Founding Fathers against Obama

So, are you claiming that Reagan didn't "consistently" increase the national debt? (He did).

I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

notice how nick refuses to admit that reagan left us with a perpetual debt as well and then tries to change the subject. LOL

What I was noticing was that every liberal on this board jumped to divert attention away from Obama and attack anyone and everyone else they could think of. Not a one of you dickless wonders showed the slightest inclination to address the topic of Obama and how well his behavior fits into the founding vision for our nation.

Is this a matter of "Well, your guys suck too, so that makes it okay for ours to", or just "Oh GOD, we can't defend Obama!"? I'm just curious.
The Federal Government BY DES*IGN was changed into harm's way with the 16th/17th Amendments and the creation of the Federal Reserve uner Wilson...all geared to give the Federal Government more power and the States/People less power.

The 14th didn't help matters.

The ambiguous and changing approach to the Equal Protection and Due Process concepts has really been a problem.

Then the SCOTUS uses it to justify Selective Incorporation.

I'd repeal it and then rewrite it.
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson
I think not. If the founding fathers saw America today, they would be more likely to praise Obama than defy him. I think they were pretty smart guys and would recognize that their vision of the country 200 years ago is in need of some serious tweaking. However, you guys would have hated them. They studied science, read poetry, European newspapers, Plato, hung out in Paris and thought the Bible was bull shit.

I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson
I think not. If the founding fathers saw America today, they would be more likely to praise Obama than defy him. I think they were pretty smart guys and would recognize that their vision of the country 200 years ago is in need of some serious tweaking. However, you guys would have hated them. They studied science, read poetry, European newspapers, Plato, hung out in Paris and thought the Bible was bull shit.

What Snobs!!!!

I have stated on many threads that the Constitution needs to be further perfected. I think if a lot of the founders were alive today, they'd agree. I don't recall any of the notables who were at the Convention making a stand against ever altering the document. I don't think they envisioned a country so bitterly divided that altering it would be almost impossible however.
They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't have TV and didn't have the net. So, in their world, the President didn't mean squat.

They were more concerned with what was local.

What is so strange is that the GOP has even bought into the idea that Obama has more say in your life than your City Councilman. We've lost the local flavor and to no good end.

Just because we have the net does not mean we have any more power to control anything than we did before. The only thing it allows us to do is donate more money to federal lackeys who still don't represent our interest.

It was very enlightened if you understood the context in which it was set up.

Didn't mean squat? Hilarious.

What would TV have to do with it?

If you have to ask, you need help.

His job didn't affect them. They were more worried about the fish bowls they lived in. His job was to work with Congress to take a care of a limited set of duties.

It became more "squatty" as it were when John Adams essenatially became part of the effort to return us to an English type centralized government.

Recall that in 1800, Adams and all his buddies were tossed onto the street (not by a large margin either......) in favor of Jefferson and the more decentralized approach of those that were elected with him.

TV ? If they didn't watch the moron in chief lying about what he would do for them, they'd have one less thing to worry about.

The Federal Government BY DES*IGN was changed into harm's way with the 16th/17th Amendments and the creation of the Federal Reserve uner Wilson...all geared to give the Federal Government more power and the States/People less power.

The 14th didn't help matters.

The ambiguous and changing approach to the Equal Protection and Due Process concepts has really been a problem.

Then the SCOTUS uses it to justify Selective Incorporation.

I'd repeal it and then rewrite it.

No argument here.
I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

notice how nick refuses to admit that reagan left us with a perpetual debt as well and then tries to change the subject. LOL

What I was noticing was that every liberal on this board jumped to divert attention away from Obama and attack anyone and everyone else they could think of. Not a one of you dickless wonders showed the slightest inclination to address the topic of Obama and how well his behavior fits into the founding vision for our nation.

Is this a matter of "Well, your guys suck too, so that makes it okay for ours to", or just "Oh GOD, we can't defend Obama!"? I'm just curious.

Nah, it just shows what ******* do when they get control. Damn dirty *******!

OK, Sure - one is consistent and the other is not...

So, are you claiming that Reagan didn't "consistently" increase the national debt? (He did).

