Fort Worth Mayor Apologizes For Police Shooting; Officer Resigns

what you gave me was your opinion,,,and a dumb one at that,,,

this isnt nazi germany even if you want it to be,,,
nope, I gave you the language off the definition on the internet. you choose to ignore that makes you not honest.

dont believe everything you read on the internet,,,
I do from trusted sites.

self defense.

well since he was the intruder and she the home owner he was the assailant not the defender
he never entered her home. so again, your facts are faked.

he was sneaking around on her property peering in windows,,,
nope, I gave you the language off the definition on the internet. you choose to ignore that makes you not honest.

dont believe everything you read on the internet,,,
I do from trusted sites.

self defense.

well since he was the intruder and she the home owner he was the assailant not the defender
he never entered her home. so again, your facts are faked.

he was sneaking around on her property peering in windows,,,
doing his job. I mean you do know what cops do for a living right? wow fk, you're coming off dumber and dumber with every post.

did you look up what an open structure call means? why don't you do a bit of research fkwad?
He didnt have time to make that announcement.
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.

he also could have taken one step back out of the line of fire and had all the time in the world to announce himself,,,
ahh the things that you think are so easy. too fking funny. go discuss with that with a cop's widow.

dont twist this to match your narrative,,,he chose to be a cop
good thing he didn't then. he shot her because she pointed a gun at him. again, he's allowed to defend himself. still unclear what country you think you live in.
what about her rights???
it was her house not his,,

he could have just stepped back out of the line of fire and yelled he was a cop,,,
what about them? how did he violate her rights?

we can start with murdering her in her own home when she wasnt committing a crime,,,

he had a clear view of her and the kid, all she could see was a dark window,,,
did she point a gun at him? yes or no?
She had every right to. From her perspective, he was an intruder. In fact, she had every right to shoot him. He had no right to shoot her.
I don't think we have any right to shoot someone who is trespassing. I know I wouldn't just for that reason. And once again, supposedly the cop was there for a welfare check. All he had to do was knock on the door. Why didn't he do that?
did he murder a person defending their own home ??
yes or no??
He shot at someone pointing a gun at him. he had no idea who that was. hmmmmmm why would he know her? it was a call to a house about an intruder, not an exchange of personal information and drinks.

You didn't answer, did she point a gun at him? are you an honest man?

there was not a report of an intruder,,,and our rights trump cops rights since they swore an oath to protect our rights,,,
sure there was, open structure call. I gave you the definition, are you going to ignore it? again, did the woman point her gun at the cop? yes or no? you a man or not?

you said intruder,, now youre saying open door,,,

which one is it???
I gave you the definition, are you an honest man or not? you still haven't answered, so I'm guessing you are not. that then makes you a fk. I don't deal with fks. fks are useless people in my country. learn the constitution or leave.
The definition you gave did not say a cop does not have to announce themselves.
Nonsense. He had time to yell, "put your hands up," means he had time to yell, "police, put your hands up!"
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.

he also could have taken one step back out of the line of fire and had all the time in the world to announce himself,,,
ahh the things that you think are so easy. too fking funny. go discuss with that with a cop's widow.

dont twist this to match your narrative,,,he chose to be a cop
so? it's his job. he goes out at 2:30 am into a yard he knows nothing about, risks his life only to have a fkwad like you question his skills. that just makes you a fkwad squared.
what about her rights???
it was her house not his,,

he could have just stepped back out of the line of fire and yelled he was a cop,,,
what about them? how did he violate her rights?

we can start with murdering her in her own home when she wasnt committing a crime,,,

he had a clear view of her and the kid, all she could see was a dark window,,,
did she point a gun at him? yes or no?
She had every right to. From her perspective, he was an intruder. In fact, she had every right to shoot him. He had no right to shoot her.
I don't think we have any right to shoot someone who is trespassing. I know I wouldn't just for that reason. And once again, supposedly the cop was there for a welfare check. All he had to do was knock on the door. Why didn't he do that?
nope mike, nope. read up dude. don't jump out that plane without researching it. I like you dude. don't go there. You and I always use facts. use them.
what about her rights???
it was her house not his,,

he could have just stepped back out of the line of fire and yelled he was a cop,,,
what about them? how did he violate her rights?

we can start with murdering her in her own home when she wasnt committing a crime,,,

he had a clear view of her and the kid, all she could see was a dark window,,,
did she point a gun at him? yes or no?
She had every right to. From her perspective, he was an intruder. In fact, she had every right to shoot him. He had no right to shoot her.
I don't think we have any right to shoot someone who is trespassing. I know I wouldn't just for that reason. And once again, supposedly the cop was there for a welfare check. All he had to do was knock on the door. Why didn't he do that?
Laws vary among jurisdictions. Texas has a castle doctrine which allows broad discretion to reasonably use lethal force against someone on your property.
No, if he sees her reaching for a gun, he has a second to utter anything at all.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.

he also could have taken one step back out of the line of fire and had all the time in the world to announce himself,,,
ahh the things that you think are so easy. too fking funny. go discuss with that with a cop's widow.

dont twist this to match your narrative,,,he chose to be a cop
so? it's his job. he goes out at 2:30 am into a yard he knows nothing about, risks his life only to have a fkwad like you question his skills. that just makes you a fkwad squared.

