'Fountains' of methane 1,000m across erupt from Arctic ice

Uh . . . . That might lower the pressure by 0.00001%. The water at the surface is 32 degrees year round.

Just about a dumb fuck, aren't you, Pattycake.

Arctic Report Card - Ocean - Proshutinsky, et al.

Ocean temperature and salinity
Upper-ocean temperature

Upper ocean temperature anomalies in summer 2010 (Fig. SIO7 were comparable to those in 2009 (not shown) but remained lower than the record set in 2007, with no significant inter-annual changes in summer warming since 2008. In August 2011, there is a wide area of anomalously warm SSTs (sea surface temperature) in the western Arctic Ocean (north of NW Canada, Alaska and eastern Siberia), although maximum values do not reach those seen in 2007 (Fig. SIO7). Much of the eastern Arctic Ocean (north of western Russia and Europe) is also anomalously warm, with the exception of Fram Strait. For more information about water temperatures in Fram Strait, and the adjacent Greenland and Norwegian seas, see the essay on Cetaceans and Pinnipeds.

Inter-annual variations in SST anomalies reflect differences in the pace of sea ice retreat (see the essay on Sea Ice), as well as changing advection of warm ocean currents from the south (Steele et al. 2011). In recent years, solar radiation has penetrated more easily into the upper ocean under thinning and retreating ice cover to create warm near-surface temperature maxima (Jackson et al., 2010). In the Canada Basin, this maximum has descended to depths around 30 m because of increased downwelling in the convergent Beaufort Gyre during recent strongly-anticyclonic years (Yang et al. 2009), while surface mixing is decreasing as stratification increases (Toole et al. 2010; McPhee et al. 2009). Outside of the Beaufort Gyre, the temperature maximum does not survive through the winter (Steele et al. 2010).

"RESULTS ARE FROM A 2D COUPLED ICE-OCEAN MODEL." Once again they confuse models with data.

And observations with hypothesis and experiments
Anyone wonder how we got over a mile of ice over 50m of sea?

We don't. You only get really thick ice like that with continental glaciation like is seen on Greenland and Antarctica. Depth of ice on the Arctic ocean is on average around 1.5 meters. Really old ice (over 4 years old) will get to a depth of 3 to 5 meters.

So 1.5m is holding down all this high pressure methane? Well that certainly would never work. Inconvenient truth number 1,006 rears its ugly head.
Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.
I'd take the problem to Oil and Gas Exploration, not Government directly.

They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

That is simply ridiculous. Energy in untold quantities and all you dudes want to do is get rid of it.

This is simpy ridiculous. Someone that claims to be a scientist, does not even bother to read what some very well respected scientists from some prestigeous institutions actually are proposing.

Of course, that fits right in with the willfull ignorance practiced by Walleyes and the other ignoramouses that post nonsense here.
Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.

It is normal for this type of cycle Old Rocks. Trying to stop nature again?
Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.

If only we had given Al Gore total control over the economy, this never would have happened.

Oh well. We're doomed.
Anyone wonder how we got over a mile of ice over 50m of sea?

We don't. You only get really thick ice like that with continental glaciation like is seen on Greenland and Antarctica. Depth of ice on the Arctic ocean is on average around 1.5 meters. Really old ice (over 4 years old) will get to a depth of 3 to 5 meters.

So 1.5m is holding down all this high pressure methane? Well that certainly would never work. Inconvenient truth number 1,006 rears its ugly head.

Yes, yes indeed it does. Keep it under your hat though. Can't let the secret out:eusa_whistle:
Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.

Actually the first plumes were discovered way back before 2008 not that a little thing like facts ever bothered you...
Interestingly enough, methane plumes were discovered on Mars as well. Back in 2003 I believe it was.

More methane plumes found in Arctic

By Tom Peterkin

11:00AM BST 25 Sep 2008

"Hundreds more methane plumes have been discovered in the Arctic raising fresh fears that the greenhouse gas is contributing to global warming."

