Fossils were planted by Satan in order to trick us

Continued - Hovind's rebuttal which proves the theory of evolution to be a lie and also exposes the lies they used to suggest the earth is older than it actually is! Enjoy! Bottom line is that evolution is the teaching of lies. It is all lies, people. Watch these videos and you'll learn the truth. God loves you and His desire is for you to know the truth!

and part two of the same Q. & A.!

"Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs."

Seminar 7 is a Q & A - Dr. Hovind takes a large number of Questions and answers them one by one including carbon dating! Watch this!

"Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs."


I can see you are totally unprepared as you were not expecting a real Science teacher to present the readers with the facts about Creation. He exposes the lies of evolution quite well, doesn't he? If you have no rebuttal then perhaps you should restrain yourself from mocking him because it's only revealing your inability to counter his presentation with your own facts.
Which is understandable because evolution is nothing more than a theory of lies upon lies upon more lies!
"Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs."

This is the seminar you need to listen to so that you are not confused on this subject.

"Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs."


I can see you are totally unprepared as you were not expecting a real Science teacher to present the readers with the facts about Creation. He exposes the lies of evolution quite well, doesn't he? If you have no rebuttal then perhaps you should restrain yourself from mocking him because it's only revealing your inability to counter his presentation with your own facts.
Which is understandable because evolution is nothing more than a theory of lies upon lies upon more lies!

A real science teacher wouldn't citing people that 'claimed' to have seen living dinosaurs as proof. lol. The world is a lot older than what your faith claims it to be. Get over or it, or don't.
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Aww it's so cute!

For those who go haywire using the funny icon - (depicting laughter) ..... when there is nothing funny being said / written:

Nervous laughter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nervous laughter is laughter evoked from an audience's expression of embarrassment, alarm, discomfort or confusion, rather than amusement. Nervous laughter is usually less robust in expression than "a good belly laugh", and may be combined with confused glances or awkward silence on the part of others in the audience. Nervous laughter is considered analogous to a courtesy laugh, which may be rendered by more of a conscious effort in an attempt to move a situation along more quickly, especially when the comedian is pausing for laughter.

Nervous laughter is a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety. Neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandranstates "We have nervous laughter because we want to make ourselves think what horrible thing we encountered isn't really as horrible as it appears, something we want to believe." Those are the most embarrassing times, too, naturally.[1]Psychologist and neuroscientist Robert Provine, from the University of Maryland, studied over 1,200 "laughter episodes" and determined that 80% of laughter isn't a response to an intentional joke.[2]

The truth comes out!

That’s so cute. You know what else is kind of cute? ---- I go to Google Images, I type in the words “transitional fossils photos” and you know what comes up?

All kinds of drawings and neat stories. Oh, wait, I think I did see an actual photo of a transitional fossil… I guess? Of course there is that one “road runner” (archaeopteryx) who single-handedly turned the entire cave dwelling lizard world into a flock of magnificent birds. Millions of them!! Species of all kinds of lovely shapes and plumage!

You humans are such a remarkable species yourselves. You sit on top of mountain fancying yourselves as gods, at least, the most fantastic creation evolution ever produced, even though you do not have even the slightest idea how you got here, much less, where you are headed.

But none of that my friends. At least for today, we are gods and we shall act like gods! Eat, drink and be merry --- for those darkest and unknown times are still years away.

The truth comes out!

That’s so cute. You know what else is kind of cute? ---- I go to Google Images, I type in the words “transitional fossils photos” and you know what comes up?

All kinds of drawings and neat stories. Oh, wait, I think I did see an actual photo of a transitional fossil… I guess? Of course there is that one “road runner” (archaeopteryx) who single-handedly turned the entire cave dwelling lizard world into a flock of magnificent birds. Millions of them!! Species of all kinds of lovely shapes and plumage!

You humans are such a remarkable species yourselves. You sit on top of mountain fancying yourselves as gods, at least, the most fantastic creation evolution ever produced, even though you do not have even the slightest idea how you got here, much less, where you are headed.

But none of that my friends. At least for today, we are gods and we shall act like gods! Eat, drink and be merry --- for those darkest and unknown times are still years away.
I think turzovska broke.
That’s so cute. You know what else is kind of cute? ---- I go to Google Images, I type in the words “transitional fossils photos” and you know what comes up?

All kinds of drawings and neat stories. Oh, wait, I think I did see an actual photo of a transitional fossil… I guess? Of course there is that one “road runner” (archaeopteryx) who single-handedly turned the entire cave dwelling lizard world into a flock of magnificent birds. Millions of them!! Species of all kinds of lovely shapes and plumage!

You humans are such a remarkable species yourselves. You sit on top of mountain fancying yourselves as gods, at least, the most fantastic creation evolution ever produced, even though you do not have even the slightest idea how you got here, much less, where you are headed.

But none of that my friends. At least for today, we are gods and we shall act like gods! Eat, drink and be merry --- for those darkest and unknown times are still years away.
I think turzovska broke.

Such a typical response from you. Nothing of any interest, just a snarky quip. Of course we can count you hitting the "funny button" to make your case.

I do understand, though. You of such lofty intelligence cannot be bothered by those of our ilk who dare question your supreme knowledge. I need to remind myself to be humble and submit to the brilliant atheist.
That’s so cute. You know what else is kind of cute? ---- I go to Google Images, I type in the words “transitional fossils photos” and you know what comes up?

All kinds of drawings and neat stories. Oh, wait, I think I did see an actual photo of a transitional fossil… I guess? Of course there is that one “road runner” (archaeopteryx) who single-handedly turned the entire cave dwelling lizard world into a flock of magnificent birds. Millions of them!! Species of all kinds of lovely shapes and plumage!

You humans are such a remarkable species yourselves. You sit on top of mountain fancying yourselves as gods, at least, the most fantastic creation evolution ever produced, even though you do not have even the slightest idea how you got here, much less, where you are headed.

But none of that my friends. At least for today, we are gods and we shall act like gods! Eat, drink and be merry --- for those darkest and unknown times are still years away.
I think turzovska broke.

Such a typical response from you. Nothing of any interest, just a snarky quip. Of course we can count you hitting the "funny button" to make your case.

I do understand, though. You of such lofty intelligence cannot be bothered by those of our ilk who dare question your supreme knowledge. I need to remind myself to be humble and submit to the brilliant atheist.
Only your second paragraph was worth responding to. But the inanity of the rest of your comment made me and probably everyone else too not take it seriously.

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