His own former police force is criticizing his "skills." Who are you to question their expertise?
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in Texas means something like your gun going ofd while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.

try to put yourself in his situation

Put yourself in the position of the homeowner. You see something, or hear something that indicates that someone may be in your backyard in the middle of the night. What do you do? I bet a dime to a dollar that you do the same thing I do. You grab your gun, it is literally the reason that we argue that people should have them, and you try and figure out what is going on. Or are you going to lie and claim that you would ignore things in your backyard?

You grab your gun and try and figure out if you saw or heard nothing, or if it was something. Was it your imagination? An animal? Or is a baddie in the back yard waiting to rob, rape, or murder you and your family? You grab your fucking gun, and you know you do.

Under your argument, if the cop shoots you for daring to have a gun in your house, it is a good shoot. Great job Barney Fife. You killed the son of a bitch before he could kill you. Are we supposed to cheer the cop? Or gnash our teeth and be angry that you were killed in your own house while committing no crime other than acting to defend yourself and your family?

The most basic argument for the Castle Doctrine is to defend your castle. Your house, your home is your castle. Barney Fife should have knocked on the door. He should have announced himself. Why don’t you put yourself in the situation where you are the homeowner, or your wife, or daughter. Is that person skulking around going to rape and murder them?

You get your gun, and you prepare to defend your castle. I do it. You know you do it too. So why is this woman the bad guy because she did exactly what you would do, and exactly what the law says she is allowed to do?
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in Texas means something like your gun going ofd while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.

try to put yourself in his situation

Put yourself in the position of the homeowner. You see something, or hear something that indicates that someone may be in your backyard in the middle of the night. What do you do? I bet a dime to a dollar that you do the same thing I do. You grab your gun, it is literally the reason that we argue that people should have them, and you try and figure out what is going on. Or are you going to lie and claim that you would ignore things in your backyard?

You grab your gun and try and figure out if you saw or heard nothing, or if it was something. Was it your imagination? An animal? Or is a baddie in the back yard waiting to rob, rape, or murder you and your family? You grab your fucking gun, and you know you do.

Under your argument, if the cop shoots you for daring to have a gun in your house, it is a good shoot. Great job Barney Fife. You killed the son of a bitch before he could kill you. Are we supposed to cheer the cop? Or gnash our teeth and be angry that you were killed in your own house while committing no crime other than acting to defend yourself and your family?

The most basic argument for the Castle Doctrine is to defend your castle. Your house, your home is your castle. Barney Fife should have knocked on the door. He should have announced himself. Why don’t you put yourself in the situation where you are the homeowner, or your wife, or daughter. Is that person skulking around going to rape and murder them?

You get your gun, and you prepare to defend your castle. I do it. You know you do it too. So why is this woman the bad guy because she did exactly what you would do, and exactly what the law says she is allowed to do?

And that's why this is and should be national news.

If this woman can be shot to death by cops in her own home for merely possessing a gun......then anyone can be. Our 2nd amendment advocates should be doing the same thing that the State of Texas and the officers of the FWPD are doing: supporting charges of murder for the cop.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in Texas means something like your gun going ofd while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.

try to put yourself in his situation

Put yourself in the position of the homeowner. You see something, or hear something that indicates that someone may be in your backyard in the middle of the night. What do you do? I bet a dime to a dollar that you do the same thing I do. You grab your gun, it is literally the reason that we argue that people should have them, and you try and figure out what is going on. Or are you going to lie and claim that you would ignore things in your backyard?

You grab your gun and try and figure out if you saw or heard nothing, or if it was something. Was it your imagination? An animal? Or is a baddie in the back yard waiting to rob, rape, or murder you and your family? You grab your fucking gun, and you know you do.

Under your argument, if the cop shoots you for daring to have a gun in your house, it is a good shoot. Great job Barney Fife. You killed the son of a bitch before he could kill you. Are we supposed to cheer the cop? Or gnash our teeth and be angry that you were killed in your own house while committing no crime other than acting to defend yourself and your family?