I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

The important point is not that he doubled the debt, but why he did it - with the help of Congress I might add....
I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

notice how nick refuses to admit that reagan left us with a perpetual debt as well and then tries to change the subject. LOL

What I was noticing was that every liberal on this board jumped to divert attention away from Obama and attack anyone and everyone else they could think of. Not a one of you dickless wonders showed the slightest inclination to address the topic of Obama and how well his behavior fits into the founding vision for our nation.

Is this a matter of "Well, your guys suck too, so that makes it okay for ours to", or just "Oh GOD, we can't defend Obama!"? I'm just curious.

Maybe because the rest of us can see it is a vacuous, partisan argument.

I am not surprised that you can't see are blinded by your own ego....

National Debt Graph by President

debt2.jpg Who Increased the Debt?
And yet, they all owned slaves...

You're getting more ignorant and uninformed on this subject with every post.

Fewer than half of the signatories to the Constitution were slave owners. Of those who did own slaves, some actually opposed slavery and favored abolition, but the laws of their states prohibited emancipation.

By the same token, many of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were also not slaveowners.

Indeed and what of the 3/5ths Compromise?

Um, what about it?
So, are you claiming that Reagan didn't "consistently" increase the national debt? (He did).

I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

The important point is not that he doubled the debt, but why he did it - with the help of Congress I might add....

B/C he thinks he has a blank check. B/C ultimately a Kenyan communist doesn't care about American capitalism.
I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

The important point is not that he doubled the debt, but why he did it - with the help of Congress I might add....

B/C he thinks he has a blank check. B/C ultimately a Kenyan communist doesn't care about American capitalism.

Oh, great. You're one of those. Wouldn't have wasted my time.

I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

So they'd be against both parties, then?

It's kind of funny you seem to think Republican debt (about half the total) is okay but Democratic Debt is bad.

Simple enough solution. Raise taxes on the rich like Clinton did and have surpluses. Problem solved.

The Dr. needs a Dr. (of history).

What the Founders Said About Slavery

And yet, they all owned slaves...

You're getting more ignorant and uninformed on this subject with every post.

Fewer than half of the signatories to the Constitution were slave owners.
But all of them that ended up as Presidents did.
Of those who did own slaves, some actually opposed slavery and favored abolition, but the laws of their states prohibited emancipation.

There was never any laws that prevented slaves owners from freeing their slaves. Being "against slavery" is all well and good, but if they really were "against slavery", why didn't they free their own slaves?

By the same token, many of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were also not slaveowners.

I'm not trying to shit-talk the founding fathers. Times were different then.

But I think it's hilarious to watch you guys who worship them as Gods on Earth try to explain away their ownership of slaves.
It's funny, once you think you meet a rightie that can converse and debate in a semi rational manner, the go and pull the Kenyan Communist thing out, and you realize that they are part of the brainwashed and they lose any credibility they may have accumulated.

Turn the channel....
Romney will win in November.

Then he will exclude the influence of the far right, work with the mainstream, and encourage the dem minority to help govern.

Kids, we are not going back to Reagan or Bush. Those days are over.

Romney is a statist progressive conservative, and he is not afraid of federal government.

And watch him change Obamacare into Romneycare.

You far righties have no idea how he is using you, which is fine.
Romney will win in November.

Then he will exclude the influence of the far right, work with the mainstream, and encourage the dem minority to help govern.

Kids, we are not going back to Reagan or Bush. Those days are over.

Romney is a statist progressive conservative, and he is not afraid of federal government.

And watch him change Obamacare into Romneycare.

You far righties have no idea how he is using you, which is fine.

Smell the Fear.

Romney will win in November.

Then he will exclude the influence of the far right, work with the mainstream, and encourage the dem minority to help govern.

Kids, we are not going back to Reagan or Bush. Those days are over.

Romney is a statist progressive conservative, and he is not afraid of federal government.

And watch him change Obamacare into Romneycare.

You far righties have no idea how he is using you, which is fine.

Smell the Fear.

Sure, stonersniperfear, smell it. We in the GOP mainstream have been working steadily since July 2009 to minimalize the far right, and it is coming to fruition this fall. We get a mainstream candidate, not a wack from the far right. We get a mainstream candidate who has no trouble turning his back on the Christian right. We get a mainstream candidate who has demonstrated he will work across the aisle. We can win with Romney,not with any of the far right wacks. We in the GOP mainstream have worked so hard for this day, and it is coming true.

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