Former US Marine Willy Joseph Cancel got cancelled by Russian Forces.

No, and again are You promoting rape?
No, im just saying that someone needs to fill that hole in her heart. She is young and quite attractive. She could use some comfort from the Russian soldiers who killed her weakling husband.
No, im just saying that someone needs to fill that hole in her heart. She is young and quite attractive. She could use some comfort from the Russian soldiers who killed her weakling husband.
So you are promoting rape…

You can play that coy-dog nonsense with someone else but let me be clear Slav you ain’t being coy with me…

Now think long and hard about what you are conveying and note if I have to fight just remember this I support genocide and believe Hitler mistake was going after the Jewish population and not the Eastern European and Russian Slav population harder…
I believe the same thing can be said of the American Troops in Vietnam
Big difference. We had actually destroyed the Viet Cong to that only the NVA was the threat. The Tet Offensive was successfully deterred by the U.S. The cause of our leaving Vietnam (not really losing the war), was because of news media's unrestricted access on the battlefield, showing the death and carnage. The left-leaning colleges/universities were breeding grounds for left-leaning students who didn't want to go to war and concerned families, were upset at what was depicted on their television screens, thus massive protests were mounted and due to pressure from the public at home, we pulled out. Had restrictions on the media been in place like they were in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. would have remained in Vietnam and also destroyed the NVA.
Big difference. We had actually destroyed the Viet Cong to that only the NVA was the threat. The Tet Offensive was successfully deterred by the U.S. The cause of our leaving Vietnam (not really losing the war), was because of news media's unrestricted access on the battlefield, showing the death and carnage. The left-leaning colleges/universities were breeding grounds for left-leaning students who didn't want to go to war and concerned families, were upset at what was depicted on their television screens, thus massive protests were mounted and due to pressure from the public at home, we pulled out. Had restrictions on the media been in place like they were in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. would have remained in Vietnam and also destroyed the NVA.
Total BS, We should never have been there in the first place.
So you are promoting rape…

You can play that coy-dog nonsense with someone else but let me be clear Slav you ain’t being coy with me…

Now think long and hard about what you are conveying and note if I have to fight just remember this I support genocide and believe Hitler mistake was going after the Jewish population and not the Eastern European and Russian Slav population harder…

Her stupid husband should have stayed instead of dying in his Rusky Safari.

Yeah, Hitler was a fool on picking a fight with thr USSR, he should have focused his entire efforts on the Americans, that way, he might have repelled the Americans.

Remember, if were the Soviets who took Berlin and decimated many of the most important forces of the Gwrmans, not the US.
Her stupid husband should have stayed instead of dying in his Rusky Safari.

Yeah, Hitler was a fool on picking a fight with thr USSR, he should have focused his entire efforts on the Americans, that way, he might have repelled the Americans.

Remember, if were the Soviets who took Berlin and decimated many of the most important forces of the Gwrmans, not the US.
The Soviets would have lost the war hadn’t not been for the U.S., so your revisionist history is a joke…

Roosevelt should have let your people died…

So you want to rape women of dead soldier’s?

Typical Slav can’t get a woman to look at you so you rape the ones of your enemies…

I say Genocide Russia and leave a note on each grave saying “ They got what they deserved “…
The Soviets would have lost the war hadn’t not been for the U.S., so your revisionist history is a joke…

Roosevelt should have let your people died…

So you want to rape women of dead soldier’s?

Typical Slav can’t get a woman to look at you so you rape the ones of your enemies…

I say Genocide Russia and leave a note on each grave saying “ They got what they deserved “…
Carefull what you wish for.
The Soviets would have lost the war hadn’t not been for the U.S., so your revisionist history is a joke…

Roosevelt should have let your people died…

So you want to rape women of dead soldier’s?

Typical Slav can’t get a woman to look at you so you rape the ones of your enemies…

I say Genocide Russia and leave a note on each grave saying “ They got what they deserved “…

Carefull what you wish for.

The Germans murdered and raped many Russians during WW2 and Russians repaid the favor.
The US has done much the same during WW2 and their many wars through the world, wouldn't hurt if Russia also returns the favor.
They took over Afghanistan just like the Viet Cong took over Vietnam.

Your army can't even fight a bunch of goat herders and you want to fight Russia.
Idiot. They only took over Afghanistan when we pulled out. Those goatherders kept the Russian army OUT of Afghanistan.
Carefull what you wish for.

Carefull what you wish for.

The Germans murdered and raped many Russians during WW2 and Russians repaid the favor.
The US has done much the same during WW2 and their many wars through the world, wouldn't hurt if Russia also returns the favor.
Yeah, but Russians are cowards and rape women and children while slaughtering the men…

I am Canadian by birth, so I have no connection to the U.S. past, so remember that Rooskie!
Yeah, but Russians are cowards and rape women and children while slaughtering the men…

I am Canadian by birth, so I have no connection to the U.S. past, so remember that Rooskie!
The same could go for Canadian women, though i consider British, Canadian and Australian women quite nasty. Nothing the Chechens cant set straight.
Does Canada even have much of an army? Last time i checked, Canadian government was considering recruiting directly from abroad.
They took over Afghanistan just like the Viet Cong took over Vietnam.

