Founding Fathers against Obama

If the founding fathers were alive today they would be beating on the insides of their coffins saying "Let me Out!":lol:
I can answer that....whatever FOXnews tells him.

That's THE typical liberal response. You see this in every thread. Find something new. I'm sure you realize CNN, MSNBC is just as biased.

Bush did run up a large deficit and Obama campaigned on "change" Why hasn't the deficit dropped? Why hasn't our debt to GDP ratio dropped? I don't agree with socialized medicine, but I also realize there is a real problem with our health industry. How is it the right time to ram through this legislation, a very expensive bill, during a time of economic crisis? How is it ok to attempt intimidation of our Supreme Court? I disagree with most of his policies and I think the founders would as well. But, it is a different time with much different problems.

well thus far no one has been able to defend the argument so it would seem that no one on the right has a way to support or defend the argument. Maybe they should ask foxnews how to respond?

The rest of your moronic rant is nothing but rightwing talking points.

How is taking several months to pass the legislation "ramming" it through?? LOL

There is no socialized medicine with obama's healthcare plan but thanks again for the talking point.

It wasn't a rant at all, just opinions. Most of them you dodged. Since my opinion is different than yours they are moronic. Which is exactly why nothing gets done in our government. Rather than talk about anything, they just assume the party different from their own will never come up with ideas worth talking about. It's childish.

Socialized to me means government involved. Would you agree this healthcare plan has government involvement?
That's THE typical liberal response. You see this in every thread. Find something new. I'm sure you realize CNN, MSNBC is just as biased.

MSNBC, obviously. CNN, not so much.

That's why CNN's ratings are so crappy, they haven't chosen a side. Partisanship gives you ratings.

CNN has their moments:



But you're right that they are trying to appear down the center. Their form of liberal bias is much less overt. They are constantly sanitizing the news; disregarding corruption and voices while telling us that "everything is okay." I frankly have no more respect for CNN than I do for MSNBC.
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Still no response to the TJ quotes that you asked me to repost?? Let me guess, foxnews hasn't told you how to respond yet which is why you are avoiding the quotes that counter your spin? What are you afraid of?

I believe I've responded to you on TJ.

no you haven't. you ran away and asked me to repost it. I did and you ran away AGAIN.

But you can repost something and I'll look at it.

I already reposted it once and you will more than likely run away AGAIN. So I am not wasting my time so you can show how much of a coward you are AGAIN no matter how much fun it is to point it out.

And btw, I've heard Charlie Sheen mention Thomas Jefferson more than Fox News in recent months so your joke is off to say the least.

That still doesn't change the fact that you are still running away. Thanks for being a coward. lol

Post your damn quote dude instead of giving me your useless diatribe of insults.
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

Then you should study harder. Get to actually know Jefferson.

He warned of the danger of banking and corporations. That not only includes the corporatist Obama, it includes the vast majority of American politicians who are owned by banking and corporations. He also warned of standing armies.

"The supremacy of the civil over the military authority I deem [one of] the essential principles of our Government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration."

"There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army."

"The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force."

The wisdom of the Founders is evident in their understanding of the evolving nature of society. They were from the Age of Reason and most of them were Diests .. not Christians.

There is a lot in today's society that they would find disturbing.
Ah, StonerSniperFire. Beck was not a Founder. I know this comes as a real surprise.
Nobody made that claim, although he would have been a good one. Are you a stoner?

StonerSniperFire failed to respond to the rest of the comment, which was ignored for the good reason that SSF would look like an idiot trying to respond. Ah, StonerSniperFire. Beck was not a Founder. I know this comes as a real surprise. The Founders were not Libertarians. They were classical liberals. They would be frightened by Beck's LDS-politically themed wild-eyed populism. A modern translation by a Mormon writer? A la Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Hmm, we have been that route before.

Are you Mormon? Are you John Birch Society? Are you a Beck clone?

Time for full transparency, little stonersniper. Come clean, gene.
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

Then you should study harder. Get to actually know Jefferson.

He warned of the danger of banking and corporations. That not only includes the corporatist Obama, it includes the vast majority of American politicians who are owned by banking and corporations.....

I did not say that TJ would give his stamp approval on all of the Republicans' actions. I'm saying that he would find Obama's actions and policies abhorrent. And Obama is in the corporations pockets btw.
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This is 2012 and not the 1700s and the founding father are obsolete and the constitution need to be re-written by are peers. Not a bunch of corrupt immoral men like the founding fathers. Obama is a saint compared them them.

Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home
The Sunday Times |February 11, 1998

The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin
The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin | myFiveBest

Dirty Secrets Of The Founding Fathers
6:25 pm | Thursday, July 3rd, 2008
Secrets About Our Founding Fathers | Buy. Collect. Obsess.

Were our Founding Fathers terrorists?
by Dark Acolyte
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

Then you should study harder. Get to actually know Jefferson.

He warned of the danger of banking and corporations. That not only includes the corporatist Obama, it includes the vast majority of American politicians who are owned by banking and corporations. He also warned of standing armies.

"The supremacy of the civil over the military authority I deem [one of] the essential principles of our Government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration."

"There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army."

"The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force."

The wisdom of the Founders is evident in their understanding of the evolving nature of society. They were from the Age of Reason and most of them were Diests .. not Christians.

There is a lot in today's society that they would find disturbing.

I did not say that TJ would give his stamp approval on all of the Republicans' actions. I'm saying that he would find Obama's actions and policies abhorrent. And Obama is in the corporations pockets btw.

My point is that they are all owned by corporations.

Do you really think that Romney isn't?

Not sure this is an American government they would even recognize.

Do you think they saw corporations as citizens?
Founding Fathers against Obama

NO SHIT. They were against blacks in general genius.

Jefferson was very conflicted about this, as was he about a lot of things. Brilliance usually has that effect.

Great. While he was "conflicted" people were owned as property.

I love how "brilliant" = "being against slavery in principle, but since I own some and life would suck without them, I, personally, don't need to worry about it"
This is 2012 and not the 1700s and the founding father are obsolete and the constitution need to be re-written by are peers. Not a bunch of corrupt immoral men like the founding fathers. Obama is a saint compared them them.

Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home
The Sunday Times |February 11, 1998

The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin
The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin | myFiveBest

Dirty Secrets Of The Founding Fathers
6:25 pm | Thursday, July 3rd, 2008
Secrets About Our Founding Fathers | Buy. Collect. Obsess.

Were our Founding Fathers terrorists?
by Dark Acolyte

Regardless of who our founding fathers were as people, the document they created is not obsolete. Every President, military member, congressman, and others has taken an oath to protect and defend it against enemies foreign and domestic. If there is something you do not like, write your congressman. There are ways to change the constitution. Over time lots of things have changed. There is no need to re-write it.

Secret Clubs and Freemasons among Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers, signers of the Declaration of Independence, signers of the Constitution, and Generals in the Continental Army under Washington, were Masons.

Free masonry was based on satanic worship and sex parties and orgies.
Emblem of the square and the compass.

Ben Franklin had a sex addition and involved in occult and illegal things. Used sex to win people and influence people. Member of Hell Fire Club ... llfire.htm

Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home
The Sunday Times |February 11, 1998

The Deeper, Secret Roots of America's Founding Fathers
© 1994 Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson

The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin | Trivia And Opinion On Any Topic
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Then you should study harder. Get to actually know Jefferson.

He warned of the danger of banking and corporations. That not only includes the corporatist Obama, it includes the vast majority of American politicians who are owned by banking and corporations. He also warned of standing armies.

"The supremacy of the civil over the military authority I deem [one of] the essential principles of our Government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration."

"There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army."

"The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force."

The wisdom of the Founders is evident in their understanding of the evolving nature of society. They were from the Age of Reason and most of them were Diests .. not Christians.

There is a lot in today's society that they would find disturbing.

I did not say that TJ would give his stamp approval on all of the Republicans' actions. I'm saying that he would find Obama's actions and policies abhorrent. And Obama is in the corporations pockets btw.

My point is that they are all owned by corporations.

Do you really think that Romney isn't?

Not sure this is an American government they would even recognize.

Do you think they saw corporations as citizens?

I think it's unrealistic for a candidate to win the president w/o corporate backers. I think the Constitution should be amended to deal with the issue. I can't blame Romney for not taking the same advantages Obama takes though.

But there is a major difference that the founding fathers would find appalling. The founding fathers railed against excessive taxation and government being all in our business and against a class of people on it's teet. They were fundamentally against that nonsense.
Founding Fathers against Obama

NO SHIT. They were against blacks in general genius.

