Former Trump donor reveals why he's supporting possible DeSantis run

The Republican Party can nominate whomever they like of course.

But if they think that they can somehow avoid the Democrats' calumnies by telling the little Trumpsters to go copulate themselves, they are deluding themselves.

Look back on what the libs and the media said about Romney and McCain when the GOP decided to go full tilt RINO.
The Dens are wnning in 2024, Americans should focus heavily on who the Dems choose in their Primary.
I like DeSantis better than Trump; however, I will most likely vote Trump if he is the Republican nominee. I would hope that those who like Trump over DeSantis will vote DeSantis in the general election also if he turns out being the nominee. Who knows? It might be neither Trump or DeSantis who get the republican nomination.

I think it is easy to see that the dems are hoping Trump will be the republican running in the general.
I just can't see DeSantis primarying Trump next year. He already has a lot on his plate as Florida governor and campaigning takes lots of time. Further, 2024 is likely a Democrat year, Sleepy Joe is considered to be really competent by the Democrat masses.

Why screw up a possible 2028 or 2032 run by getting the reputation as a loser? Further, the RINO Moderate wing of the GOP doesn't like DeSantis any more than they like the Trumpster. I can't see the possibility of a victory if he decides to try and split the party instead of uniting and for DeSantis to wait his turn.
The Dens are wnning in 2024, Americans should focus heavilg on who they choose.

You're probably correct.
The Left has the entire Media and Entertainment industry to back their choices and all the talk shows to slander the Right.
If that's not enough, they have processes firmly in place now to "guide" elections to their favor.
The nail in the coffin is that they also have the DOJ and FBI to go after those who oppose.

The Conservative Right is still under the illusion they can vote for their guy and win, but I think those days are past.
I agree with you, I personally don't see ANY chance for a Trump or DeSantis victory in 2024.
From here on Presidents will be "Appointed and Installed" by the deep pockets. But they won't really be in charge anymore.
First rule: Never vote for a Democrat.

Second rule: Never vote for a RINO.
The nation has been brainwashed by the Left Media to be disgusted with and afraid of Trump. It was a huge success. Very few will openly admit they support Trump at this point. They succeeded in attaching a permanent stigma to him that people are ashamed of and avoid.

I suppose this is why the Left wants Trump to be the nominee. They haven't worked their magic on DeSantis yet, but they've started.
I maintain that Trump is part of the Establishment swamp and even if they install him, the Conservative Right is going to be horrified that he acts much like Biden. Remember his first term he could have another. In a second term he has no more presidential terms and the real Leftist Donald Trump will become evident. My prediction anyway. Place your bets.
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I would vote for DeSantis in the primaries because I think he has a lot of the same great ideas as Trump in a more polished, less abrasive package. If Trump happens to win the nomination, it is a no brainer to vote for him over Biden. The issue in that scenario is the number Independents who are just as childish as most Democrats and wouldn't vote for Trump due to his personality. Hoping DeSantis wins both and we can get back on track in this country before it is too late.
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