Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker

We already have enough of Government controlling our lives. We don't need more of it. Most are beginning to understand that it's the Communists/Socialists behind the Global Warming fear mongering. And Communists/Socialists do not stand for Freedom & Liberty.

So the People will have to decide on Freedom & Liberty, or Total Government control of their lives. Because more Government control of the People is where this Global Warming fear mongering will take us. Personally, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. Because i fear the Communists/Socialists far more than i fear Global Warming. It's 'Live Free or Die' for me.

Demented denier cult drivel! The issue is actually a scientific one, but you anti-science denier cultists are idiotic enough to think it is entirely political. Your rightwingnut ideological imperatives and myths are irrelevant to the scientific facts or the necessary steps the world needs to take to restrict carbon emissions.

Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'
The charge that AGW is a hoax run by communists and socialists is about as stupid as stupid gets. It is another result of the opposition to AGW action by the fossil fuel industry and the common trend that shows us the greatest friends of business are the most paranoid of the anti-communists. They need someone to blame and when that someone isn't obvious, just fill in the blank with COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS.
The world has already developed reliable, cost effective, cleaner, non-carbon-emitting, renewable replacements for fossil fuels. Solar power, both PV and concentrating & wind power & ocean wave, tide and current power.

You seem to be in some kind of moronic denial of that fact, as well as in denial about the reality and dangers of AGW. You're probably another dupe of the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign to protect their profits with lies and deception. You poor stooge.

which of those will power an 18 wheeler, a train, or a plane across this country?

Good point. While trucks or trains could run on electricity, aircraft would probably need something different (unless there are some radical developments in battery technology). A good possibility for future airplane fuel would be liquid hydrogen.

New scientific developments allow for the cheap production of hydrogen using only water and sunlight.
January 14, 2014

Liquid hydrogen is a great, energy-dense fuel.
Setting a World Driving Record with Hydrogen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Science & Technology Review

June 12, 2007
I'm all for it! how do I buy a car that has that, or the kit to convert?

Apply to get into Toyota's fuel cell trials.

And there will be others. Mercedes has said they will be coming out with a fuel cell car within two years.

All of those things are good and should be pursued. But until one or more of them can efficiently and economically replace oil, we should be using our massive oil reserves to keep this nation strong and independent.

NO ONE is opposed to alternate energy, we just need to wait until it is viable before stopping the use of coal oil and gas.

Its called doing something logically rather than emotionally.
The charge that AGW is a hoax run by communists and socialists is about as stupid as stupid gets. It is another result of the opposition to AGW action by the fossil fuel industry and the common trend that shows us the greatest friends of business are the most paranoid of the anti-communists. They need someone to blame and when that someone isn't obvious, just fill in the blank with COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS.

It is a hoax. Algore is a fraud. Man is not destroying planet earth. we are not going to boil in sea water. Gore said the arctic ice would be gone by now------------------HE LIED.
The charge that AGW is a hoax run by communists and socialists is about as stupid as stupid gets. It is another result of the opposition to AGW action by the fossil fuel industry and the common trend that shows us the greatest friends of business are the most paranoid of the anti-communists. They need someone to blame and when that someone isn't obvious, just fill in the blank with COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS.

Communists/Socialists are behind the Global Warming fear mongering. It's not hard to confirm that either. All anyone has to do, is do a little research and see who the people are who are doing the daily hysterical fear mongering. Right down the line, they're all Communists/Socialists.

So for me, i'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I value my Freedom & Liberty far more than i fear 'Global Warming.' You wanna go on fearing your Global Warming Boogeyman, that's cool with me. Buy a tent and head off to live in the woods or something. But leave us alone. We're not gonna allow you to force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Sorry you guys don't like that, but that's just the way it is.
The charge that AGW is a hoax run by communists and socialists is about as stupid as stupid gets. It is another result of the opposition to AGW action by the fossil fuel industry and the common trend that shows us the greatest friends of business are the most paranoid of the anti-communists. They need someone to blame and when that someone isn't obvious, just fill in the blank with COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS.

Communists/Socialists are behind the Global Warming fear mongering. It's not hard to confirm that either. All anyone has to do, is do a little research and see who the people are who are doing the daily hysterical fear mongering. Right down the line, they're all Communists/Socialists.

So for me, i'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I value my Freedom & Liberty far more than i fear 'Global Warming.' You wanna go on fearing your Global Warming Boogeyman, that's cool with me. Buy a tent and head off to live in the woods or something. But leave us alone. We're not gonna allow you to force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Sorry you guys don't like that, but that's just the way it is.

and even if they are right, whats wrong with orange orchards in Greenland? Palm trees in Boston? Wheat fields in northern canada? peach orchards in siberia?
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.
NO ONE is opposed to alternate energy, we just need to wait until it is viable before stopping the use of coal oil and gas.

I used to argue this on Martialtalk...they would acuse me of being against wind and solar simply because I was on the right...but you make the point...if it doesn't work don't try to lie to me to get me to support it...

