Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker

Ever heard of climatic cycles? When things are heating up, that's all the deniers talk about. Let things go the other way for a few years and they forget all about it. What's obvious besides the total ignorance about what real science entails, is that the deniers are either total hypocrites or able to totally forget whatever argument they used yesterday. I'll go with the former.

When it's cool in summer, it's "climatic cycles." When it's warm in winter, you call it AGW.

You cannot have it both ways.
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.

WTF are you talking about? Snap out of your delusional state and address what is happening in the real world.

I am addressing that. You warming nutters aren't gonna be allowed to force your agenda on us by way of Government mandate and intimidation. We already have enough of Government controlling our lives.

I choose not to live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I choose Freedom & Liberty instead. But hey you wanna save the Planet or something, that's cool. Just grab that tent and go live out in the woods. Do what you gotta do. I won't stop you. But leave us alone.

LOLOL. Another deluded retard who chooses stupidity, ignorance, stooging for corporate profits, and crackpot 'free-market' ideologies over the science-based understanding of the physical universe.

Nobody cares about "what you won't allow", you crazy cretin, or your anti-science, reality-denying drivel. The world is trying to deal with the climate change crisis no matter what ignorant moronic objections you may have been brainwashed into believing.
Do you mean the made up 97% consensus isn't do know that don't you...
The shear arrogance and ignorance of the AGW nutters is stunning.

those with closed minds are so predictable...
A normal person would question their "scientists" after the climategate scandal...but not these's the people who don't believe the scientists who are destroying data, changing data to fit their beliefs, who suppress skeptic's access to peer reviewed journals and who blacklist even those scientists who agree with them but have reservations about certain predictions...the people who question the scientists engaged in all this illicit activity are the ones they listen to...

Liberal dyslexia...
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.

WTF are you talking about? Snap out of your delusional state and address what is happening in the real world.

I am addressing that. You warming nutters aren't gonna be allowed to force your agenda on us by way of Government mandate and intimidation. We already have enough of Government controlling our lives.

I choose not to live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I choose Freedom & Liberty instead. But hey you wanna save the Planet or something, that's cool. Just grab that tent and go live out in the woods. Do what you gotta do. I won't stop you. But leave us alone.

LOLOL. Another deluded retard who chooses stupidity, ignorance, stooging for corporate profits, and crackpot 'free-market' ideologies over the science-based understanding of the physical universe.

Nobody cares about "what you won't allow", you crazy cretin, or your anti-science, reality-denying drivel. The world is trying to deal with the climate change crisis no matter what ignorant moronic objections you may have been brainwashed into believing.

Aw, poor little crybaby nutter. Sorry, but the People don't want you Warming assholes controlling their lives. They have enough Government in their lives already.

So like i said, you wanna save the Planet or something? Do what you gotta do. No one's stopping you. But leave the rest of us alone. I don't fear the Global Warming Boogeyman, and never will. But you Communist/Socialist wingnuts are welcome to go on fearing it. That's your call. Just don't think you have the right to force your agenda on others.
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.

WTF are you talking about? Snap out of your delusional state and address what is happening in the real world.

I am addressing that. You warming nutters aren't gonna be allowed to force your agenda on us by way of Government mandate and intimidation. We already have enough of Government controlling our lives.

I choose not to live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I choose Freedom & Liberty instead. But hey you wanna save the Planet or something, that's cool. Just grab that tent and go live out in the woods. Do what you gotta do. I won't stop you. But leave us alone.

LOLOL. Another deluded retard who chooses stupidity, ignorance, stooging for corporate profits, and crackpot 'free-market' ideologies over the science-based understanding of the physical universe.

Nobody cares about "what you won't allow", you crazy cretin, or your anti-science, reality-denying drivel. The world is trying to deal with the climate change crisis no matter what ignorant moronic objections you may have been brainwashed into believing.
more name calling responses, :banana2:
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.

WTF are you talking about? Snap out of your delusional state and address what is happening in the real world.

I am addressing that. You warming nutters aren't gonna be allowed to force your agenda on us by way of Government mandate and intimidation. We already have enough of Government controlling our lives.

I choose not to live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I choose Freedom & Liberty instead. But hey you wanna save the Planet or something, that's cool. Just grab that tent and go live out in the woods. Do what you gotta do. I won't stop you. But leave us alone.

LOLOL. Another deluded retard who chooses stupidity, ignorance, stooging for corporate profits, and crackpot 'free-market' ideologies over the science-based understanding of the physical universe.

Nobody cares about "what you won't allow", you crazy cretin, or your anti-science, reality-denying drivel. The world is trying to deal with the climate change crisis no matter what ignorant moronic objections you may have been brainwashed into believing.
more name calling responses, :banana2:

The Communist/Socialist Warming nutters are in meltdown-mode. (No pun intended). Ok, a little bit intended. Anyway, they're getting desperate now. They're lashing out. The People aren't going along, and that's incredibly upsetting to them. The People already have enough Government in their lives. They don't want more.