Your army can't even fight a bunch of goat herders and you want to fight Russia.
You don't ever get any facts straight. First, the Vietcong didn't take over South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese Army CONQUERED it with an army that was turned from a third world guerrilla army into a second world mechanized armor heavy force by your country at no cost to North Vietnam. And even then only because the USA reneged on the promises of military support to the South Vietnamese that were used to get them to agree with the Paris Peace Treaty which the North violated.

Second, the Russians never took over Afghanistan. They were "invited" in by a "friendly" government that took power in a coup de etat to help that government hold power. Even with unlimited Russian assistance, including mining vast portions of Afghanistan and wide-spread use of chemical weapons on civilians, the Russians and their puppet government never held anything more than the cities and the ground under the tracks of their tanks. After nine years the mighty Russians left with their tails between their legs.

Gee that sounds just like what Russia tried in Ukraine, installing a friendly government first in Crimea, then in Donbass and using it as a pretext for invasion. It worked in Georgia with Ossetia, sort of worked with Crimea, but utterly failed this time. The Ukrainians learned their lesson from 2014 and were prepared this time.
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I believe the same thing can be said of the American Troops in Vietnam
Sorry, you are wrong, US troops never lost a major battle in Vietnam. After nearly years of war, the North Vietnamese were begging to sign the Paris Peace Accords after Nixon used the Air Force to cut all the road and rail links into China and the Navy to mine Haiphong Harbor, stopping Russian ships from bringing arms, military supplies and food to North Vietnam. The PRVN couldn't even feed itself by the end of the war. US troops left with a clear victory and a peace treaty signed by North Vietnam. When the North Vietnamese violated, hell, they tore it up, the treaty, the democratically controlled congress reneged on the promised military support and the RVN was invaded and defeated two years AFTER the US left,
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You don't ever get any facts straight. First, the Vietcong didn't take over South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese Army CONQUERED it with an army that was turned from a third world guerrilla army into a second world mechanized armor heavy force by your country at no cost to North Vietnam. And even then only because the USA reneged on the promises of military support to the South Vietnamese that were used to get them to agree with the Paris Peace Treaty which the North violated.

Second, the Russians never took over Afghanistan. They were "invited" in by a "friendly" government that took power in a coup de etat to help that government hold power. Even with unlimited Russian assistance, including mining vast portions of Afghanistan and wide-spread use of chemical weapons on civilians, the Russians and their puppet government never held anything more than the cities and the ground under the tracks of their tanks. After nine years the mighty Russians left with their tails between their legs.

Gee that sounds just like what Russia tried in Ukraine, installing a friendly government first in Crimea, then in Donbass and using it as a pretext for invasion. It worked in Georgia with Ossetia, sort of worked with Crimea, but utterly failed this time. The Ukrainians learned their lesson from 2014 and were prepared this time.

The operation in Ukraine is anything but a failure, even with the minor setbacks. Right now, Ukraines main forces, their best soldiers,are being decimated in the Donbas by Russia and the LPR and DPR without any means to retreat or make any meaningful maneuvers . Their defenses are static at best. Once the forces in the Donbas have been dealt with, the rest of the country would be open for the taking and all the weapons the west delivers will be for nothing.
The operation in Ukraine is anything but a failure, even with the minor setbacks. Right now, Ukraines main forces, their best soldiers,are being decimated in the Donbas by Russia and the LPR and DPR without any means to retreat or make any meaningful maneuvers . Their defenses are static at best. Once the forces in the Donbas have been dealt with, the rest of the country would be open for the taking and all the weapons the west delivers will be for nothing.
You've been singing that song since day one of the invasion. The Russian Military has had its butt handed to it for months. At this point the Russians are running out of functional munitions, can't freely operate its ships on what it once considered a Russian lake and is drafting superannuated veterans to fight seasoned combat troops.
You've been singing that song since day one of the invasion. The Russian Military has had its butt handed to it for months. At this point the Russians are running out of functional munitions, can't freely operate its ships on what it once considered a Russian lake and is drafting superannuated veterans to fight seasoned combat troops.

Russia has the money and resources to produce as much ammo and weapons as she needs. Ukraine however is not able to replenish its losses and the Army lost most of their infrastructure and airforce in just 1 month.

Thars why they Russian Forces make slow and steady gains throughout the Donbas while Ukraines best soldiers are getting killed off there without any assistance.

Many of the newest soldiers in Ukraine aee actually middle aged and tired men with low moralw, which is why they die easier.

At the end, Russia can efford the casualties, Ukraine does not.
The fucker that's president of Ukraine is on a suicide mission every time he does a line of CIA-MI6 coke.
And he and his army are kicking your country's ass. Most of the world had no idea that your military was such a joke, but we do now.
Well, scratch two more generals dipshit.

Gerasimov was not killed, he is the top general in Russia. Ukraine is trying to kill him without U.S. assistance, although the U.S. has assisted with the killings of their other generals (by sharing satellite data).

Seems we are taking a hands off approach with their top general. The Switchblade drones are good at targeting high level, individual targets and taking them out.
I believe the same thing can be said of the American Troops in Vietnam
The Vietnamese were massively supported by the Soviets and the U.S. tried mightily to avoid inflicting any unnecessary damage on them.

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