Former Trump aide Kash Patel set to testify in Mar-a-Lago docs probe: report

The court imposed those requirements. Each administration can determine it's own unique protocols, but they have to be established. In short, they can't make it up as they go along.
The Court imposed what requirements? Where does it say the President can't make up his own protcal as he goes along?

The President IS the Executive Branch.
He violated that law. When you violate a law, you have committed a crime.

All caught up now?
hahah that's totally untrue...the vast majority of laws aren't criminal. The only crimes in the Federal Code are in Chapter 18. The Presidential Records Act is not part of it
You are quoting a headline written by a journalist.

I quoted an actual statement by JUDGES, dipshit.

Why does this confuse you so much?!?!?

Which part of “declassification, even by the president, must follow established procedureYou

You didn't read the entire opinion, clearly.....first that case dealt with inadvertently declassifiying something, not intentionally....the President is claiming he intentionally declassified documents in this case.

Secondly, you also miss the point, that the President IS the Executive branch, the President decides the procedure...nobody else unless he lets them
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You could stop right there. The word “stole” has legal meaning. You keep misusing it. No rational, informed, intelligent and honest person accuses Trump of having “stolen” the documents.
No rational, informed, intelligent and honest person denies the accusation of Trump having “stolen” the documents.
A. Patel DID testify before a Grand Jury and plead the Fifth

B. Patel has been granted immunity and can no longer refuse to testify and answer question unless he wants to be found in Contempt

Rut Roh
A. Patel DID testify before a Grand Jury and plead the Fifth

B. Patel has been granted immunity and can no longer refuse to testify and answer question unless he wants to be found in Contempt

Rut Roh
we know what he is gonna say…he’s already said it publicly
Contrary to liberal hopes, I don't think that Mr. Patel will be stupid enough to lie about President Trump.

Mr. Patel knows that surveillance cameras are up all around Mar-a-Lago and if he were to lie, it would be bad news for him.

My guess is that Patel will just give his opinion about what he thinks Trump was thinking. In other words, nothing worthwhile at all, as this not the Amazing Fucking Kreskin with certified mind reading abilities.

He can't testify what Trump was "thinking".
Patel will either say some version of I heard Trump reclassify documents or of I did not hear Trump reclassify documents.

Either way so what? They would have indicted Trump already if they were going to.

I guess you have to admire the single-mindedness of Democrats saying this time we finally got him hundreds of times over the course of 7 years.

They will indite after the midterms.
Patel can testify as to what he thinks that Trump was thinking.

That was the essence of the testimony of impeachment committee witnesses like Kent and Taylor.

Nope. They can testify as to what Trump said and did.
Any. Day. Now!

Day 3,564,879,273,126,275

The difference being that Trump is completely out of options and protections. He's hidden behind the "DOJ can't prosecute a sitting President" notion for the entire 4 years of his Presidency. Now he's planning on running again. He's appealled every decision on every filing right up to the Supreme Court to block the release of evidence to DOJ or Congress, and those appeals are all being rejected by the SC.

Throughout his criminal dealings throughout his life, Trump has relied upon keeping no paper trail that leads back to him, as his protection from prosecution. He gave no written instructions, famously doesn't use email or text messages, and had a habit of ripping up and shredding any written material given to him by advisors and associates.

But the Presidential Records Act requires that ANYTHING that happens in the White House be preserved as part of the historical record. So while Trump was ripping these incriminating briefs up and stuffing them down the toilets, the staff of the National Archives was cleaning out the drains and taping them all back together again.

Trump was going to try to use the TOP SECRET stuff he stole from the White House to blackmail the US Government into not prosecuting him, according to some of those advisors. This is the caliber of person you admire and trust with the nuclear codes - a criminal conman out to destroy your country.

The difference being that Trump is completely out of options and protections. He's hidden behind the "DOJ can't prosecute a sitting President" notion for the entire 4 years of his Presidency. Now he's planning on running again. He's appealled every decision on every filing right up to the Supreme Court to block the release of evidence to DOJ or Congress, and those appeals are all being rejected by the SC.

Throughout his criminal dealings throughout his life, Trump has relied upon keeping no paper trail that leads back to him, as his protection from prosecution. He gave no written instructions, famously doesn't use email or text messages, and had a habit of ripping up and shredding any written material given to him by advisors and associates.

But the Presidential Records Act requires that ANYTHING that happens in the White House be preserved as part of the historical record. So while Trump was ripping these incriminating briefs up and stuffing them down the toilets, the staff of the National Archives was cleaning out the drains and taping them all back together again.

Trump was going to try to use the TOP SECRET stuff he stole from the White House to blackmail the US Government into not prosecuting him, according to some of those advisors. This is the caliber of person you admire and trust with the nuclear codes - a criminal conman out to destroy your country.

Has Trump filed any new lawsuits today?
There is often a HUGE difference between what these MAGAt freaks say publiclt and what they say privately bwhind clised doors....and under oath.
how do you know what they say privately? any examples?
Has Trump filed any new lawsuits today?

Yes he has. There was a new Mar-a-lago suit filed but it has less hope than any of the ones filed previously, so I haven’t really paid attention to it.

The District Court where Trump appealed the Search Warrant cases excoriated the Trump appointed judge who took the Special Master case and said that “judge shopping” would not be tolerated in the courts. She should not have taken the case at all.
how do you know what they say privately? any examples?
Rudy Guilliani and Sidney Powell are good examples.

Google their public statements claiming to have evidence election fraud between Nov. 2020 and Jan. 2021.

But rhen when they found themselves before federal judges (64 in all) and found themselves in a position to acrually present said evidence....kept changing their story.

"Uh....we don't actually HAVE the evidence Your Honor....b-but we're pretty sure SOME must exist SOMEWHERE!"

Then, aftwr being tgrown out of court over and over again they'd go stand in front of the microphones and repeat tge lies again...

only to get laughed out of the next court.
Yes he has. There was a new Mar-a-lago suit filed but it has less hope than any of the ones filed previously, so I haven’t really paid attention to it.

The District Court where Trump appealed the Search Warrant cases excoriated the Trump appointed judge who took the Special Master case and said that “judge shopping” would not be tolerated in the courts. She should not have taken the case at all.

Love it. I think most of Trump's lawsuits will be thrown out.

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