More methane plumes found in Arctic - Telegraph
They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

That is simply ridiculous. Energy in untold quantities and all you dudes want to do is get rid of it.

This is simpy ridiculous. Someone that claims to be a scientist, does not even bother to read what some very well respected scientists from some prestigeous institutions actually are proposing.

Of course, that fits right in with the willfull ignorance practiced by Walleyes and the other ignoramouses that post nonsense here.

So please educate us, what do they want to spend the trillions of dollars on? This World War III level of spending. What do they want to do with all of that money?
Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.

So is your theory that the extra .5PPM of CO2 added to the atmosphere last year caused an order of magnitude increase in the outgassing? Really?

Move to North Korea, EnviroMarxist.
Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.

Here's an intersting addendum. Seems the scientists involved were a lot more honest about the causes of the plumes. Something the doomsayers forgot to mention.

"We would first note that we have never stated that the reason for the currently observed methane emissions were due to recent climate change.

In fact, we explained in detail the mechanism of subsea permafrost destabilization as a result of inundation with seawater thousands of years ago.

We have been working in this scientific field and this region for a decade. We understand its complexity more than anyone. And like most scientists in our field, we have to deal with slowly improving understanding of ongoing processes that often incorporates different points of views expressed by different groups of researchers."

Andrew Revkin actually wanted to clarify this and he reported it when others of the cult did not.

I wonder why?????:eusa_whistle:
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Gotta love what stupid bastards you guys are. A year ago, when the first plumes were observed, only tens of meters across, and not that many, all of you stated nothing to worry about, probably normal. Now, in only a years time, we see an outgassing that is an order of magnitude or two greater than last year. And real scientists, not internet posters, are telling us that this is a major worry.

In fact, one of the statements goes like this. "The Arctic has been said to be the canary of climate change. Well, folks, the canary just died". But, not to worry, nothing is going to be done, and we are going to be able to observe the effects of adrupt climate change. Going to be very interesting.

Here's an intersting addendum. Seems the scientists involved were a lot more honest about the causes of the plumes. Something the doomsayers forgot to mention.

"We would first note that we have never stated that the reason for the currently observed methane emissions were due to recent climate change.

In fact, we explained in detail the mechanism of subsea permafrost destabilization as a result of inundation with seawater thousands of years ago.

We have been working in this scientific field and this region for a decade. We understand its complexity more than anyone. And like most scientists in our field, we have to deal with slowly improving understanding of ongoing processes that often incorporates different points of views expressed by different groups of researchers."

Andrew Revkin actually wanted to clarify this and he reported it when others of cult did not.

I wonder why?????:eusa_whistle:

Ouch! That'll leave a mark.
I'd take the problem to Oil and Gas Exploration, not Government directly.

They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

That is simply ridiculous. Energy in untold quantities and all you dudes want to do is get rid of it.

They are just Pussies. ;) You know.... Americant's

We see Potential, they see an opportunity to power grab.
Should the governments actually decide to address the issue, people in your business will be in demand. For, somehow, that leaking methane needs be prevented from exiting into the atmosphere unburned. And, should we decide to do this, then we should at least get something back for the effort.

However, given we are talking about costs on the order of WW3, it is not going to happen. And, since governments are not going to do anything, we, as individuals, will have to deal with the consequences of runaway warming on an individual level.

I'd take the problem to Oil and Gas Exploration, not Government directly.

They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

Everything about you is Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda. I presume Science backs up your claims? Why even bother considering the possibilities? What exactly do you see being threatened by potential? Is it that you won't be in control? Isn't there a theory that life here in the distant past took a big hit from methane concentrations?