The most basic argument for the Castle Doctrine is to defend your castle. Your house, your home is your castle. Barney Fife should have knocked on the door. He should have announced himself. Why don’t you put yourself in the situation where you are the homeowner, or your wife, or daughter. Is that person skulking around going to rape and murder them?

You get your gun, and you prepare to defend your castle. I do it. You know you do it too. So why is this woman the bad guy because she did exactly what you would do, and exactly what the law says she is allowed to do?
yep, and I would have done the exact same thing had I been in her shoes and owned a gun. it's tragic, but you can't blame a cop who has no idea who is pointing a gun at him on a call he answered as his job. It's an unfortunate scenario that played out. And a risk of owning a gun and using it. No?

Maybe someone could post the guarantee that owning a gun means you won't ever get shot.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in Texas means something like your gun going ofd while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.

try to put yourself in his situation

Put yourself in the position of the homeowner. You see something, or hear something that indicates that someone may be in your backyard in the middle of the night. What do you do? I bet a dime to a dollar that you do the same thing I do. You grab your gun, it is literally the reason that we argue that people should have them, and you try and figure out what is going on. Or are you going to lie and claim that you would ignore things in your backyard?

You grab your gun and try and figure out if you saw or heard nothing, or if it was something. Was it your imagination? An animal? Or is a baddie in the back yard waiting to rob, rape, or murder you and your family? You grab your fucking gun, and you know you do.

Under your argument, if the cop shoots you for daring to have a gun in your house, it is a good shoot. Great job Barney Fife. You killed the son of a bitch before he could kill you. Are we supposed to cheer the cop? Or gnash our teeth and be angry that you were killed in your own house while committing no crime other than acting to defend yourself and your family?

The most basic argument for the Castle Doctrine is to defend your castle. Your house, your home is your castle. Barney Fife should have knocked on the door. He should have announced himself. Why don’t you put yourself in the situation where you are the homeowner, or your wife, or daughter. Is that person skulking around going to rape and murder them?

You get your gun, and you prepare to defend your castle. I do it. You know you do it too. So why is this woman the bad guy because she did exactly what you would do, and exactly what the law says she is allowed to do?
yep, and I would have done the exact same thing had I been in her shoes and owned a gun. it's tragic, but you can't blame a cop who has no idea who is pointing a gun at him on a call he answered as his job. It's an unfortunate scenario that played out. And a risk of owning a gun and using it. No?

You can absolutely blame the cop......for shooting the woman to death in her own home without identifying himself as police officer or giving her any reassonable chance to respond to his order.

The officer violated procedure flagrantly and repeatedly.....and needlessly escalated the situation to the point where he killed the very woman he was sent to check on. In her own home.

Yes, you can blame him. And the State of Texas most definitely did....with murder charges.
Adding, "police," to his command takes a fraction of a second. Especially being on someone's property.

he also could have taken one step back out of the line of fire and had all the time in the world to announce himself,,,
ahh the things that you think are so easy. too fking funny. go discuss with that with a cop's widow.

dont twist this to match your narrative,,,he chose to be a cop
so? it's his job. he goes out at 2:30 am into a yard he knows nothing about, risks his life only to have a fkwad like you question his skills. that just makes you a fkwad squared.

His own former police force is criticizing his "skills." Who are you to question their expertise?

I think the real question here is how to prevent future such incidents.

IMHO, the current societal situation has really put police on edge, particularly in the Ghetto.

If the FW police had shown up with 6 units and 20 guys, the police would have been a lot more confident of getting out of their alive.
he also could have taken one step back out of the line of fire and had all the time in the world to announce himself,,,
ahh the things that you think are so easy. too fking funny. go discuss with that with a cop's widow.

dont twist this to match your narrative,,,he chose to be a cop
so? it's his job. he goes out at 2:30 am into a yard he knows nothing about, risks his life only to have a fkwad like you question his skills. that just makes you a fkwad squared.

His own former police force is criticizing his "skills." Who are you to question their expertise?

I think the real question here is how to prevent future such incidents.

IMHO, the current societal situation has really put police on edge, particularly in the Ghetto.

If the FW police had shown up with 6 units and 20 guys, the police would have been a lot more confident of getting out of their alive.
well perhaps making crime illegal again. stop the leftists from saying a felony isn't a felony or letting criminals roam our streets, or go after the shooters in Chicago. stop playing games with people's live's.

