Former WWE star Al Snow is a real-life hero ... jumping into the ocean and saving a boy from a riptide

Thanks Basco - This part was really funny:

The incredible act of bravery all went down at Santa Rosa Beach in Destin, Fla. ... when Snow -- who gained fame in the 1990s for carrying and talking to a mannequin head named "Head" during matches -- says he heard yelling and screaming while he was in the water.​

I must catch up .. Totally did not know about Al and "Head" :lmao:

He got his reputation in smaller promotions . If I am not mistaken . Built up a good fan base on his own before being signed on by the big out fits. I Spent a lot of time at the beach got caught in a rip current once while surfing . Drug me under and out quik. Once I swam parallel to it my surf board was a far distance away and I was way out past the breakers. Scary moment but I kept my cool got my surf board and paddled back to shore in my mind were images of sharks coming from underneath. But I did back safe,

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