Founding Fathers against Obama

The "doctor/patient relationship" hasn't had any "power" in our health care system for quite a long time now.

"Obamacare" does nothing to fix that, but nothing to make it worse either.

ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


You make is sound like that is a bad thing, but at the end of the day people still have choices..


So says a NON Citizen. STFU asshole. Pay attention to your own country.
And give power BACK to the doctor/patient relationship...and individual responsibility?

The "doctor/patient relationship" hasn't had any "power" in our health care system for quite a long time now.

"Obamacare" does nothing to fix that, but nothing to make it worse either.

ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.
The "doctor/patient relationship" hasn't had any "power" in our health care system for quite a long time now.

"Obamacare" does nothing to fix that, but nothing to make it worse either.

ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.

*BULLSHIT* "DOC".:eusa_liar:
The "doctor/patient relationship" hasn't had any "power" in our health care system for quite a long time now.

"Obamacare" does nothing to fix that, but nothing to make it worse either.

ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.

Tell that to all the bureacracies and panels that Obama set-up you f'ing con artist.
ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.

Tell that to all the bureacracies and panels that Obama set-up you f'ing con artist.
ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.

*BULLSHIT* "DOC".:eusa_liar:

Here's the full text of the bill:
Read the Law |

Feel free to point out what sections give "The Government" control over coverage.
No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.

*BULLSHIT* "DOC".:eusa_liar:

Here's the full text of the bill:
Read the Law |

Feel free to point out what sections give "The Government" control over coverage.

Nope. The Govenment calls ALL SHOTS.

Sorry. :eusa_hand:
Here's the full text of the bill:
Read the Law |

Feel free to point out what sections give "The Government" control over coverage.

Nope. The Govenment calls ALL SHOTS.

Sorry. :eusa_hand:

Because you said so?

You've got to back your claims up, if you want to be taken seriously.

AFTER You back YOURS. And YES because *I* said so Moderator puppy.

FED has ZERO business in this. It is a Government PLAN. It is by Government DESIGN.

Favours GOVERMENT and thier power over the PEOPLE.

YOU may pay me homage at your leisure...sooner the better.
Nope. The Govenment calls ALL SHOTS.

Sorry. :eusa_hand:

Because you said so?

You've got to back your claims up, if you want to be taken seriously.

AFTER You back YOURS. And YES because *I* said so Moderator puppy.

Have you ever taken a logic class? You're claiming that Obamacare will give "The Government" control over plan coverage. I'm saying it won't.

The responsibility lies with you to prove your positive - not for me to prove the negative.

FED has ZERO business in this. It is a Government PLAN. It is by Government DESIGN.

Do you know what "Obamacare" the law does? I'm begining to think not.

Favours GOVERMENT and thier power over the PEOPLE.
How so? Give examples.

YOU may pay me homage at your leisure...sooner the better.

Yeah, that's unlikely.
*BULLSHIT* "DOC".:eusa_liar:

Here's the full text of the bill:
Read the Law |

Feel free to point out what sections give "The Government" control over coverage.

Nope. The Govenment calls ALL SHOTS.

Sorry. :eusa_hand:

You are wrong. The bill will allow more competition to take place within each state which is a Republican idea the last time I checked. Democrats should hate this bill because it does not come even remotely close to doing anything they have traditionally believed in.

My point though is that in the 90's Obama's plan was a Republican plan and would have been celebrated at the time by most in the Republican party.

Check this out:

"[Dole's] bill requires insurers to renew policies and prohibits pre-existing condition limitations in new policies, while protecting insurers by allowing reasonable waiting periods. It also limits premium variations to differences based on age, family size, geogra- phy, and other risk factors, but not health condition. Further, the bill blocks states from mandating insurers to include costly benefits that buyers do not want. It introduces malpractice reforms to reduce legal costs, and reforms the antitrust rules to make it easier for groups of physicians or other providers to do business.
The bill also encourages the creation of purchasing groups, including non-employer associations, to bargain for good insurance rates. But wisely, it does not mandate health alliances, or force- employers to pick plans for their employees. Thus, Americans could join health insurance purchasing associations based on, say, a church, a union or a farm bureau, not just an employer-sponsored pool."

Sound familiar?
Romney will win in November.

Then he will exclude the influence of the far right, work with the mainstream, and encourage the dem minority to help govern.

Kids, we are not going back to Reagan or Bush. Those days are over.

Romney is a statist progressive conservative, and he is not afraid of federal government.

And watch him change Obamacare into Romneycare.

You far righties have no idea how he is using you, which is fine.

One more time- If Obama can't stand up to Bryan Fischer now, how is he going to stand up to the Teabaggers in January.

Do you really think the Democrats are going to have ANY interest in working with this guy after the way Obama was treated?

You see, the dirty little secret. Bush-43 actually did a pretty good job working with Democrats in a bi-partisan way in Texas. He even tried to do that when he first got to Washington. But the Democrats were having none of that. Oh, they rallied behind him after 9/11, but it was only to look for a place to stick a knife. The Republicans burned Clinton, they were going to burn Bush. And the Republicans burned Obama because the Democrats Burned Bush in turn.

