Founding Fathers against Obama

Yeah...the latter would be you.

You wouldn't have spouted your ignorant chirp were that to be true. But moving forward, give me some evidence to suggest that the Founding Fathers would be for Obama.

"A government of, by and for the people"....not 1% of the people...but all the people.
How's that for starters?

Not sure if anyone else is going to point this out, so I will: that would be Abraham Lincoln, who was not one of our Founders.
You wouldn't have spouted your ignorant chirp were that to be true. But moving forward, give me some evidence to suggest that the Founding Fathers would be for Obama.

"A government of, by and for the people"....not 1% of the people...but all the people.
How's that for starters?

Not sure if anyone else is going to point this out, so I will: that would be Abraham Lincoln, who was not one of our Founders.

That poster is obviously a victim of Gubmint schrools...:eusa_whistle:
Wow, you studied the founding fathers for a "couple hours" and now feel qualified to pass judgement on President Obama on their behalf? The founding fathers would be dumbfounded by the current mess and how it happened.

Geez you libs are mindless tarts. You're like the fourth idiot to make this erroneous point. My point was that I had recently studied it. I never once said I was studying them for the first time. Stop focusing on your mindless snipes and join the discussion.

It's pure bullshit to speculate how the founding fathers would have felt about President Obama or previous presidents. Also, I would guess that if the founding fathers could have envisioned the future - they would have written a slightly different Constitution.

That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.
Geez you libs are mindless tarts. You're like the fourth idiot to make this erroneous point. My point was that I had recently studied it. I never once said I was studying them for the first time. Stop focusing on your mindless snipes and join the discussion.

It's pure bullshit to speculate how the founding fathers would have felt about President Obama or previous presidents. Also, I would guess that if the founding fathers could have envisioned the future - they would have written a slightly different Constitution.

That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

Thier insights got us this far until the progressives got hold of it.
Geez you libs are mindless tarts. You're like the fourth idiot to make this erroneous point. My point was that I had recently studied it. I never once said I was studying them for the first time. Stop focusing on your mindless snipes and join the discussion.

It's pure bullshit to speculate how the founding fathers would have felt about President Obama or previous presidents. Also, I would guess that if the founding fathers could have envisioned the future - they would have written a slightly different Constitution.

That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

OK, Sure - one is consistent and the other is not...

So, are you claiming that Reagan didn't "consistently" increase the national debt? (He did).

I never claimed that....

I'll tell you what tho - Obama doubled the debt that all presidents combined accumulated in - 3 years none the less.

So when Obama took office the debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08 so as of today our debt is over $21 trillion!!!! :lol:

You far righties keep claiming Obama has already spent more than all presidents combined and why would you do that? Every check out things to see if their factual? I guess not, just go with the talking points and run with it, true or false!
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

Well now, the Founding Fathers would be very surprised to see a man of color in the White House, let alone allowed to vote. And there is the matter of women and non-land owners voting, also.

In fact, there are many things which the Founding Fathers would be surprised about. That is why the Constitution was made so that it could be amended. For the smartest of the Founding Fathers realized that society and the needs of society change over the generations.
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

Well now, the Founding Fathers would be very surprised to see a man of color in the White House, let alone allowed to vote. And there is the matter of women and non-land owners voting, also.

In fact, there are many things which the Founding Fathers would be surprised about. That is why the Constitution was made so that it could be amended. For the smartest of the Founding Fathers realized that society and the needs of society change over the generations.

Passing a federal health care bill, which is clearly outside the scope of their defined duties, is not amending the constitution.

It is a good thing that Obama will be reminded of that when the bill is returned to him as a pile of ashes.
It's pure bullshit to speculate how the founding fathers would have felt about President Obama or previous presidents. Also, I would guess that if the founding fathers could have envisioned the future - they would have written a slightly different Constitution.

That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't live in a world of automobiles and it was a farm country. They had to pick the system that suited them best at that time.
It's pure bullshit to speculate how the founding fathers would have felt about President Obama or previous presidents. Also, I would guess that if the founding fathers could have envisioned the future - they would have written a slightly different Constitution.

That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't have TV and didn't have the net. So, in their world, the President didn't mean squat.

They were more concerned with what was local.

What is so strange is that the GOP has even bought into the idea that Obama has more say in your life than your City Councilman. We've lost the local flavor and to no good end.