Maybe respect law enforcement who risk their lives for ours? I don't know, seems odd to me, no point in security if you don't respect them.
he also could have taken one step back out of the line of fire and had all the time in the world to announce himself,,,
ahh the things that you think are so easy. too fking funny. go discuss with that with a cop's widow.

dont twist this to match your narrative,,,he chose to be a cop
so? it's his job. he goes out at 2:30 am into a yard he knows nothing about, risks his life only to have a fkwad like you question his skills. that just makes you a fkwad squared.

His own former police force is criticizing his "skills." Who are you to question their expertise?

I think the real question here is how to prevent future such incidents.

A fair point. I think a civilian oversight counsel would be a good start. FT Worth is one of the last major cities without one.

More training would be useful. Perhaps partnering less experienced cops with far more experienced cops.
what about them? how did he violate her rights?

we can start with murdering her in her own home when she wasnt committing a crime,,,

he had a clear view of her and the kid, all she could see was a dark window,,,
did she point a gun at him? yes or no?
She had every right to. From her perspective, he was an intruder. In fact, she had every right to shoot him. He had no right to shoot her.
I don't think we have any right to shoot someone who is trespassing. I know I wouldn't just for that reason. And once again, supposedly the cop was there for a welfare check. All he had to do was knock on the door. Why didn't he do that?
Laws vary among jurisdictions. Texas has a castle doctrine which allows broad discretion to reasonably use lethal force against someone on your property.
That law applies to defending yourself from an attack. Trespassers are most likely just people lost are not caring they are trespassers. I have dealt with many trespassers and was only prepared to shoot one of them before he decided to run away.
we can start with murdering her in her own home when she wasnt committing a crime,,,

he had a clear view of her and the kid, all she could see was a dark window,,,
did she point a gun at him? yes or no?
She had every right to. From her perspective, he was an intruder. In fact, she had every right to shoot him. He had no right to shoot her.
I don't think we have any right to shoot someone who is trespassing. I know I wouldn't just for that reason. And once again, supposedly the cop was there for a welfare check. All he had to do was knock on the door. Why didn't he do that?
Laws vary among jurisdictions. Texas has a castle doctrine which allows broad discretion to reasonably use lethal force against someone on your property.
That law applies to defending yourself from an attack. Trespassers are most likely just people lost are not caring they are trespassers. I have dealt with many trespassers and was only prepared to shoot one of them before he decided to run away.
I believe a citizen is allowed to protect their home and family. Period. Whatever means that is. This scenario is tragic. It happened because of a set of circumstances one just couldn't control. Front door left open, neighbor sees front door open, rightfully let's the police know of the open door, the dispatch calls it an open structure call, that implies intruder, the cops show up and begin to walk around the house to ensure no shooter outside, she sees them walking around and thinks intruder herself, and now feels obligated to protect her home and family and bang. No one was at fault. no one. she didn't call it in so she didn't know the cops were coming. tragic accident. but only an accident.
did she point a gun at him? yes or no?
She had every right to. From her perspective, he was an intruder. In fact, she had every right to shoot him. He had no right to shoot her.
I don't think we have any right to shoot someone who is trespassing. I know I wouldn't just for that reason. And once again, supposedly the cop was there for a welfare check. All he had to do was knock on the door. Why didn't he do that?
Laws vary among jurisdictions. Texas has a castle doctrine which allows broad discretion to reasonably use lethal force against someone on your property.
That law applies to defending yourself from an attack. Trespassers are most likely just people lost are not caring they are trespassers. I have dealt with many trespassers and was only prepared to shoot one of them before he decided to run away.
I believe a citizen is allowed to protect their home and family. Period. Whatever means that is. This scenario is tragic. It happened because of a set of circumstances one just couldn't control. Front door left open, neighbor sees front door open, rightfully let's the police know of the open door, the dispatch calls it an open structure call, that implies intruder, the cops show up and begin to walk around the house to ensure no shooter outside, she sees them walking around and thinks intruder herself, and now feels obligated to protect her home and family and bang. No one was at fault. no one. she didn't call it in so she didn't know the cops were coming. tragic accident. but only an accident.
I still wonder why he didn't just knock on the door on a welfare check.
Sometimes police make poor decisions

They need to be accountable
Kind a like democrat policies that have been implemented And continue to not work 2200 blacks been shot so far in Chicago this year ..
Should we put you Democrats in jail?
WTF does that have to do with a cop killing an innocent woman in Ft Worth?
Liberals only care because the cop was white and the dead woman is black

Right wingers think the cop is innocent, because should be able to murder black folks.
We do. I know a cop that has personally murdered 34, women and children too. I asked him how he could kill women and children and he said it was easy. They don't run as fast.
Suuuure, sweetie. :71:

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