The clathrate gun hypothesis is the popular name given to the hypothesis that rises in sea temperatures (and/or falls in sea level) can trigger the sudden release of methane from methane clathrate compounds buried in seabeds and permafrost which, because the methane itself is a powerful greenhouse gas, leads to further temperature rise and further methane clathrate destabilization – in effect initiating a runaway process as irreversible, once started, as the firing of a gun.[1]

In its original form, the hypothesis proposed that the "clathrate gun" could cause abrupt runaway warming in a timescale less than a human lifetime,[1] and might be responsible for warming events in and at the end of the last ice age.[2] This is now thought unlikely.[3][4]

However, there is stronger evidence that runaway methane clathrate breakdown may have caused drastic alteration of the ocean environment and the atmosphere of earth on a number of occasions in the past, over timescales of tens of thousands of years; most notably in connection with the Permian extinction event, when 96% of all marine species became extinct 251 million years ago.[5]

Clathrate gun hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Were we building SUV's 251 Million Years ago??? Were they equipped with Air Bags? :D
Andrew Revkin can forget peer reviewed papers any time soon.

He's a reporter who usually tows the line. He was even a subject of the mass dump of emails in CLIMATEGATE 2.0 because he was working to closely with the "team". Looks like he's trying to make amends.
They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

That is simply ridiculous. Energy in untold quantities and all you dudes want to do is get rid of it.

They are just Pussies. ;) You know.... Americant's

We see Potential, they see an opportunity to power grab.

That's all the "Green Movement" is these days. Just worldwide socialism revisited.
I'd take the problem to Oil and Gas Exploration, not Government directly.

They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

Everything about you is Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda. I presume Science backs up your claims? Why even bother considering the possibilities? What exactly do you see being threatened by potential? Is it that you won't be in control? Isn't there a theory that life here in the distant past took a big hit from methane concentrations?

The clathrate gun hypothesis is the popular name given to the hypothesis that rises in sea temperatures (and/or falls in sea level) can trigger the sudden release of methane from methane clathrate compounds buried in seabeds and permafrost which, because the methane itself is a powerful greenhouse gas, leads to further temperature rise and further methane clathrate destabilization – in effect initiating a runaway process as irreversible, once started, as the firing of a gun.[1]

In its original form, the hypothesis proposed that the "clathrate gun" could cause abrupt runaway warming in a timescale less than a human lifetime,[1] and might be responsible for warming events in and at the end of the last ice age.[2] This is now thought unlikely.[3][4]

However, there is stronger evidence that runaway methane clathrate breakdown may have caused drastic alteration of the ocean environment and the atmosphere of earth on a number of occasions in the past, over timescales of tens of thousands of years; most notably in connection with the Permian extinction event, when 96% of all marine species became extinct 251 million years ago.[5]

Clathrate gun hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Were we building SUV's 251 Million Years ago??? Were they equipped with Air Bags? :D

Nope! Airbags like olfraud et al hadn't been invented yet.
They have neither the resources or finances for the scale the effort would have to be done on.

Everything about you is Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda. I presume Science backs up your claims? Why even bother considering the possibilities? What exactly do you see being threatened by potential? Is it that you won't be in control? Isn't there a theory that life here in the distant past took a big hit from methane concentrations?

The clathrate gun hypothesis is the popular name given to the hypothesis that rises in sea temperatures (and/or falls in sea level) can trigger the sudden release of methane from methane clathrate compounds buried in seabeds and permafrost which, because the methane itself is a powerful greenhouse gas, leads to further temperature rise and further methane clathrate destabilization – in effect initiating a runaway process as irreversible, once started, as the firing of a gun.[1]

In its original form, the hypothesis proposed that the "clathrate gun" could cause abrupt runaway warming in a timescale less than a human lifetime,[1] and might be responsible for warming events in and at the end of the last ice age.[2] This is now thought unlikely.[3][4]

However, there is stronger evidence that runaway methane clathrate breakdown may have caused drastic alteration of the ocean environment and the atmosphere of earth on a number of occasions in the past, over timescales of tens of thousands of years; most notably in connection with the Permian extinction event, when 96% of all marine species became extinct 251 million years ago.[5]

Clathrate gun hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Were we building SUV's 251 Million Years ago??? Were they equipped with Air Bags? :D

Nope! Airbags like olfraud et al hadn't been invented yet.

Still.... Those Evil Republicans must have been behind the scheme to blow up the Earth, even back then. I suspect time travel. ;) I bet Bush was on point too.

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