Founding Fathers against Obama

You are simply wrong.

After Bush's 2009 budget (his last), the National Debt stood at 12.8, not "like 7".

Bush had nothing to do with that budget.

Pelosi and Reid wouldn't let him anywhere near it, and Obama joined them in loading it up with up their spending priorities. And Obama signed it in March of 2009.

Bush wrote the 2009 budget, and submitted it to the house. Obama signed it.

That's how the process works.

All this is true.

And there's absolutely no way the debt was "like 7", because:

At the end of 1981 it was just over 1 Trillion.

Reagan and Bush I added 3.5 by 1993, making it 4.5.

The Clinton administration brought it up to just under 6 by the end of 2001.

And Bush brought it up to 12.3 by the end of 2009.

This page is an EXCELLENT breakdown of all the relevant figures. (Though it does attribute the fist year of presidency to the incoming president. Which is inaccurate.)

National Debt by Presidential Term - per Capita and as Percentage of GDP

Now, even if you wanted to say that Obama has increased the debt more than any single president before him, that would also be untrue.

Bush raised the debt by about 6.5 Trillion dollars. Obama has raised it by less than 3 Trillion.

Of course, that doesn't even account for inflation adjustments, or interest payments on pre-existing debt being attributed to the people that created the debt to begin with.

For instance, in inflation-adjusted dollars, the 3.5 Trillion Dollars in debt created by the Reagan-Bush I years would add up to 6.3 Trillion Dollars today.

The Inflation Calculator
Your so called history starts out with a LIE. The hostages were released due to an agreement that we would unfreeze their money and they would release our hostages in accordance with the algiers accords which reagan had NOTHING to do with.
The fact that you worthless blog tries to give him credit for something he had NOTHING to do with places doubt on the veractiy of the rest of their claims. LOL

Thanks for the fiction. You be sure to let us know when you get something REAL.

Stoner. My post and comment had NOTHING to do with hostage. We were discussing the 1981 Economic Tax Recovery Act.

MORON, Your own link that you cited for that post starts out trying to give reagan credit for the release of the hostages.

Many supporting links contain extra material which goes beyond the topic at hand.

Try and keep up.
You do know that Tipp O'Neill rejected Reagan's budget balancing plans, right?

'In February 1981 Reagan presented the Economic Tax Recovery Act to Congress, calling for massive personal and corporate tax cuts, reductions in government spending, and a balanced budget.'

The 1982 Recession . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

That's a fascinating rightwing myth.

That is the history.

Seems you can't handle the truth.

I've read David Stockman's book. He was Reagan's budget director. He was a bit closer to the action than you were.
What some of you idiots can't fathom is that if the founders were around today, some of them would be Democrats, some of them would be Republicans.
your "study" ends in 2008 so it does not include obama's presidency so do you have anything real to offer that actually addresses the discussion of manageable vs perpetual where reagan and obama are conccerned?

Would you like to see the CBO projections of Debt-to-GDP based on the Obama 5-10-20 year plan, Stoner? I have it.

(Please say YES!)


Here is my previous post in it's entirety coward.

LOL says the hack posting shite without putting into any form of context even as you fail to show how it applies to the current discussion.

your "study" ends in 2008 so it does not include obama's presidency so do you have anything real to offer that actually addresses the discussion of manageable vs perpetual where reagan and obama are conccerned?

Attacking me does nothing to back up your points but does show how desperate you are.

So why don't you give it a try and show how reagan's was manageable but not perpetual and how obama's is perpetual but not manageable??

Funny how you call me names and yet you are the one that can't follow a simple conversation even as you run away from the core of the discussion about manageable vs perpetual. It's clear what is being asked for and that it is pertinent to the discussion so why are you avoiding the actual debate?

how does what you are offereing compare reagan to obama where manageable vs perpetual are concerned? It's ok, keep running away. lol
your "study" ends in 2008 so it does not include obama's presidency so do you have anything real to offer that actually addresses the discussion of manageable vs perpetual where reagan and obama are conccerned?

Would you like to see the CBO projections of Debt-to-GDP based on the Obama 5-10-20 year plan, Stoner? I have it.

(Please say YES!)


Here is my previous post

I'll take that as 'Yes sir! Please show me how the CBO illustrates that Obama's budgeting puts us on a path to becoming a banana republic in the very near future!"

