Foster child taken from parents for not teaching homosexuality

Officials told the couple that
under the regulations they
would be required to discuss
same-sex relationships with
children as young as 11 and tell
them that gay partnerships
were just as acceptable as
heterosexual marriages.
They could also be required
to take teenagers to gay
association meetings.
When the Mathericks

Read more: Foster child to be taken away because Christian couple refuse to teach him about homosexuality | Mail Online
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It is unclear if this is for all kids or just gay kids. Why would they have to take them to gay association meetings if the kids themselves were not gay?
This has been going on in the UK for quite awhile. Children can't even be adopted unless the couple agrees to raise the kid in a homosexual positive environment.
So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.
Its not about what THEY believe. They are not the parents, they are merely babysitters.
So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.

Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. The article was very specific. The man said he does not discriminate but does not wish to discuss sexuality of any kind with an 11 year old. He felt as if that discussion should be a little older. Additionally, just because one does not discuss homosexuality does not mean they are teaching hate. If he were discussing homosexuality and saying it is wrong then I can understand your concern. The 'rules' are new, they have raised 20 children from foster care, they should be commended! The agency ripped that boy from them, a boy who loved them and was happy with them. Tell me which is worse? Being ripped from a family you love or being told about sexuality at a young age the foster parents disagreed with?
Its not about what THEY believe. They are not the parents, they are merely babysitters.

Foster parents are a hell of a lot more than 'baby sitters'. They take in children and raise them until adults in many a case. They care and love as if they are their own children, even sending them to college and supplementing the tiny amount of money given by the state for college. Many choose not to adopt because they can't afford the thousands and thousands of dollars the court systems charge to adopt, many a time exceeding 10-20 grand per child.
CaféAuLait;8843737 said:
So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.

Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. The article was very specific. The man said he does not discriminate but does not wish to discuss sexuality of any kind with an 11 year old. He felt as if that discussion should be a little older. Additionally, just because one does not discuss homosexuality does not mean they are teaching hate. If he were discussing homosexuality and saying it is wrong then I can understand your concern. The 'rules' are new, they have raised 20 children from foster care, they should be commended! The agency ripped that boy from them, a boy who loved them and was happy with them. Tell me which is worse? Being ripped from a family you love or being told about sexuality at a young age the foster parents disagreed with?

The foster parents cannot use their religious beliefs to avoid teaching a child about sexuality. Their religion doesn't come into it.
CaféAuLait;8843737 said:
So this couple fosters children and thinks they can teach them to hate? Sorry. Rules are rules, and they refuse to follow them.

Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. The article was very specific. The man said he does not discriminate but does not wish to discuss sexuality of any kind with an 11 year old. He felt as if that discussion should be a little older. Additionally, just because one does not discuss homosexuality does not mean they are teaching hate. If he were discussing homosexuality and saying it is wrong then I can understand your concern. The 'rules' are new, they have raised 20 children from foster care, they should be commended! The agency ripped that boy from them, a boy who loved them and was happy with them. Tell me which is worse? Being ripped from a family you love or being told about sexuality at a young age the foster parents disagreed with?

The foster parents cannot use their religious beliefs to avoid teaching a child about sexuality. Their religion doesn't come into it.

Avoidance is not hate IMO, that is what I was commenting on. You said he was teaching hate. He believes they should be taught a bit older than 11. I don't see a problem with that as long as its not at some ridiculous age where the child has already learned everything in school. I believe children need to be taught about sexual activity to assure they are well informed.
Nothing says they must discuss sexual acts with young kids, rather they discuss relationships.
The couple, in their sixties, are quite old to be raising young kids.
Its not about what THEY believe. They are not the parents, they are merely babysitters.

You are clueless, if foster parents are just merely babysitters, then they shouldn't parent the kids in sexuality.
Just because my opinion is different does not mean I have a cold heart.

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