on.....

It's going to be EPIC!

Just wait for it.
He's becoming a rhinoceros?

The term is RINO, doofus!
You need to stop always being so contentious. The article I was referencing was one linked to the Slimes.

Subsequent to that, I did see the other article and ( before you interjected your usual supercilious commentary), I had already conceded the point.

Shouldn’t you be off somewhere scouring the other threads for typos and misspellings, ensign?

So you are adding liar to your resume? The link was in the OP. Get your shit together and stop acting like a liberal!
Again. Let’s assume the reporting is true and accurate. Now what?

He invoked the fifth for whatever reason or reasons. Then the DOJ had to ask the judge to grant Patel immunity. And so now Patel has to testify. And based on this, idiots like you ASSume that he won’t say that Trump declassified the previously classified documents.

Won’t you be (once again) exposed as a complete douche bag when Patel does testify that Trump DID order that declassification? 😎
Questions about declassification is what he claimed he couldn’t discuss lest he incriminate himself, dope.
That means he would have to lie to the grand jury if he wanted to maintain the farce or come clean and admit the farce.

He now cannot do that.

Are you getting how the DOJ maneuvered him into an untenable position yet?

The result will be that Trump will have no claim of declassification to build a defense around as his star witness just blew up.

This clears the only hurdle for the DOJ when prosecuting Trump. Cleans it up nicely.
The delay was because Trump committed no crime. That indictment of the Trump Organization will go away as soon as the Republican prosecuter takes office. He's beating the shit out of the incumbent in the polls and will win on Tuesday.
Not so fast, Commodore….

You could stop right there. The word “stole” has legal meaning. You keep misusing it. No rational, informed, intelligent and honest person accuses Trump of having “stolen” the documents.
Stolen, purloined, pilfered, filched, swiped ...

But you don't have to call it stolen.
There already is a Grand Jury, dumbass! They have not indicted him because they have no clue as to what crime he supposedly committed. That's why Patel is testifying. It's a fishing expedition that will come up empty once again!
It's more like an all you can eat buffet.
What if Patel says, "I heard Donald Trump say that all the documents he planned to take out of the White House are now declassified."

How could the DOJ harm him further?

How could they ever prove that he did not hear Trump say that?

You Dems are getting absurdly desperate, nowthat all the Trump-backed candidates that were also backed by the DNC are about to push Democrats off of their majority in Congress. You know that will only embolden Trump, and lead to two years of congressional investigations of Democrat Operatives pretending to be public servants.
Actually trump declassifying the documents before taking them to Mar-a-lago provides the mens rea. It proves the crime was premeditated.
So you are adding liar to your resume? The link was in the OP. Get your shit together and stop acting like a liberal!
I didn’t read the OP link either. But I did see a link from the Slimes which I declined to read.

I did later see a piece that wasn’t from the Slimes. And it did support the claim made that Patel took the fifth and that the DOJ had to slink in to request that the judge grant him immunity.

Man. I sure hope you’re all caught up now, ensign.

Try this. Get your own shit together too, boy. And stop pretending that your all that and a bag of chips. You’re not. You’re just a kind of insufferable old man.

And if, by chance, you occasionally provide some useful insights, keep up the good work. But your lose your twat-attitude or people will assume you’re a lib.

If you wish to get back on topic, I’d like to encourage you. But if you insist on being a school marm over inconsequential crap like all typos all the time, then you might as well just leave the board. You’re unlikely to be of assistance.
Questions about declassification is what he claimed he couldn’t discuss lest he incriminate himself, dope.
You don’t know that, you dishonest Retard. Grand jury proceedings are secret.
It might very well be that he refuses to answer any questions.
That means he would have to lie to the grand jury if he wanted to maintain the farce or come clean and admit the farce.
Your guess-work is without substance. Compounding it doesn’t help.
He now cannot do that.
He now will be required to answer questions. That much is true.
Are you getting how the DOJ maneuvered him into an untenable position yet?
I would say he maneuvered them.
The result will be that Trump will have no claim of declassification to build a defense around as his star witness just blew up.
Your guesswork is far off base, yet again. Your error begins with the ASSumption that Patel wont be “able” to testify that Trump did order the declassification. But you’re seriously lacking in any basis to explain why not.
This clears the only hurdle for the DOJ when prosecuting Trump. Cleans it up nicely.
Nope. Assuming that he does testify as I (not you) expect, then the Brandon Department of Miscarriage of Justice will be stymied in its fucking track.

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