Forum rules need to be updated

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This is a question more appropriate for the Feedback sub-forum.

This question has been asked before. We have free speech here, but since this forum was founded, because of the toxic nature of these terms, and how it causes the public, and advertisers to shun sites, we have three cardinal rules, that we do not allow folks to accuse others of, nor allow them to be made accused of.

Just don't do it. Why do you need to get personal? It is a fallacy anyway. Address the topic, don't go after other members on this forum.

1. Do not accuse folks of incest, make any comments about about their family, this includes your mama jokes. If they are made in the FZ and no one reports them, you make them at your own risk.

2. Do not accuse other members of engaging in bestiality. Do not even hint that they like to have any sorts of sexual relations with animals. No gerbils up the butt, no dog buggering, no nothing. Again, this may happen in the badlands, if you do it, you do so at your own risk.

3. And finally, three. No messing around with minors. Do not accuse other members of sex with, or promoting the sexualization of children. If you want to accuse other folks, church leaders, members of the gay community, school officials, hell, even the president of the United States of being a pedophile, a groomer, fine, go ahead, but STOP CALLING EACH OTHER GROOMERS! Why is this so hard for y'all?

And STOP CALLING THE STAFF groomers, or pedophile supporters, just for enforcing the rules!! These are three simple rules. Play by them, and you may stay here and have fun. If you don't? Go somewhere elsewhere, I don't care where.

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