Founder of Isis

...............if you're retarded.
Man where have you been all day? we have really been deprived of your brilliance. Thank goodness you chimed in and solved the problems of the world in just three simple words. :badgrin:
Well of course we won the war. Iraq had been either at war or under sanction for most of 30 years. They were decimated it 1991 and were under sanctions until 2003. Never able to rebuild their army. There was never any doubt about our victory except on how many days it would take. Nor is there any doubt about the reason we invaded. We had to liberate the Iraqi National Oil fields. And we did.
More non sense and obfuscation... Speak to my point: If staying in Iraq ensured that Obama would win his second term we would have never left when we did and all of you know it. Even you Boo Boo

That is not a point. That is conjecture or supposition.

"If" is the most powerful word in the universe.
That is not a point. That is conjecture or supposition.

"If" is the most powerful word in the universe

Well then respond to my supposition then...because if you believe he would have left the troops in to win an election then you have to agree that all of the theory on the point that we had to leave is also just supposition at best and out and out white house spin at worse. We should have never been there in the first place but we really fucked up when we left too early.

A lot of people died and are still being killed in horrific ways and all of that rest on the shoulders of Obama and Hillary. I know you all hate Trump but the folks you have hung your hats on are not good people. Trump may be a lot of things but his short comings don't come close to comparing with the quest for power at any cost that the left is consumed with. The lies...constant lies, lies about the lies. Shame on the left for what you have become and the evil you will except and live with in order to win.
True, and there is one reason not to believe much of what he says, his mind is unstable.

He has managed to become a millionaire but the powers-that-be have convinced you that he is "unstable".


He was born with a million, into the time of high growth in NY. For the son of a developer with inside connections, he pretty much had the silver spoon. Those days of growth have simmered down, maybe why he filed bankruptcy (what 4 times) and has been in many lawsuits for so long.
This is total bullshit and shows that he doesn't give a damn about facts. ISIS has been around for at least 12 years and 6 years before Obama came to power.
Then you can tell us all where they were 12 years ago. Sorry that's just false. Then when Isis did rear it's ugly head Clinton and Obama thought it would be a good Idea to arm them and turn them loose on Assad's army. Do your homework!
ISIS arose from the vaccum created in the middle east when baby bush destabilized the religion
Wrong again Jill...Isis was first seen in Syria and then Iraq after the line in the sand and the great pull out....not even a nice try. You libs are all wet on this subject and have forgotten the Obama lies have already been exposed.

Did they move in the day after we left ? Nope . The Iraqi gov fucked wh the Sunnis and caused the uprising. Iraqis not only turned over thier weapons , they joined up wh ISIS too.

Nice try in your reinvention of recent history !
You didnt believe it until Trump said it you little lemming you

Hardly, anyone with a brain has understood that Obama created ISIS with his incompetence from the beginning,. Most of us have been saying this for years. ISIL arose in during the Iraq war, and then was defeated during the surge. Obama, the incompetent fuck that he is, withdrew support in critical elements allowing the remnants of ISIL to organize terrorists in Syria AND TO GET FUNDING AND ARMS from Obama, which they used to retake major portions of Iraq and to wage the ghastly war in Syria.

Obama created ISIS, that is simple fact.
Did they move in the day after we left ?
You know what? this is proof that even a broken clock is right twice a day. They actually did move in right after we left. The Kurd's tried to hold them out then they started to take women and children hostage and began to kill anyone that disagreed with their jihadist way of life. Go back and look at the news from back then. They took our trucks and the weapons we left in Iraq just days after we pulled out.
Did they move in the day after we left ?
You know what? this is proof that even a broken clock is right twice a day. They actually did move in right after we left. The Kurd's tried to hold them out then they started to take women and children hostage and began to kill anyone that disagreed with their jihadist way of life. Go back and look at the news from back then. They took our trucks and the weapons we left in Iraq just days after we pulled out.

How about a link ? Cause you righties just make shit up .
How about a link ? Cause you righties just make shit up
We make shit up? The queen of crap is the head of your party and is running for president and you will probably vote for her so for you to say someone makes shit up is absolutely amazing.
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

He has his fingers on the knuckle draggers and mouth breathers of the world….

It was possibly the most obvious sign that Drumpf has lost. Nobody other than the dumbest people on the planet (i.e. Trump supporters) would take such statements seriously. Yet here you are; not only quoting it; but highlighting it on it’s own thread.


I think that when they do the post mortem on 2016; most reporters will point to today as when the Trump candidacy went tits up.
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

Actually he's completely wrong.

What we know today as isis started in 2006.

Isis is the result of the bush boy having paul bremer fire all of the Iraqi army after the invasion of Iraq.

The founder of isis is abu ayyub al-masri.

You and trump might want to take a few minutes to actually research it.
Actually, I think the Trumpbots really do believe that ISIS did not exist before Obama.
so where were they before Obama? In your dreams? Isis started their little army after Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq prematurely to win an election. You can't rewrite history here...we all pay too close of attention to be fooled by a liar like you.

Who set down the timetable for the removal of troops...

Did Iraq ask US troops to Leave?

Using some very selective memory...
Who set down the timetable for the removal of troops...

Did Iraq ask US troops to Leave?

Using some very selective memory...
Who was commander and chief when the pull out happened? Whether it was a good and safe time for all concerned be dammed...Obama had a campaign promise to keep and a reelection to win. You Obama supporters really make me sick...

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