Obama Revises CBO Deficit Forecast, Predicts 110% Debt-To-GDP By End Of 2013, Worse Deficit In 2012 Than 2011 | ZeroHedge
oh and actually obama signed a budget on march 12, 2009 however, that does not change the fact that W did sign a budget that was supposed to run until sept 2009.

You sure about that, stoner?


Gawd, this is child's play.

Sounds like Obama gets plenty of blame for 09 then. He certainly gets no credit.

Thanks for the hypocrisy coward. he deserves the blame but gets no credit. LOL

Now, you asked for me to repost those TJ quotes and I did. So it's funnny how you are stiull running away from them. What are you afraid of?? LOL
your "study" ends in 2008 so it does not include obama's presidency so do you have anything real to offer that actually addresses the discussion of manageable vs perpetual where reagan and obama are conccerned?

Would you like to see the CBO projections of Debt-to-GDP based on the Obama 5-10-20 year plan, Stoner? I have it.

(Please say YES!)


Yes, it's not nearly as bad as the projections on Romney's.

the sad thing is that it's nothing more than another attempt by this hack to change the subject. The discussion was about manageable vs perpetual budget where reagan and obama are concerned. He can't even stay on topic. lol
I just finished a couple hours of studying the Founding Fathers. They gave ominous warnings against people like Obama and I'm convinced that they would resolutely defy Obama were they alive today.

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson

Overwhelmingly they would oppose him, but not because of perpetual debt.

Because he was black.

You are a maroon, TGG, a flippin' maroon.
All we need is another five trillion in borrowing, spending, printing, stealing and "investment" to really stimulate the ecoonomy..............
Some of us reverently study history. Others are the ignoramuses who the Founding Fathers warned about.

A couple of hours is not exactly studying history.

Yes__ That was clearly the first time that I ever studied the Founding Fathers genius. Do I have to spell it out for you?

If you are interested in more, pick up Glen Beck's book 'The Original Argument.'

It is a rewrite of the important Federalist Papers into modern English. Still a rather dry read, but it really gets you inside the head of the Founders and the issues of the times.
Ah, StonerSniperFire. Beck was not a Founder. I know this comes as a real surprise. The Founders were not Libertarians. They were classical liberals. They would be frightened by Beck's LDS-politically themed wild-eyed populism. A modern translation by a Mormon writer? A la Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Hmm, we have been that route before.
Stoner. My post and comment had NOTHING to do with hostage. We were discussing the 1981 Economic Tax Recovery Act.

MORON, Your own link that you cited for that post starts out trying to give reagan credit for the release of the hostages.

Many supporting links contain extra material which goes beyond the topic at hand.

Try and keep up.

if it begins with a lie then how can the rest of it be trusted?? Your source is tainted but then so are you as are your delusional and unsubstantiated opinions.

furthermore why do you continue to edit my posts? Do the facts really frighten you that much??
Would you like to see the CBO projections of Debt-to-GDP based on the Obama 5-10-20 year plan, Stoner? I have it.

(Please say YES!)


Here is my previous post

I'll take that as 'Yes sir! Please show me how the CBO illustrates that Obama's budgeting puts us on a path to becoming a banana republic in the very near future!"

Obama Revises CBO Deficit Forecast, Predicts 110% Debt-To-GDP By End Of 2013, Worse Deficit In 2012 Than 2011 | ZeroHedge


Here is my previous post in it's entirety coward.

LOL says the hack posting shite without putting into any form of context even as you fail to show how it applies to the current discussion.

your "study" ends in 2008 so it does not include obama's presidency so do you have anything real to offer that actually addresses the discussion of manageable vs perpetual where reagan and obama are conccerned?

Attacking me does nothing to back up your points but does show how desperate you are.

So why don't you give it a try and show how reagan's was manageable but not perpetual and how obama's is perpetual but not manageable??

Funny how you call me names and yet you are the one that can't follow a simple conversation even as you run away from the core of the discussion about manageable vs perpetual. It's clear what is being asked for and that it is pertinent to the discussion so why are you avoiding the actual debate?

how does what you are offereing compare reagan to obama where manageable vs perpetual are concerned?

It's ok, keep running away. lol
If you are interested in more, pick up Glen Beck's book 'The Original Argument.'

It is a rewrite of the important Federalist Papers into modern English. Still a rather dry read, but it really gets you inside the head of the Founders and the issues of the times.


A book by Glenn Beck to give us a real look into the heads of the founding fathers?

Mr Conspiracy Theorist himself?

Come on man, you can give us a better author than that.

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