Founder of Isis

Trump is a loud-mouthed megalomaniac. Obama is a mealy-mouthed enabler.

What we actually need isn't Trump or more of the same via Hillary, but leaders who can tell it like it is, but do so in a different way.
I blame Bush and Obama. ISIS is a cia and Mossad invention. Odd how they can travel 1 thousand miles to attacks Europe but NEVER attack Israel. Israel wins it sends Syrians and Iraqis fleeing to Europe and makes it easier to create the greater Israel
Bush has his share of blame as well.... our leaders have been blind death and dumb for a long time now when it comes to the middle east and now we are paying for their shortsightedness...
ISIL history goes back to 1999 when Clinton was President but what is ISIL today started in 2006 when George W. Bush was President. ISIL growth is because of the power vacuum in Iraq and the lack of of a strong Government to control the radical factions.

Donald John Trump words against President Obama are based on stupidity and ignorance about the history of ISIL or the region. Those like you agreeing with Donald John Trump just prove you refuse to believe anything unless it agree with your distorted opinion of President Obama.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did President Obama allow ISIL to be created?


Did he allow the growth of it?


Now believe the lies Donald John Trump tell you and remember the Earth is flat and is only six thousand years old...
theres two problems with the op ...

1. the timeline for ISIS doesnt fit with Obama being close to office

2. Trumpbots can't read.
  1. Stage One (2004-2006) — The establishment of the branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and called “Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia:” It waged a terrorist-guerilla war against the American and coalition forces and against the Shi’ite population. The first stage ended when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in an American targeted attack in June 2006.
  2. Stage Two (2006-2011) — Establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI): ISI served as an umbrella network for several jihadi organizations that continued waging a terrorist-guerilla campaign against the United States, its coalition allies and the Shi’ite population. ISI was weakened towards the end of the American presence in Iraq following successful American military moves and a wise foreign policy that supported the Sunni population and knew how to win their hearts and minds.
  3. Stage Three (2012-June 2014) — The strengthening of ISI and the founding of ISIS: After the American army withdrew from Iraq ISI became stronger. Following the outbreak of the Syrian civil war ISI established a branch in Syria called the Al-Nusra Front (“support front”). Dissension broke out between ISI and its Syrian branch, leading to a rift between ISI and Al-Qaeda and the establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS).
  4. Stage Four (as of June 2014) — Dramatic ISIS military achievements: The most prominent was the takeover of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. At the same time ISIS established its control in eastern Syria where it set up a governmental center (its “capital city”) in Al-Raqqah. In the wake of its success, ISIS declared the establishment of an “Islamic State” (IS) (or “Islamic Caliphate”) headed by an ISIS leader named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In September 2014 the United States declared a comprehensive campaign against ISIS, which is currently waging a fierce struggle against its many enemies both at home and abroad.
Trump is a lying SOB ... (there it is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) Trumpbots are dumbasses.

a perfect match
Nope.....Obama wanted to say he was winning and he ended military operations in Iraq and withdrew prematurely.....thus facilitating the creation of ISIS.

Obama seems to be real friendly with terrorists, releasing them with little or no consideration for their future aggressive actions against us or our interests. He sends $400 million to Iran in foreign currency without any Congressional authority. He constantly gives aide and comfort to the enemy. Refuses to recognize that radical Islamic Terrorists even exist.

And you think all of this is normal....and that Trump is dangerous. Lol.:slap:
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

You didnt believe it until Trump said it you little lemming you
Actually, I think the Trumpbots really do believe that ISIS did not exist before Obama. Their problem is that rational conservatives know this stems from what happened to the Sunni Iraqies after our Iran invasion. To be sure, W, Obama and Hillary all made mistakes. But, to think an idiot who'd make such an asinine statement would somehow be an improvement .... well a lot of Republicans know better.

Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

You didnt believe it until Trump said it you little lemming you
Actually, I think the Trumpbots really do believe that ISIS did not exist before Obama. Their problem is that rational conservatives know this stems from what happened to the Sunni Iraqies after our Iran invasion. To be sure, W, Obama and Hillary all made mistakes. But, to think an idiot who'd make such an asinine statement would somehow be an improvement .... well a lot of Republicans know better.

Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.

How do these guys forget so much? I mean its all documented but they enjoy the lie so much
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

You didnt believe it until Trump said it you little lemming you
Actually, I think the Trumpbots really do believe that ISIS did not exist before Obama. Their problem is that rational conservatives know this stems from what happened to the Sunni Iraqies after our Iran invasion. To be sure, W, Obama and Hillary all made mistakes. But, to think an idiot who'd make such an asinine statement would somehow be an improvement .... well a lot of Republicans know better.

Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

Last edited:
  1. Stage One (2004-2006) — The establishment of the branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and called “Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia:” It waged a terrorist-guerilla war against the American and coalition forces and against the Shi’ite population. The first stage ended when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in an American targeted attack in June 2006.
  2. Stage Two (2006-2011) — Establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI): ISI served as an umbrella network for several jihadi organizations that continued waging a terrorist-guerilla campaign against the United States, its coalition allies and the Shi’ite population. ISI was weakened towards the end of the American presence in Iraq following successful American military moves and a wise foreign policy that supported the Sunni population and knew how to win their hearts and minds.
  3. Stage Three (2012-June 2014) — The strengthening of ISI and the founding of ISIS: After the American army withdrew from Iraq ISI became stronger. Following the outbreak of the Syrian civil war ISI established a branch in Syria called the Al-Nusra Front (“support front”). Dissension broke out between ISI and its Syrian branch, leading to a rift between ISI and Al-Qaeda and the establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS).
  4. Stage Four (as of June 2014) — Dramatic ISIS military achievements: The most prominent was the takeover of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. At the same time ISIS established its control in eastern Syria where it set up a governmental center (its “capital city”) in Al-Raqqah. In the wake of its success, ISIS declared the establishment of an “Islamic State” (IS) (or “Islamic Caliphate”) headed by an ISIS leader named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In September 2014 the United States declared a comprehensive campaign against ISIS, which is currently waging a fierce struggle against its many enemies both at home and abroad.
Trump is a lying SOB ... (there it is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) Trumpbots are dumbasses.

a perfect match
Nope.....Obama wanted to say he was winning and he ended military operations in Iraq and withdrew prematurely.....thus facilitating the creation of ISIS.

Obama seems to be real friendly with terrorists, releasing them with little or no consideration for their future aggressive actions against us or our interests. He sends $400 million to Iran in foreign currency without any Congressional authority. He constantly gives aide and comfort to the enemy. Refuses to recognize that radical Islamic Terrorists even exist.

And you think all of this is normal....and that Trump is dangerous. Lol.:slap:



fucking historical timelines mean absolutely NOTHING to Trumpbots ..

nope ... good answer muddd ... BBBBAAAAWWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

You are correct, Mr. Ram, and your perception is definitely skewed by the yellow-bellied, yellow-haired crazy man.
Mr. Obama was still a senator from Illinois when ISIS was founded by Al Baghdadi WHILE MR. BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

How a US prison camp helped create ISIS : How a US prison camp helped create ISIS | New York Post
"Al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic state, spent 10 quiet months at Bucca. According to Pentagon records, he was released in December 2004. He was such a model inmate, a military review board deemed him not to be a significant threat.

Bucca also housed Haji Bakr, a former colonel in Saddam Hussein’s air-defense force. Bakr was no religious zealot. He was just a guy who lost his job when the Coalition Provisional Authority disbanded the Iraqi military and instituted de-Baathification, a policy of banning Saddam’s past supporters from government work.

According to documents recently obtained by German newspaper Der Spiegel, Bakr was the real mastermind behind ISIS’s organizational structure and also mapped out the strategies that fueled its early successes. Bakr, who died in fighting in 2014, was incarcerated at Bucca from 2006-’08, along with a dozen or more of ISIS’s top lieutenants.

The collusion at Bucca got so bad that when Marine Maj. Gen. Doug Stone was put in command of the camp in 2007, he became aware that some insurgents were allowing themselves to be caught so they could join their comrades.

“They showed up knowing about our intake process,” Stone said. “They would come in and say, ‘I believe this and such and therefore I’d like to get into Compound 34.’ These guys were using detention for their own purposes.”

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