Founder of Isis

You didnt believe it until Trump said it you little lemming you
Actually, I think the Trumpbots really do believe that ISIS did not exist before Obama. Their problem is that rational conservatives know this stems from what happened to the Sunni Iraqies after our Iran invasion. To be sure, W, Obama and Hillary all made mistakes. But, to think an idiot who'd make such an asinine statement would somehow be an improvement .... well a lot of Republicans know better.

Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind.

Obama stated on more than one occasion that he would like to see a residual force left behind as well but guess what? The Iraqis wanted the US out. The Shiite Government reneged on it's pledge to include the Sunnis. ISIS emerged as the champion of the Sunnis and easily took over the Sunni dominated parts of Iraq. ISIS is also the result of the Iraqi Civil war going regional.
Obama lied. I know that's a novel concept to a liberal, but that's what he did.

You see, Shiites decided that since America left they would just kill a bunch of Christians and Sunnies for general purposes. So ISIS was hold up in Syria and decides to go South and get some payback.

Iraqi Priest: Pulling US Troops Out Was a ‘Bigger Mistake’ Than 2003 Invasion – A Chaldean Catholic priest who was kidnapped and tortured by Islamic militants a decade ago in Iraq said Tuesday in Washington that while the American invasion of his country in 2003 was a “big mistake,” President Obama’s decision to withdraw American troops in 2011 was “a bigger mistake.”

After Obama ignored his generals’ recommendations and pulled the last U.S. troops out of Iraq, the president boasted that “we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq… This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”

But Fr. Douglas Bazi, a priest at the Mar Elias Catholic Church in the Chaldean Diocese of Erbil, pointed out that the U.S. troop withdrawal was a catastrophe for the indigenous Christian population of Iraq, which numbered 2 million before 2003.

“Now there are less than 200,000,” he said.

Fr. Bazi ministers to 400 Christian families who were forced to flee to Kurdistan to escape genocide by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which took advantage of the power vacuum left by the U.S. troop withdrawal to take over large sections of Iraq.

“If you were able to talk to President Obama today, what would you tell him?” asked Fr. Bazi.

“I know you are going to le[ave] the White House, so let my people remember you in a good way. You give [the] order when the soldier pull out. That was big mistake, that one. I don’t blame you, of course, because your soldiers, they were [sent] there, that was really also a big mistake. But the bigger mistake is when they pull out.

“So if you want to save the Christian [people in Iraq], please open the doors and help the Christian to stand there. Because all of my people there are just [saying] that America is just watching what’s happened to us.”

However, Iraqi Christians do blame the United States for leaving them virtually defenseless after the 2011 troop withdrawal.

“My people blame America for what has happened. [Declaring] genocide was the first time the Americans said we care. But caring means more than words. It means taking action for my people, now, because I’m afraid if America does not take action, there will be no more Christians left” in Iraq.

“The last message we got two weeks ago was that they had blown up the Dominican church in Mosul. The sheikh said we blew up that church as a message to Christians not to return to the city.”
Obama stated on more than one occasion that he would like to see a residual force left behind as well but guess what? The Iraqis wanted the US out. The Shiite Government reneged on it's pledge to include the Sunnis. ISIS emerged as the champion of the Sunnis and easily took over the Sunni dominated parts of Iraq. ISIS is also the result of the Iraqi Civil war going regional
Everyone now admits the decision was Obama's so give me a break with that old disproved line of BS! he is the leader of the free world and the president of the victor in Iraq. We call the shots but he wanted to win re election rather than save the lives he alone placed in harms way. Shame on him and shame on the likes of you.

The only problem is that no one now admits that. You just said everyone does and want to use that as proof. :badgrin: Everyone now admits that you're full of shit so dont try and deny it. Everyone says it:badgrin:
Actually, I think the Trumpbots really do believe that ISIS did not exist before Obama. Their problem is that rational conservatives know this stems from what happened to the Sunni Iraqies after our Iran invasion. To be sure, W, Obama and Hillary all made mistakes. But, to think an idiot who'd make such an asinine statement would somehow be an improvement .... well a lot of Republicans know better.

Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.
They expected Obama to do all things and no things at the same time
I never expected much from Obama the man is a community organizer from the most fucked up city in the U.S. Do you know there have been over 3500 murders in Chicago (a gun control state and city) since Obama took office? No one talks about it but that's more dead than in Iraq and Afghanistan during the same time.

Yeah you didnt expect much. You just wanted him to violate Bush's agreement to leave and leave soldiers there to face a kangaroo court and that would've made you happy
Democrats were so hyper about leaving they didn't care about the consequences. Same thing happened in Somalia. A fairly stable situation turns into a total mess because of political manipulation by the Clinton Administration. Obama made the same mistake in look at the mess he's made.

This is why egg head community-organizers should never step one foot in the Oval Orifice. They could fuck.up anything. Hillary , btw, is another disaster waiting to happen.
Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.

I'd like to see them try.

What kind of pussy's running this country???
The only problem is that no one now admits that. You just said everyone does and want to use that as proof. :badgrin: Everyone now admits that you're full of shit so dont try and deny it. Everyone says it:badgrin:
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind.

Obama stated on more than one occasion that he would like to see a residual force left behind as well but guess what? The Iraqis wanted the US out. The Shiite Government reneged on it's pledge to include the Sunnis. ISIS emerged as the champion of the Sunnis and easily took over the Sunni dominated parts of Iraq. ISIS is also the result of the Iraqi Civil war going regional.

Its.called.leadership....Obama is.weak...they knew it...that's where you tell them how it's gonna work.

Iraq was force to come back to the US for help against the Sunni Terrorist group. We are no longer an occupying power in a hostile land, but we are leading/assisting them in their fight for their land. Bold and Brassy isn't leadership.
Obama seems to be a real bad ass when it comes to arresting people for making videos and abusing his authority, but he cowers down to threats from a conquered people?
Well his pulling out when people said not to left a huge vacuum. Then he announced a ?????

And then he ignored ISIS....until it's too late.....I thought libs new preventative cleared is better than waiting until it reaches stage 4 cancer
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.

Really Iraq was gonna lock up.our soldiers? Seriously? They had zero leverage.......yes zero.....if we wanted the oil, who was gonna stop us?
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.

Really Iraq was gonna lock up.our soldiers? Seriously? They had zero leverage.......yes zero.....if we wanted the oil, who was gonna stop us?


Harry Reid made sure the Chinese got the oil contracts.

Patrick is wrong. There was no agreement to renegotiate the SOFA. In fact Iraq could have asked us to leave at any time. On the other hand we had the right to pull out at any time as well. His opinion not with standing, the Obama administration did try an renegotiate for a residual force. President Obama didn't agree with the Iraqi terms. No President would have.
No Democrat president you mean.

They have no character or integrity.
Obama seems to be a real bad ass when it comes to arresting people for making videos and abusing his authority, but he cowers down to threats from a conquered people?
Oblama arrested no one, the guy was put back into prison for probation violation, ain't life a bitch........
The date was established and announced when Bush signed the agreement a month before leaving office.
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.

Really Iraq was gonna lock up.our soldiers? Seriously? They had zero leverage.......yes zero.....if we wanted the oil, who was gonna stop us?

All the questions in the world wont change what Maliki said and what you chose to ignore. Going "really?" isnt an objection or a point.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There
Bush stated he there shall be a residual force of 50,000 left behind. Obama pulled all of them. BTW, Obama took credit for it.

As he should have, Mr. Mud. Nine years was enough. We won WWII in four and that was on two fronts in different hemispheres.
If you didn't see the huge waste of humanity by staying in Iraq then you're simply blind.

And if we HAD stayed and kept 50,000 troops in, ISIS would STILL be there and we would have another 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded with an additional $5 T on the national credit card.
Wrong. A US force would not let ISIS take over. There's reasons we STILL have troops in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. You are welcome to your little bubble universe but don't try to sell it as Gospel.

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.

Really Iraq was gonna lock up.our soldiers? Seriously? They had zero leverage.......yes zero.....if we wanted the oil, who was gonna stop us?

All the questions in the world wont change what Maliki said and what you chose to ignore. Going "really?" isnt an objection or a point.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There

I'm saying Iraq couldn't kick us out if we wanted to stay. How would they do it? Why would they do it?

I bet they wish we were still there.

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