So really, the only way he governs at all is if he works with the TeaBaggers in Congress. Which means he has to subscribe to their agenda, no matter how whacky it is.
Again, you don't understand Romney, the Republican Party, or political dynamics.
Again, you don't understand Romney, the Republican Party, or political dynamics.

Deflector sheilds to maximum, Cap'n.

How about answering my question, now?

What possible incentive would the Democrats from deep blue districts possibly have to work with Romney? Quite the contrary, their side would consider it treason.

And after what happened to Lugar last night, it's not like any Republicans are going to go in for that moderation thingee...

And keep in mind, Romney has to run for re-election in 2016. He's not going to do anything to upset his base, which already doesn't trust him.
They didn't have TV and didn't have the net. So, in their world, the President didn't mean squat.

They were more concerned with what was local.

What is so strange is that the GOP has even bought into the idea that Obama has more say in your life than your City Councilman. We've lost the local flavor and to no good end.

Just because we have the net does not mean we have any more power to control anything than we did before. The only thing it allows us to do is donate more money to federal lackeys who still don't represent our interest.

It was very enlightened if you understood the context in which it was set up.

Didn't mean squat? Hilarious.

What would TV have to do with it?

If you have to ask, you need help.

His job didn't affect them. They were more worried about the fish bowls they lived in. His job was to work with Congress to take a care of a limited set of duties.

It became more "squatty" as it were when John Adams essenatially became part of the effort to return us to an English type centralized government.

Recall that in 1800, Adams and all his buddies were tossed onto the street (not by a large margin either......) in favor of Jefferson and the more decentralized approach of those that were elected with him.

TV ? If they didn't watch the moron in chief lying about what he would do for them, they'd have one less thing to worry about.


Yes, unbelievable that you think our nation's constitution was written so the people would never think about who the President was...

I've heard of trying to back up one's point with nonsense but c'mon. You're abusing the privilege.
The "doctor/patient relationship" hasn't had any "power" in our health care system for quite a long time now.

"Obamacare" does nothing to fix that, but nothing to make it worse either.

ObamaCare destroys it...because The Government is in charge of what will be covered, and what won't.


No, "Obamacare" doesn't give "The Government" control over what will be covered and what won't - your health insurance company will make those decisions.

Just like now.

It's very amusing that you think calling me "MODERATOR" is some sort of insult.

Just how cerebrally constrained is this clueless imbecile???

The govt instituted the laws exempting pre-existing conditions, keeping kids on their parents plans to age 26, expanded coverages, etc............and thats just the beginning
Next thing you know this retard will be telling us how adding 30 million to the welfare dole will actually save money and how services will
Here's the full text of the bill:
Read the Law |

Feel free to point out what sections give "The Government" control over coverage.

Nope. The Govenment calls ALL SHOTS.

Sorry. :eusa_hand:

Because you said so?

You've got to back your claims up, if you want to be taken seriously.

The reality is that the exact same people who controlled America's health care in the past are the same people who will control it now .. the health insurance industry .. the same people who wrote Obamacare.

I'm not a republican, nor am I a democrat. I'm one of those pesky leftists that democrats love to ignore .. but expect to vote for them.

Start from here .. Obama is a corporatist.

What else can one expect from a corporatist but a watered-down facade of a health care bill that benefits the health insurance industry far more than the American people .. which is exactly what Obama delivered.
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Here's the full text of the bill:
Read the Law |

Feel free to point out what sections give "The Government" control over coverage.

Nope. The Govenment calls ALL SHOTS.

Sorry. :eusa_hand:

You are wrong. The bill will allow more competition to take place within each state which is a Republican idea the last time I checked. Democrats should hate this bill because it does not come even remotely close to doing anything they have traditionally believed in.

My point though is that in the 90's Obama's plan was a Republican plan and would have been celebrated at the time by most in the Republican party.

Check this out:

"[Dole's] bill requires insurers to renew policies and prohibits pre-existing condition limitations in new policies, while protecting insurers by allowing reasonable waiting periods. It also limits premium variations to differences based on age, family size, geogra- phy, and other risk factors, but not health condition. Further, the bill blocks states from mandating insurers to include costly benefits that buyers do not want. It introduces malpractice reforms to reduce legal costs, and reforms the antitrust rules to make it easier for groups of physicians or other providers to do business.
The bill also encourages the creation of purchasing groups, including non-employer associations, to bargain for good insurance rates. But wisely, it does not mandate health alliances, or force- employers to pick plans for their employees. Thus, Americans could join health insurance purchasing associations based on, say, a church, a union or a farm bureau, not just an employer-sponsored pool."

Sound familiar?


Richard Nixon's health care plan of 1974 was better than what Obama delivered.
Again, you don't understand Romney, the Republican Party, or political dynamics.

Deflector sheilds to maximum, Cap'n.

How about answering my question, now?

What possible incentive would the Democrats from deep blue districts possibly have to work with Romney? Quite the contrary, their side would consider it treason.

And after what happened to Lugar last night, it's not like any Republicans are going to go in for that moderation thingee...

And keep in mind, Romney has to run for re-election in 2016. He's not going to do anything to upset his base, which already doesn't trust him.

Ummm . . . not at all. You clearly do understand the modern American political landscape.

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