The Warming zealots aren't capable of getting that. They just feel they should be allowed to force their agenda on everyone. But that's not gonna happen. The People have decided to go with Freedom & Liberty. The Warming fear mongering had its day. But that day has now passed. The Warming zealots are just gonna have to get over it.
I think you're setting yourself up for a disheartening collision with reality. And you keep repeating the term "Freedom & Liberty: (capitalized). What does that actually refer to in Paulitician's world?
I think you're setting yourself up for a disheartening collision with reality. And you keep repeating the term "Freedom & Liberty: (capitalized). What does that actually refer to in Paulitician's world?

It means the People don't want you Communist/Socialist Warming nutters controlling their lives. They already have enough Government in their lives. They don't want more. You're not gonna be allowed to force your agenda on others by way of Government force. Basically, the People are over you guys. Your 'Global Warming' fear mongering glory days are over. Time to turn the page.
I'm afraid you're wrong. About everything.

The vast, vast majority of the American people aren't worried about communists or socialists. You're living in the past. In a tired past that had nothing going for it in any case. Paranoia is a state that people medicate themselves to get out of. The world doesn't need more of it.

One often hears conservative Americans complaining about "too much government in their lives". But ask them for the details and you'll very often find them growing closed-lipped. And mention the possibility of ending some of the benefits that government involvement gets them and watch their dander rise right off their sunburned heads.

You're the only one here talking about any sort of force being applied. There has certainly been not the slightest mention of anyone on my side of this argument of changing people's lifestyles by force. There's been mention of doing it with taxes and rebates and incentives and disincentives, regulations and fees, but no force. They call those sorts of things the practice of governance. You don't sound like you're a fan of any of it, but that probably puts you a lo-o-o-ong ways from America's political centroid.

Warning the people of the planet - not just Americans - that AGW poses a real and serious threat with which we need to deal, is not fear mongering. It's responsible democracy. I think your suggestion that the folks in this nation that accept mainstream science and are concerned about the sort of world we'll be leaving our children and grandchildren, are communists and socialists intent on pushing an unwanted and unwarranted lifestyle on the rest of the American people by force... THAT is fear mongering. And lying to boot.
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I'm afraid you're wrong. About everything.

The vast, vast majority of the American people aren't worried about communists or socialists. You're living in the past. In a tired past that had nothing going for it in any case. Paranoia is a state that people medicate themselves to get out of. The world doesn't need more of it.

One often hears conservative Americans complaining about "too much government in their lives". But ask them for the details and you'll very often find them growing closed-lipped. And mention the possibility of ending some of the benefits that government involvement gets them and watch their dander rise right off their sunburned heads.

You're the only one here talking about any sort of force being applied. There has certainly been not the slightest mention of anyone on my side of this argument of changing people's lifestyles by force. There's been mention of doing it with taxes and rebates and incentives and disincentives, regulations and fees, but no force. They call those sorts of things the practice of governance. You don't sound like you're a fan of any of it, but that probably puts you a lo-o-o-ong ways from America's political centroid.

Warning the people of the planet - not just Americans - that AGW poses a real and serious threat with which we need to deal, is not fear mongering. It's responsible democracy. I think your suggestion that the folks in this nation that accept mainstream science and are concerned about the sort of world we'll be leaving our children and grandchildren, are communists and socialists intent on pushing an unwanted and unwarranted lifestyle on the rest of the American people by force... THAT is fear mongering. And lying to boot.

The UN stated in its charter that it is a political movement and that it will use any means to remove personal property, personal gain , and impose dictatorial control though the lie of Climate Change...

Pull your head out... no one is this naive.. Hell even the Europeans have figured it out and they went way down the dupe path.. now they are sorry as hell for doing so..
The UN stated in its charter that it is a political movement and that it will use any means to remove personal property, personal gain , and impose dictatorial control though the lie of Climate Change...

Pull your head out... no one is this naive.. Hell even the Europeans have figured it out and they went way down the dupe path.. now they are sorry as hell for doing so..

You're able to put a syntactically valid sentence together. How is it that you don't seem to have figured out you can't post blatant lies without getting called out on them? It makes me think that like poster SSDD and his insane intepretations of basic physics, you're simply trolling. You know you're telling outrageous lies but you don't care. You just want to get a rise out of others.

Your first paragraph up there starts out talking about the UN charter. That's a specific, well-known document. Most of us studied it in high school at some point or another. Here's a link to it with plenty of qualified discussion as to its contents:
United Nations Charter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now why don't you hop over there and show us where it says the UN "will use any means to remove personal property, personal gain , and impose dictatorial control though the lie of Climate Change..."