Jefferson was very conflicted about this, as was he about a lot of things. Brilliance usually has that effect.

Great. While he was "conflicted" people were owned as property.

I love how "brilliant" = "being against slavery in principle, but since I own some and life would suck without them, I, personally, don't need to worry about it"

Unfortunately this is a part of our history. There is nothing we can do to change it, and it takes nothing away from one person's intelligence. I also do not think that's how he saw things, and I do think that he worried about it. Overall I wouldn't say Jefferson was against blacks in general. I think in that time the majority of people were, and against a majority no progress can be made. Example= Gay rights. Eventually they will be able to marry. And future generations will look upon us as bigots and homophobic as a whole, although that is not the case.
This is 2012 and not the 1700s and the founding father are obsolete and the constitution need to be re-written by are peers. Not a bunch of corrupt immoral men like the founding fathers. Obama is a saint compared them them.

Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home
The Sunday Times |February 11, 1998

The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin
The Dirty Secrets Of Benjamin Franklin | myFiveBest

Dirty Secrets Of The Founding Fathers
6:25 pm | Thursday, July 3rd, 2008
Secrets About Our Founding Fathers | Buy. Collect. Obsess.

Were our Founding Fathers terrorists?
by Dark Acolyte

Regardless of who our founding fathers were as people, the document they created is not obsolete. Every President, military member, congressman, and others has taken an oath to protect and defend it against enemies foreign and domestic. If there is something you do not like, write your congressman. There are ways to change the constitution. Over time lots of things have changed. There is no need to re-write it.

Since the writting it has been amended 27 times and that mean is is mostly obsolete for this day and time. Change it is re-writting it.
Founding Fathers against Obama

NO SHIT. They were against blacks in general genius.

Jefferson was very conflicted about this, as was he about a lot of things. Brilliance usually has that effect.

Very true and wise words brother.

Going Out Guide exhibit review: ‘Benjamin Franklin’ at the Archives and ‘Slavery at Monticello’

Schoolbooks like to make myths of men like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.

Franklin, in particular, can come off like a brainy Paul Bunyan: He secretly penned shrewd proverbs as Poor Richard, he flew a kite in a lightning storm to harness electricity, he signed the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was the third president, responsible for the Lewis and Clark expedition and the Louisiana Purchase, not to mention the founder of the University of Virginia.

Two major exhibitions just blocks apart present the Founding Fathers in very different tenors, each attempting to paint a portrait more nuanced than the one taught in history class. While one show focuses on Thomas Jefferson’s conflicted stance toward slavery, the other looks at the rosy side of Benjamin Franklin’s legacy.

“Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World,” opening Friday at the National Archives, restores some humanity to the legend. For all of his scientific noodling, Franklin held the unglamorous profession of printer; he had a son, William, out of wedlock. And like his friend Jefferson, he owned slaves.

Yet the touring show, organized by the Minnesota Historical Society and featuring several original documents from the National Archives, glances over some of these details, perhaps so it can squeeze in a few more kid-friendly bells and whistles. (There are more than 40 hands-on “interactives.”)

Two scant walls, for example, explore the contradiction of Franklin as a slaveholder; in that regard, he gets off easier than Jefferson does down the street.

Franklin had at least four slaves: Peter, Jemima, King and George. Yet “In Search of a Better World” notes that Franklin turned a corner later in life: In a 1763 letter, he detailed observing black schoolchildren; finding their abilities just as strong as that of white students, he questioned his previous prejudices.

Franklin also occasionally printed abolitionist material for Quaker groups but was careful that his name not appear on the material — no small omission, considering that many of the print shop’s wares included in the exhibit bear his name in large type. In his newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, he also printed ads listing the purchases and losses of slaves.

In 1787, three years before his death at age 84, Franklin began serving as president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and he wrote frequently in favor of abolishing slavery in his remaining years. Included in the exhibition is his 1790 petition to Congress to consider ending slavery to “promote mercy and justice toward this distressed Race.”

But for his own slaves he made provisions to free them only after his death. (He outlived them all.) And the matter of abolition, though on the minds of many in that day, also was not addressed in any of the founding documents — all of which Franklin signed with a memorable flourish.

Many were conflicted about the institution of slavery while proclaiming a love of freedom.
Change is amending it. In 237 years, 27 changes isn't bad. Your opinion is the minority by a large margin on this subject.

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