Actually get it working and then I'll use it...I don't care where energy comes from...the greenies are emotionally attached to wind and solar, I am not emotionally attached to any energy source...

It just has to work as well as or better than oil, coal, natural gas, and the same price or cheaper....until it does...leave me alone....don't try to force me to use it with the power of your pet politicians...get it to actually work

the more you lie....smear skeptics, change data...just shows me it isn't about actually solving the energy is about feeding your emotional attachment to solar and wind...
NO ONE is opposed to alternate energy, we just need to wait until it is viable before stopping the use of coal oil and gas.

I used to argue this on Martialtalk...they would acuse me of being against wind and solar simply because I was on the right...but you make the point...if it doesn't work don't try to lie to me to get me to support it...

Actually get it working and then I'll use it...I don't care where energy comes from...the greenies are emotionally attached to wind and solar, I am not emotionally attached to any energy source...

It just has to work as well as or better than oil, coal, natural gas, and the same price or cheaper....until it does...leave me alone....don't try to force me to use it with the power of your pet politicians...get it to actually work

the more you lie....smear skeptics, change data...just shows me it isn't about actually solving the energy is about feeding your emotional attachment to solar and wind...

Idiotic self-centered nonsense! The lies, smears, and fraudulent data are all coming from the fossil fuel industry propagandists. You're obviously a brainwashed, ignorant, anti-science denier cult dimwit. Alternative energy sources like solar and wind are entirely "viable" right now, retard, and they are growing like wildfire all over the world.

The more you keep your head jammed up your ass watching FauxNews, the more ignorant, misinformed and confused you will get.
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.
Yeah, climategate, trying to keep skeptics out of peer reviewed journals, destroying data, changing data when it isn't convenient, trying to get editors of scientific journals fired, you are the guy who needs help...
Yeah, climategate, trying to keep skeptics out of peer reviewed journals, destroying data, changing data when it isn't convenient, trying to get editors of scientific journals fired, you are the guy who needs help...

They're desperate now. The people don't want them controlling their lives. If you have to force your agenda on the People by way of Government force, it's not a worthy cause or agenda. The People value their Freedom & Liberty far more than they fear 'Global Warming.' And obviously that's very upsetting to the Warming fear mongers. They've invested so much time & money in that agenda. It's all slippng away for them. And they know it.
So be prepared, there is nothing more dangerous...or silly as a liberal who is having their demands refused...
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.

WTF are you talking about? Snap out of your delusional state and address what is happening in the real world.
So be prepared, there is nothing more dangerous...or silly as a liberal who is having their demands refused...

I think you'd have trouble finding folks anywhere on the political spectrum as ridiculous as you.
So be prepared, there is nothing more dangerous...or silly as a liberal who is having their demands refused...

Like Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols? Like Anders Breivik? Like Gordon Kahl? Like the member of "The Order"? Like Eric Rudolph? Like David Koresh? Like every Islamic terrorist attack in modern history? Yeah... those liberals are just animals.
The charge that AGW is a hoax run by communists and socialists is about as stupid as stupid gets. It is another result of the opposition to AGW action by the fossil fuel industry and the common trend that shows us the greatest friends of business are the most paranoid of the anti-communists. They need someone to blame and when that someone isn't obvious, just fill in the blank with COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS.

Worst than that.. It's run by the United Nations. With all the progressive socialist baggage that is attached to that. You act like you've never heard of this accusation before.. But I notice you mostly BAIL out the threads presenting the evidence.. Like THIS ONE ---

UN Climate Summit no longer about science US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
"Worst than that"?

There are idiots and then there are idiots. It's bad enough that I lower myself to debate settled science with folks like you. Taking myself down the extra six stories to debate those who not only reject settled science but do so because they believe it to be a communist plot... sorry, but no.
You do know the science is not settled in any way...the only settled,part is that climate,changes,all by it's lonesome and long before,man existed and to extremes we have never please...until they can explain why all of their climate models are wrong peddle the "settled science" somewhere else...
Since I'm sitting here with all but one out of every hundred climate scientists and absolute mountains of evidence, I've got a better idea: you go peddle YOUR nonsense elsewhere.
Nah, i'm pretty sure you're just one of the Communist/Socialist Global Warming fear mongers. You're a member of the cult. But sorry, i'm choosing Freedom & Liberty. I don't want you nutters controlling my life. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming.' I fear you Communists far more than i fear 'Global Warming.'

And with talk like that I am completely sure that you are a complete idiot.

Just call em like i see em. You Warming zealots aren't gonna force your agenda on us by way of Government force. Consider your fear mongering glory days done. The People don't want you kooks controlling their lives. They're going with Freedom & Liberty instead. Sorry bout that.

WTF are you talking about? Snap out of your delusional state and address what is happening in the real world.

I am addressing that. You warming nutters aren't gonna be allowed to force your agenda on us by way of Government mandate and intimidation. We already have enough of Government controlling our lives.

I choose not to live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I choose Freedom & Liberty instead. But hey you wanna save the Planet or something, that's cool. Just grab that tent and go live out in the woods. Do what you gotta do. I won't stop you. But leave us alone.

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