Found another kewl Progressive coffee shop to hang out at.

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
This place is a dream come true. Awesome coffee, educated customer base :cool-45: and, last but not least :up: hawt Progressive chicks :eusa_drool:.

I live in a very Progressive area so, fortunately, these places are not in too short supply.
Needless to say, I will be camping out there whilst studying for my latest cert. :afro:
found another one just a kilometer down the road. A little smaller place but packed w/ Progressives nonetheless. Gawd I love my progressive county :)
I was in Northern Virginia a couple weeks ago, and passed by a progressive coffee shop. All the parking spaces were handicap zones, so I just went down to the donut shop.
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Nice bro I found a good coffee shop a couple days ago. We organize a lot of movements and really focus on trying to bring about positive change man. It's all about involving the people you know? Plus I get to wear my scarf and fedora and meet cool people.

Congrats on the find my man!

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