Founder of Isis

Yeah because the leaders of Japan, Germany etc didnt threaten to lock up our soldiers if we didnt leave.

Really Iraq was gonna lock up.our soldiers? Seriously? They had zero leverage.......yes zero.....if we wanted the oil, who was gonna stop us?

All the questions in the world wont change what Maliki said and what you chose to ignore. Going "really?" isnt an objection or a point.

U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There
All known lies and BS....Obama wanted out and didn't care what happened after that...

"Personally, I no longer want them to stay," Othman said. "It's been eight years. I don't think having Americans stay in Iraq will improve the situation at all. Leaving would be better for them and for us. It's time for us to go our separate ways."

The opposition from across Iraq's political spectrum meant that Maliki would have needed to mount a Herculean effort to persuade Iraq's fractious parliament to sign off on any troop extension deals. His closest advisers conceded that such a deal would have virtually no chance of passing.

"Passing a new agreement now in the parliament would be very difficult, if not impossible," Sadiq al-Ribaki, who heads Maliki's political bloc in parliament and has long been one of his closest political advisers, said in a recent interview. "It's a nonstarter for most of the parties and MPs." did it turn out. We predicted it..

It's not hard....we should have said make us leave...whatcha gonna do.about it?

That's the point. They did make us leave.
I've never been totally convinced Obama was not to blame for a failure to obtain a Status of Forces agreement. W's was shot down, that's beyond dispute. Obama said we should retain some force - that too is beyond dispute.

But when an agreement was not happening, it was convenient for Obama to get the fock out of Iraq, which was what the vast maj of Americans wanted at the time. Still, what good would it have done if we'd had 5 or 10K troops in the green zone? Americans were NOT going to tolerate the military suffering more casualties. The verdict on W's war was in and final. Americans didn't like it and had no faith in any outcome other than the US out.

Fundamentally, W didn't understand the without Saddam, or some other sectarian nationalist force, Iraqis were not uniformly in favor of a single national govt. The Iraqi civil war happened when Petraus was in charge ... and the sunni lost.

If we want to blame Obama, and Hillary, for something (and I'm inclined to do so) it's their failure find an answer to a very singular question. Well now, WTF do we do with the Sunnis? Sunni terrorists killed all tribal chieftans not in the terrorist camp ... while we sat by. Even now, I think most agree, we could put in a single regimental combat team and wipe out ISIS in fairly short notice. But still the question would remain. What then do we do with the Sunni civilians? Who governs them? Who protects them from the Shiaa and god knows what else?

Of course Trump couldn't even say the question let alone figure out an answer.
That's the point. They did make us leave
They made us leave? Obama wanted to leave stop already you're showing your ignorance big time.
"Personally, I no longer want them to stay," Othman said. "It's been eight years. I don't think having Americans stay in Iraq will improve the situation at all. Leaving would be better for them and for us. It's time for us to go our separate ways."

The opposition from across Iraq's political spectrum meant that Maliki would have needed to mount a Herculean effort to persuade Iraq's fractious parliament to sign off on any troop extension deals. His closest advisers conceded that such a deal would have virtually no chance of passing.

"Passing a new agreement now in the parliament would be very difficult, if not impossible," Sadiq al-Ribaki, who heads Maliki's political bloc in parliament and has long been one of his closest political advisers, said in a recent interview. "It's a nonstarter for most of the parties and MPs."
We stopped calling all the shots in Iraq in the fall of 2003 when President Bush went to the UNSC and asked for help with the occupation and a legal mandate to occupy Iraq. The mandate was granted. Every year the Iraqi urged the SC to rescind that Mandate. They finally agreed and 2008 was the last year of the mandate. Which is why we got the SOFA at the end of 2008
Why are you people trying to argue that Americas hands were tied? We won the war and I guarantee you all if staying in Iraq meant Obama would win re election we would never have left no matter what Iraq or the UN thought about it. So grow up and stop the nonsense and the outdated links of government propaganda.
Yeah we won, genius. LOL
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

This is actually an important point, and I credit you for making it.

People think that Trump is simply talking out of his ass, but it's obvious that he is trying to appeal to those who have been seduced by "talk radio populism", which targets the stupid and the poor with the message "your country has been stolen by Obama, liberals, gays, Mexicans, elitists, atheists, socialists, Muslims", etc.

Hitler did the same thing by mobilizing Germany around a scapegoat, Jews.

The point of this strain of revanchist populism is to distract people from your actual policies, which, in the case of the current Republican Party, involves giving tax breaks and monopoly protection to the powerful corporate interests that own our political machinery.

Does anybody think that Rambunctious knew or knows how many times Bush and the GOP controlled House/Senate raised the debt ceiling?

Does anybody think that Rambunctious knows the trade policies of the Reagan and Bush 41/43 administrations?

Does anybody think that Rambunctious knows the Cold War alliances Reagan made with the Mujahideen or Hussein, and how those alliances came back to haunt us? Does anybody think that a person like Rambunctious can speak in detail about our postwar reconstruction of the global economy, which used national security (Soviet threat then Terrorist threat) as a context for intervention in resource rich parts of the developing world. [How much do you think Rambunctious knows about geopolitics and global economic policy? Do you think he knows anything about the implications of pricing oil in dollars versus Euros, and where Hussein fell on this issue?]

Can you imagine asking Rambunctious to describe "dollar diplomacy" or the military seizure of admittedly vital energy markets on several continents, or the tax and regulatory favors his party routinely gives to state protected monopolies that have, with the help of their puppet politicians, eliminated competition across several supposedly free markets?

Point his, Rambunctious knows nothing save the Republican supplied cliches about how his country has been stolen.

Pity him, for he has become the useful idiot of the very forces which have destroyed his nation.