Just because we have the net does not mean we have any more power to control anything than we did before. The only thing it allows us to do is donate more money to federal lackeys who still don't represent our interest.

It was very enlightened if you understood the context in which it was set up.
That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't have TV and didn't have the net. So, in their world, the President didn't mean squat.

They were more concerned with what was local.

What is so strange is that the GOP has even bought into the idea that Obama has more say in your life than your City Councilman. We've lost the local flavor and to no good end.

Just because we have the net does not mean we have any more power to control anything than we did before. The only thing it allows us to do is donate more money to federal lackeys who still don't represent our interest.

It was very enlightened if you understood the context in which it was set up.

All politics is local is mostly true; however, the race for president and even governor are easily more important races given the state of modern taxation and liberty being under assault.
That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't have TV and didn't have the net. So, in their world, the President didn't mean squat.

They were more concerned with what was local.

What is so strange is that the GOP has even bought into the idea that Obama has more say in your life than your City Councilman. We've lost the local flavor and to no good end.

Just because we have the net does not mean we have any more power to control anything than we did before. The only thing it allows us to do is donate more money to federal lackeys who still don't represent our interest.

It was very enlightened if you understood the context in which it was set up.

The Federal Government BY DES*IGN was changed into harm's way with the 16th/17th Amendments and the creation of the Federal Reserve uner Wilson...all geared to give the Federal Government more power and the States/People less power.
That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't live in a world of automobiles and it was a farm country. They had to pick the system that suited them best at that time.

What does automobiles have to do with voting for Senator or President.
That's what you should've said in the first place instead of coming at me with a stupid insult.

But to get to your point; you're so far off. The founding fathers were the brightest and most enlightened group ever assembled. Their insights should never be ignored. Only a person with an evil agenda would say otherwise.

They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't have TV and didn't have the net. So, in their world, the President didn't mean squat.

They were more concerned with what was local.

What is so strange is that the GOP has even bought into the idea that Obama has more say in your life than your City Councilman. We've lost the local flavor and to no good end.

Just because we have the net does not mean we have any more power to control anything than we did before. The only thing it allows us to do is donate more money to federal lackeys who still don't represent our interest.

It was very enlightened if you understood the context in which it was set up.

Didn't mean squat? Hilarious.

What would TV have to do with it?
They didn't want you voting for President or Senator; not very enlightened. Unless you like having the oligarchy picking your representatives for you that is.

They didn't live in a world of automobiles and it was a farm country. They had to pick the system that suited them best at that time.

What does automobiles have to do with voting for Senator or President.

B/C when you're farming crops you don't want to take a day off to ride your horse 50-100 miles to town.
If the Founding Fathers were alive today, they'd probably be pretty upset that someone freed all their slaves...


The Dr. needs a Dr. (of history).

What the Founders Said About Slavery

And yet, they all owned slaves...

You're getting more ignorant and uninformed on this subject with every post.

Fewer than half of the signatories to the Constitution were slave owners. Of those who did own slaves, some actually opposed slavery and favored abolition, but the laws of their states prohibited emancipation.

By the same token, many of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were also not slaveowners.

The Dr. needs a Dr. (of history).

What the Founders Said About Slavery

And yet, they all owned slaves...

You're getting more ignorant and uninformed on this subject with every post.

Fewer than half of the signatories to the Constitution were slave owners. Of those who did own slaves, some actually opposed slavery and favored abolition, but the laws of their states prohibited emancipation.

By the same token, many of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were also not slaveowners.

Indeed and what of the 3/5ths Compromise?
Dick Cheney is A Founding Father, according to RNC--and at least one of their Presidential contenders in their recent, "Pump and Dump" debates. The best show was the black guy standing up in front of all the white facists, hollering: "Nein! Nein! Nein!" A little airline cap would have more easily helped to make the sale--along with a "Strangelove," kind of twitch.

Dick Cheney cited the Head Deity in Charge, at RNC: Ronald Reagan. "Ronald Reagan prooved that Deficits Don't Matter!" There was always going to be a banana around, for Bonzo when one was needed.

Proof is like that, at RNC!

Ronald Reagan knew a thing or two about the jelly beans. With the Romneys, it's the Cocoa Puffs!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many come to Lands of Many Nations: "Reservations or Not!" seeking pot of gold(?)! Soon war-spending will be flowing again, based on National Intellligence Estimates(?)!)
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