Four Broward Teachers Die From COVID-19

What's dumb is being afraid of a shot that can save your life.

It can also shorten your life. Remember that Corona has only a 0.04% mortality rate. It wouldn't take very many deaths from a bad batch of vaccine to change the calculus.
No, that's because all the old and infirm got dead in an earlier wave, granma. Or are you trying to say that the Indian variant only affects the healthy and not the old and infirm?
Oh, wait. Now the virus is affecting people? I thought they all had comorbidities?
Oh, wait. Now the virus is affecting people? I thought they all had comorbidities?
Oh, wait. Now the virus is affecting people? I thought they all had comorbidities?
People get covid like a flu, Einstein. The people dying of something else simply get pushed over the cliff a tad sooner. Covid almost never kills healthy people. Time for your Metamucil.
What's dumb is being afraid of a shot that can save your life.

Did you want to take this opportunity to tell the 62% of blacks and 57% of hispanics in this country who are unvaccinated that they're dumb?

Come on, do it!

People get covid like a flu, Einstein. The people dying of something else simply get pushed over the cliff a tad sooner. Covid almost never kills healthy people. Time for your Metamucil.
Oh, so covid is responsible nfor their deaths?

Be careful, the other tRumplings might disown you for saying that.

Unvaxxedof course.In the longer term this will help the kids by not being exposed to idiocy. Great results Ronnie !!
You do know school hasn't started there yet. You're such a dumbass.
Fake news. They're just commie plants acting like they died. And you can't die from a minor flu. And MAGA. And freedom 'n stuff.
Remember in that thread yesterday when someone seemed glad someone died form covid being vaccinated, or high covid cases being vaccinated or some shit? And you whined about what a POS he was?
Why didnt you do the same for tommy? I know why. Its because you are a cultist.
You are always asking for examples. Here is one, you dumb ass bitch.
You have to have a shitty real life to be so fucking fake on the internet. Like this makes you feel better or something. This is the one placed you fake fucks can be yourself and you not have to worry about consequences.
Its pathetic.
Remember in that thread yesterday when someone seemed glad someone died form covid being vaccinated, or high covid cases being vaccinated or some shit? And you whined about what a POS he was?
Why didnt you do the same for tommy? I know why. Its because you are a cultist.
You are always asking for examples. Here is one, you dumb ass bitch.
Still nothing on me changing on an issue.

Good stuff. Now you even have to try to team up. I'm so far up your heads you can't see straight.

Damn I'm good.

Still waiting on examples of me changing on an issue. I'm told there are many.
Those who have been pretending that vaccines are supposed to be 100% effective are dancing on his grave.

What an ugly fucking time.
Of course, this thinking doesnt exist for ol mac, when its a fellow cultist.
He is everything he trashes on here. Fake as a 3 dollar bill.
And really, him being so fake isnt out of the norm here. But his ungodly level of self righteousness makes it worse.
And here comes his "reaction" so he can scurry his little coward ass away.
Oh, so covid is responsible nfor their deaths?

Be careful, the other tRumplings might disown you for saying that.
No, you can't read, I said they died of something else but covid simply pushed to date up a few weeks. Go change your Depends.

Unvaxxedof course.In the longer term this will help the kids by not being exposed to idiocy. Great results Ronnie !!

It's very sad when people die. Always has been. Always will be.

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