Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

Of course, the opposite is also true: The Democrats with their fascist militant Islamists in their ranks are the worst enemy Israel could have. As was mentioned in another thread, he is the only president to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capitol. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'
Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Elizabeth Pipko, founder of The Exodus Movement, spoke exclusively with Fox News following the president's comments suggesting that Jewish Americans, who vote for Democrats show a lack of knowledge or “great disloyalty” to Israel.
"Look, the Democrats have shown with their words and actions over the last several years that they are taking Jews and their support totally for granted. President Trump was discussing Jewish Americans and their loyalty to themselves, their faith, and everything that we have gone through. It’s hard to imagine supporting the left when they have turned so far against us," said Pipko.
ME: Of course, the opposite is also true: The Democrats with their fascist militant Islamists in their ranks are the worst enemy Israel could have. As was mentioned in another thread, he is the only president to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capitol. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'
Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Elizabeth Pipko, founder of The Exodus Movement, spoke exclusively with Fox News following the president's comments suggesting that Jewish Americans, who vote for Democrats show a lack of knowledge or “great disloyalty” to Israel.
"Look, the Democrats have shown with their words and actions over the last several years that they are taking Jews and their support totally for granted. President Trump was discussing Jewish Americans and their loyalty to themselves, their faith, and everything that we have gone through. It’s hard to imagine supporting the left when they have turned so far against us," said Pipko.
Trump is certainly a great friend to Netanyahu. Unfortunately for Trump and the GOP, US Jews have other items on their agenda besides Israel and the Dems come much closer to what 70% of the Jews are looking for.
Pipko worked for tramp, just what would you expect her to say, she is like Stephen Miller and she was a model so you know he lusts after her.
President Trump is not a rabid pro-terrorist anti-Semite who compares Israel and the Jews to 'Nazis', who slaughtered millions of Jews in an attempted genocide, as the growing number of Democrats do...

If you were a Jew / Israeli, who would YOU pick as a 'best friend', someone who continuously spews anti-Semitic remarks, calls you a 'Nazi', posts cartoons making fun of the Holocaust, attends fund-raisers for terrorist organizations who call for the extermination of Israel / the Jewish people...or someone who stands with Israel / the Jews and defends their right to exist / live?

Doesn't seem to be a hard choice...unless you are a Socialist Democrat or a snowflake.
The guy Democrat jews wish was running Israel

Pizzagate is real.

Democrats sold their black voters out for foreign nationals and Jewish voters out to radical islamist.

An American voting for a Democrat is like a jew voting for nazis.
She's a right wing troll born decades after the actual Exodus

Fuck her
The Exodus movement - Wikipedia

"Pipko...describes the organization as representing millennial American Jews who she claims have left the Democratic Party because of what she describes as antisemitism, particularly anti-Israel remarks made by Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib."

Oh FFS. I'm fairly certain US Jews are more than capable of making a rational decision about what the Democratic party as a whole stands for and not based on what three headline grabbing members say. Besides, Pipko "claims" millennial American Jews have left the Democratic Party. She can claim whatever she wants, just like DJT. Both are full of shit.
.........I'm fairly certain US Jews are more than capable of making a rational decision about what the Democratic party as a whole stands for.........

Apparently not. Democrats have long promoted everything the Jewish scriptures say are evil.
Much like fake phony Catholics who also vote Democrat and thus vote against their own church.
.........I'm fairly certain US Jews are more than capable of making a rational decision about what the Democratic party as a whole stands for.........

Apparently not. Democrats have long promoted everything the Jewish scriptures say are evil.
Much like fake phony Catholics who also vote Democrat and thus vote against their own church.

Such a tiny mind.
There is a much bigger world of thought that exists outside of Trumpland
From; Jewish Herald Voice
Why U.S. Jews will continue to vote Democrat
My sense is, I don’t see Jews giving up their liberal culture. Any attempt to define the U.S. as a Christian state generates resistance among Jews and fear of reducing their citizenship to second class. I think sentiment remains strong, but it also depends on the political parties holding their current positions on the questions of religion and state. Everything I see tells me the Democrats will adhere to the separation position, and I don’t hear anything that tells me the Republicans are going to abandon their evangelical Christian base.
“Data shows us there aren’t substantial differences in the voting patterns of young Jews, as compared to older Jews. This is different than the sharp differences by age in the voting patterns of non-Jews.”
Why U.S. Jews will continue to vote Democrat
.........I'm fairly certain US Jews are more than capable of making a rational decision about what the Democratic party as a whole stands for.........

Apparently not. Democrats have long promoted everything the Jewish scriptures say are evil.
Much like fake phony Catholics who also vote Democrat and thus vote against their own church.

My gosh, you have to admit there are a lot of atrocious things in the OT, and Catholics follow Jesus, Protestants follow Paul.
ME: Of course, the opposite is also true: The Democrats with their fascist militant Islamists in their ranks are the worst enemy Israel could have. As was mentioned in another thread, he is the only president to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capitol. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'
Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Elizabeth Pipko, founder of The Exodus Movement, spoke exclusively with Fox News following the president's comments suggesting that Jewish Americans, who vote for Democrats show a lack of knowledge or “great disloyalty” to Israel.
"Look, the Democrats have shown with their words and actions over the last several years that they are taking Jews and their support totally for granted. President Trump was discussing Jewish Americans and their loyalty to themselves, their faith, and everything that we have gone through. It’s hard to imagine supporting the left when they have turned so far against us," said Pipko.

The fact is that American Jews are not single issue voters and they recognize that opposing Netanyahu's policies are not anti-Israel. Also they have American values they support.

"“He is reflecting a concept of Jewish Americans as single-issue voters around Israel, which we’re not; that we’re uniformly hawkish on these issues, which we’re not,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a liberal pro-Israel advocacy group. “In reality, what matters most to us are the exact values that the president is spending his term trashing. We care about equality and justice, and we embrace the notion that this is a nation of immigrants and opportunity for all.”

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