Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Such a tiny mind.

That's you alright.

The OP stands as fact:

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Elizabeth Pipko, founder of The Exodus Movement, spoke exclusively with Fox News following the president's comments suggesting that Jewish Americans, who vote for Democrats show a lack of knowledge or “great disloyalty” to Israel.
"Look, the Democrats have shown with their words and actions over the last several years that they are taking Jews and their support totally for granted. President Trump was discussing Jewish Americans and their loyalty to themselves, their faith, and everything that we have gone through. It’s hard to imagine supporting the left when they have turned so far against us," said Pipko.

ME: Of course, the opposite is also true: The Democrats with their fascist militant Islamists in their ranks are the worst enemy Israel could have. As was mentioned in another thread, he is the only president to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capitol. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.
President Trump is not a rabid pro-terrorist anti-Semite who compares Israel and the Jews to 'Nazis', who slaughtered millions of Jews in an attempted genocide, as the growing number of Democrats do...

If you were a Jew / Israeli, who would YOU pick as a 'best friend', someone who continuously spews anti-Semitic remarks, calls you a 'Nazi', posts cartoons making fun of the Holocaust, attends fund-raisers for terrorist organizations who call for the extermination of Israel / the Jewish people...or someone who stands with Israel / the Jews and defends their right to exist / live?

Doesn't seem to be a hard choice...unless you are a Socialist Democrat or a snowflake.

The fact is that Jewish Americans are not single issue voters. You are showing your ant-Semitism.
“He is reflecting a concept of Jewish Americans as single-issue voters around Israel, which we’re not; that we’re uniformly hawkish on these issues, which we’re not,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a liberal pro-Israel advocacy group. “In reality, what matters most to us are the exact values that the president is spending his term trashing. We care about equality and justice, and we embrace the notion that this is a nation of immigrants and opportunity for all.”
Such a tiny mind.

That's you alright.

The OP stands as fact:

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Elizabeth Pipko, founder of The Exodus Movement, spoke exclusively with Fox News following the president's comments suggesting that Jewish Americans, who vote for Democrats show a lack of knowledge or “great disloyalty” to Israel.
"Look, the Democrats have shown with their words and actions over the last several years that they are taking Jews and their support totally for granted. President Trump was discussing Jewish Americans and their loyalty to themselves, their faith, and everything that we have gone through. It’s hard to imagine supporting the left when they have turned so far against us," said Pipko.

ME: Of course, the opposite is also true: The Democrats with their fascist militant Islamists in their ranks are the worst enemy Israel could have. As was mentioned in another thread, he is the only president to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capitol. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Where is the fact, it's an opinion and opinions are not facts.
I would wager that most Jewish voters are well acquainted with the history of non-Jews who cozy up to them.....that they want something and once they get it, they will go right back to persecuting Jews....or worse.
.........I'm fairly certain US Jews are more than capable of making a rational decision about what the Democratic party as a whole stands for.........

Apparently not. Democrats have long promoted everything the Jewish scriptures say are evil.
Much like fake phony Catholics who also vote Democrat and thus vote against their own church.
It's your OP terri. Run with it. Troll your happy little troll heart out.
You must be an expert on Jewish scriptures to know that "Democrats have long promoted everything the Jewish scriptures say are evil."
Done with your flapdoodle.
ME: Of course, the opposite is also true: The Democrats with their fascist militant Islamists in their ranks are the worst enemy Israel could have. As was mentioned in another thread, he is the only president to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capitol. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'
Founder of The Exodus Movement defends President Trump: 'Best friend Jewish Americans could ask for'

Elizabeth Pipko, founder of The Exodus Movement, spoke exclusively with Fox News following the president's comments suggesting that Jewish Americans, who vote for Democrats show a lack of knowledge or “great disloyalty” to Israel.
"Look, the Democrats have shown with their words and actions over the last several years that they are taking Jews and their support totally for granted. President Trump was discussing Jewish Americans and their loyalty to themselves, their faith, and everything that we have gone through. It’s hard to imagine supporting the left when they have turned so far against us," said Pipko.
President Trump is not a rabid pro-terrorist anti-Semite who compares Israel and the Jews to 'Nazis', who slaughtered millions of Jews in an attempted genocide, as the growing number of Democrats do...

If you were a Jew / Israeli, who would YOU pick as a 'best friend', someone who continuously spews anti-Semitic remarks, calls you a 'Nazi', posts cartoons making fun of the Holocaust, attends fund-raisers for terrorist organizations who call for the extermination of Israel / the Jewish people...or someone who stands with Israel / the Jews and defends their right to exist / live?

Doesn't seem to be a hard choice...unless you are a Socialist Democrat or a snowflake.

The fact is that Jewish Americans are not single issue voters. You are showing your ant-Semitism.
“He is reflecting a concept of Jewish Americans as single-issue voters around Israel, which we’re not; that we’re uniformly hawkish on these issues, which we’re not,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a liberal pro-Israel advocacy group. “In reality, what matters most to us are the exact values that the president is spending his term trashing. We care about equality and justice, and we embrace the notion that this is a nation of immigrants and opportunity for all.”
Way to parrot EXACTLY what Democrats, like Nadless, stated publicly in trying to get the focus off of them and their rabid anti-Semitism...
I would wager that most Jewish voters are well acquainted with the history of non-Jews who cozy up to them.....that they want something and once they get it, they will go right back to persecuting Jews....or worse.
I think left wing Jewish people know how to play the game well. They get to back and promote all of the things the Progs want while crapping on their home nation superficially, while the evangelical Christians promote backing of Israel due to Biblical scripture. Since most if not all left wing Jewish people are secular and they do not believe in hell, they win. Their road to success is much easier and only their reputations ruin it at all. They are very itelligent and all of a sudden they are morons on this issue. Combine that with keeping the business climate amongst their own and they do well. I would do it to.

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