And when you can't find such statements, come back here and tell us you're very sorry for having attempted to mislead us with falsehoods.

As your text moves on, your references change and by the end we seem to be talking about efforts to reduce carbon emissions. You just seem to have forgotten about the UN charter and personal property and now we're talking about Europe having figured something out. Can't say what it was, but they figured it out. "Hell, even the Europeans figured it out". "Even the Europeans". Let me guess. You think the Europeans are stupid. You think Americans are the smartest people on the planet. Right? Of course you do.

What a fooking idiot.
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Boring. That is, all the denier black helicopter kooks. Because it's so normal. It's rare to find a denier who isn't a bedwetting right-wing nutter. Denialism isn't the cult; it's just one of the many insane beliefs that the cult orders its acolytes to espouse.

Being that they're all kind of insane, they've got a lifetime of being ridiculed ahead of them. I could almost feel sorry for them, if they hadn't deliberately chosen that path.
Boring. That is, all the denier black helicopter kooks. Because it's so normal. It's rare to find a denier who isn't a bedwetting right-wing nutter. Denialism isn't the cult; it's just one of the many insane beliefs that the cult orders its acolytes to espouse.

Being that they're all kind of insane, they've got a lifetime of being ridiculed ahead of them. I could almost feel sorry for them, if they hadn't deliberately chosen that path.
About as boring as your tired insults and bigoted denigrating of that which maMOOT knows nothing.

The uneducated ignorant only have insults and hate
Crick, what an idiot, it is by force, they take tax money by force, literally, they use police to enforce the law.

Green energy, which is all global warming is about, is forced on us. We are customers to government regulated monopolies, which are forced by law, to go green.

Crick, it's all force, grow up and learn to think. Google is not science or god.
Do you pay your taxes every year at the barrel of a gun? Do the police come and twist your arm up behind your back?

It is the same force with which the state attempts to keep people from stealing, from violence, from rape, from molesting children, from murder. If you object to the idea, you object to the rule of law.
Do you pay your taxes every year at the barrel of a gun? Do the police come and twist your arm up behind your back?

It is the same force with which the state attempts to keep people from stealing, from violence, from rape, from molesting children, from murder. If you object to the idea, you object to the rule of law.
this is wrong in so many ways. Hey dolt, don't pay your taxes. Then come back here and explain what happened to you after they garnished your wages, and most likely took your possessions or put you in jail. What a dolt!!!!
Boring. That is, all the denier black helicopter kooks. Because it's so normal. It's rare to find a denier who isn't a bedwetting right-wing nutter. Denialism isn't the cult; it's just one of the many insane beliefs that the cult orders its acolytes to espouse.

Being that they're all kind of insane, they've got a lifetime of being ridiculed ahead of them. I could almost feel sorry for them, if they hadn't deliberately chosen that path.
Dude, this is really funny stuff. Really, this is all you have? I think you need to go back to the liberal school of insults and pick up some new ones. These are all of the old ones. I see you never move on from anything. You stand pat in your quicksand, enjoy the sink!
I'm afraid you're wrong. About everything.

The vast, vast majority of the American people aren't worried about communists or socialists. You're living in the past. In a tired past that had nothing going for it in any case. Paranoia is a state that people medicate themselves to get out of. The world doesn't need more of it.

One often hears conservative Americans complaining about "too much government in their lives". But ask them for the details and you'll very often find them growing closed-lipped. And mention the possibility of ending some of the benefits that government involvement gets them and watch their dander rise right off their sunburned heads.

You're the only one here talking about any sort of force being applied. There has certainly been not the slightest mention of anyone on my side of this argument of changing people's lifestyles by force. There's been mention of doing it with taxes and rebates and incentives and disincentives, regulations and fees, but no force. They call those sorts of things the practice of governance. You don't sound like you're a fan of any of it, but that probably puts you a lo-o-o-ong ways from America's political centroid.

Warning the people of the planet - not just Americans - that AGW poses a real and serious threat with which we need to deal, is not fear mongering. It's responsible democracy. I think your suggestion that the folks in this nation that accept mainstream science and are concerned about the sort of world we'll be leaving our children and grandchildren, are communists and socialists intent on pushing an unwanted and unwarranted lifestyle on the rest of the American people by force... THAT is fear mongering. And lying to boot.

Just pointing out reality. It is Communists/Socialists who are doing most of the 'Global Warming' fear mongering. And they are trying to force their agenda on others by way of Government intimidation and force. But the People don't want more Government control of their lives. They already have enough of that.

So as i've said many times before, you personally are free to go 'save the planet' any way you see fit. Grab a tent and go live in the wilderness or something. You're free to make that call. No one will stop you. But leave the rest of us alone. We've decided on Freedom & Liberty instead. We'll take our chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman.

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