Wish for him that he turns off talk radio and goes to a library.
View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

I disagree. I believe Trump tells it like he believe you WANT to see it. I doubt Trump understands the complexity of any topic. He does have a talent for picking potential "red meat" from any possible discussion and is willing to manufacture "red meat" when none exists.
There was never a good out from Iraq because there was never a good in.

Worse than Vietnam? We "won" that too.
*snip moron's meme*

Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

poor uneducated lying winger....

ISIS arose from the vaccum created in the middle east when baby bush destabilized the religion.

but thanks for the imbecilic meme.

I can't imagine how you manage to put your shoes on in the morning given your clear intellectual deficits.

as for dumb Donald....he only tells it like uneducated white males see it.

you're the only ones stupid enough to buy his con
*snip moron's meme*

Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

poor uneducated lying winger....

ISIS arose from the vaccum created in the middle east when baby bush destabilized the religion.

but thanks for the imbecilic meme.

I can't imagine how you manage to put your shoes on in the morning given your clear intellectual deficits.

as for dumb Donald....he only tells it like uneducated white males see it.

you're the only ones stupid enough to buy his con

It is true that ISIS is populated by Sunnis and former baathists

They moved to Syria and became the Syrian Resistance and were determined to remove Assad , a Shiite.

But WHO financed and armed ISIS?

Cables reveal covert US support for Syria's opposition

Newly released WikiLeaks cables show that the US had been funneling money to Syria's opposition for several years, even as it tried to reengage with President Assad's government.

Newly released WikiLeaks cables reveal that the US State Department has been secretly financing Syrian opposition groups and other opposition projects for at least five years, The Washington Post reports.

View attachment 85143
Say what you want about Trump...he tells it as we all see it...

This is actually an important point, and I credit you for making it.

People think that Trump is simply talking out of his ass, but it's obvious that he is trying to appeal to those who have been seduced by "talk radio populism", which targets the stupid and the poor with the message "your country has been stolen by Obama, liberals, gays, Mexicans, elitists, atheists, socialists, Muslims", etc.

Hitler did the same thing by mobilizing Germany around a scapegoat, Jews.

The point of this strain of revanchist populism is to distract people from your actual policies, which, in the case of the current Republican Party, involves giving tax breaks and monopoly protection to the powerful corporate interests that own our political machinery.

Does anybody think that Rambunctious knew or knows how many times Bush and the GOP controlled House/Senate raised the debt ceiling?

Does anybody think that Rambunctious knows the trade policies of the Reagan and Bush 41/43 administrations?

Does anybody think that Rambunctious knows the Cold War alliances Reagan made with the Mujahideen or Hussein, and how those alliances came back to haunt us? Does anybody think that a person like Rambunctious can speak in detail about our postwar reconstruction of the global economy, which used national security (Soviet threat then Terrorist threat) as a context for intervention in resource rich parts of the developing world. [How much do you think Rambunctious knows about geopolitics and global economic policy? Do you think he knows anything about the implications of pricing oil in dollars versus Euros, and where Hussein fell on this issue?]

Can you imagine asking Rambunctious to describe "dollar diplomacy" or the military seizure of admittedly vital energy markets on several continents, or the tax and regulatory favors his party routinely gives to state protected monopolies that have, with the help of their puppet politicians, eliminated competition across several supposedly free markets?

Point his, Rambunctious knows nothing save the Republican supplied cliches about how his country has been stolen.

Pity him, for he has become the useful idiot of the very forces which have destroyed his nation.

Wish for him that he turns off talk radio and goes to a library.
Empty words.... I hope you didn't spend too much time on that drivel...
ISIS arose from the vaccum created in the middle east when baby bush destabilized the religion
Wrong again Jill...Isis was first seen in Syria and then Iraq after the line in the sand and the great pull out....not even a nice try. You libs are all wet on this subject and have forgotten the Obama lies have already been exposed.
We stopped calling all the shots in Iraq in the fall of 2003 when President Bush went to the UNSC and asked for help with the occupation and a legal mandate to occupy Iraq. The mandate was granted. Every year the Iraqi urged the SC to rescind that Mandate. They finally agreed and 2008 was the last year of the mandate. Which is why we got the SOFA at the end of 2008
Why are you people trying to argue that Americas hands were tied? We won the war and I guarantee you all if staying in Iraq meant Obama would win re election we would never have left no matter what Iraq or the UN thought about it. So grow up and stop the nonsense and the outdated links of government propaganda.

Well of course we won the war. Iraq had been either at war or under sanction for most of 30 years. They were decimated it 1991 and were under sanctions until 2003. Never able to rebuild their army. There was never any doubt about our victory except on how many days it would take. Nor is there any doubt about the reason we invaded. We had to liberate the Iraqi National Oil fields. And we did.

Exclusive: Iraq, oil companies agree to restart investment, boost output
That's the point. They did make us leave
They made us leave? Obama wanted to leave stop already you're showing your ignorance big time.

The UN Mandate, which President Bush asked for btw, expired at the end of 2008. He was forced to negotiate a SOFA with Iraqi or he would have had to pull all the troops out by the end of 2008. The time table for the US withdrawal was set in that agreement. Who asked the UNSC to not extend the mandate beyond 2008? The Iraqi government of course.

So yeah they did.
Well of course we won the war. Iraq had been either at war or under sanction for most of 30 years. They were decimated it 1991 and were under sanctions until 2003. Never able to rebuild their army. There was never any doubt about our victory except on how many days it would take. Nor is there any doubt about the reason we invaded. We had to liberate the Iraqi National Oil fields. And we did.
More non sense and obfuscation... Speak to my point: If staying in Iraq ensured that Obama would win his second term we would have never left when we did and all of you know it. Even you Boo Boo

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