Four-day workweek, 46% raise: UAW makes 'audacious' demands ahead of possible strike against Big 3 automakers

This is truly an anti worker stance. A rich worshipper.
I thought working 32 hours but demanding 40 hours of pay, is anti work, stance?

I dont worship the rich, i worked my ass off over in Saudi Arabia where i made my riches, and learned all the Democrat tricks to avoid paying taxes. Shame on anyone who pays their FAIR share, because Democrat elites sure dont pay their fair share....
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I hope the UAW strikes all three companies. The enormous profits these companies have made needs to be shared with workers rather than enriching executives and Wall Street.

Really all workers in the US should consider unionizing and striking for better pay and benefits.

Employers need a good ass kicking.

This is the way they think…
I hope the UAW strikes all three companies. The enormous profits these companies have made needs to be shared with workers rather than enriching executives and Wall Street.

Really all workers in the US should consider unionizing and striking for better pay and benefits.

Employers need a good ass kicking.

This is the way they think…

What a fucking stupid idea. Union pukes sit on their asses most of the day and then when it is time to go home, they demand OT because they fell behind in the work. Union fucks are fat, lazy, stupid people, who dont realize that it is up to THEM, to negotiate their wages, but many are cowards except when they can overpower those that dare break the union lines to work for the company. And the union leaders always getting paid even if the union workers isnt, because if the worker doesnt pay the dues he gets blackballed and loses all his benefits he paid in. BUST THE UNIONS, they no longer serve a purpose other than enriching the Marxists/Demofascists party.
What a fucking stupid idea. Union pukes sit on their asses most of the day and then when it is time to go home, they demand OT because they fell behind in the work. Union fucks are fat, lazy, stupid people, who dont realize that it is up to THEM, to negotiate their wages, but many are cowards except when they can overpower those that dare break the union lines to work for the company. And the union leaders always getting paid even if the union workers isnt, because if the worker doesnt pay the dues he gets blackballed and loses all his benefits he paid in. BUST THE UNIONS, they no longer serve a purpose other than enriching the Marxists/Demofascists party.
Yeah blame workers like a good establishment toady.

Your criticism is misplaced. Change it up. The working class is getting screwed for decades now. Wake the fuck up!
A four-day workweek at full-time pay, a 46% wage increase and a share of company profits are among the demands of the union representing approximately 150,000 workers at the Big 3 U.S. automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Stellantis.

The United Auto Workers, or UAW, has vowed to launch a strike on Sept. 14 if the union and the automakers fail to reach an agreement by then.

Even UAW President Shawn Fain last month described the workers' set of demands as "audacious." He has defended the ambitious agenda in a series of public statements, citing billions in profits enjoyed by the Big 3.

The automakers, meanwhile, have largely rejected the demands. Only Ford has presented a contract proposal, offering a 9% wage increase over the term of the contract, plus a one-time payout that brings the total raise to 15%.

We're moving in the direction where unless you have a Government job, a Union job, or work for a large tech company you're fucked.

Plenty of foreign cars are made in USA without unions......Just sayin'.

Are they willing to take a hit in the paycheck when the companies post losses? If they want to share the profits, they should be willing to share the losses.
The anti worker stance here is evident. Just like the guy in the video who thinks workers are making too much. Workers are starting to push back as they should. And he is wrong about productivity it's as high as ever.
Are they willing to take a hit in the paycheck when the companies post losses? If they want to share the profits, they should be willing to share the losses.
Lol. What? Of course workers share the losses. They lose their jobs when corporations lose money. WTF!

Funny thing…when corporations lose money often the senior executives responsible for those loses seldom face any consequences. Workers get pink slips.

The anti worker stance here is evident. Just like the guy in the video who thinks workers are making too much. Workers are starting to push back as they should. And he is wrong about productivity it's as high as ever.
Yes. It’s a good example of how effective establishment propaganda is. It dupes many who should know better.
Lol. What? Of course workers share the losses. They lose their jobs when corporations lose money. WTF!
Would it be better for all workers to lose 2% from their paychecks for a quarter or for 2% of the workers to permanently lose their jobs while the remaining workers keep their whole paychecks until the next quarterly loss?
Funny thing…when corporations lose money often the senior executives responsible for those loses seldom face any consequences. Workers get pink slips.
It matters where you work. Anecdotally, one of the best places I worked made the top executives take pay cuts so all the workers could keep their checks and their jobs when business took a hit. Thankfully, the shortfall was small enough that it was covered by that.

Yes, think. Consider all the factors, not just pretend that worker pay can be arbitrarily bumped up with no consequences.
Would it be better for all workers to lose 2% from their paychecks for a quarter or for 2% of the workers to permanently lose their jobs while the remaining workers keep their whole paychecks until the next quarterly loss?

It matters where you work. Anecdotally, one of the best places I worked made the top executives take pay cuts so all the workers could keep their checks and their jobs when business took a hit. Thankfully, the shortfall was small enough that it was covered by that.

Yes, think. Consider all the factors, not just pretend that worker pay can be arbitrarily bumped up with no consequences.
You’re uninformed.

The big three have earned enormous profits. Why do you prefer all that money go to the top executives and Wall Street? Why not share those profits with workers?
You’re uninformed.

The big three have earned enormous profits. Why do you prefer all that money go to the top executives and Wall Street? Why not share those profits with workers?
And just how is the CEO of GM supposed to get by on less than her 28 million dollar a year compensation ?
You’re uninformed.

The big three have earned enormous profits. Why do you prefer all that money go to the top executives and Wall Street? Why not share those profits with workers?
That money also goes to elderly widows living off investments that were made decades ago. Should they get shortchanged now?

There's no problem if profit sharing is what the company decides to do. I'm just pointing out that workers are always eager to share in the profits but not very eager to share in the losses. Also, you didn't answer if it would be better for everyone to take a cut in their pay or for some to lose their jobs permanently.
And just how is the CEO of GM supposed to get by on less than her 28 million dollar a year compensation ?
If the board decides his track record and leadership is worth that investment, why not? There are very few highly driven, skilled and experienced people willing and able to routinely work 70-80 hours a week and make decisions that could quickly put thousands into hardship. Most people have no clue what is required to effectively run a multibillion-dollar business that employs tens or hundreds of thousands of people.
With the exception of some trucks American auto makers mostly produce shitty vehicles.

Decades of unsustainable UAW greed have created a tremendous burden on the car companies to the point they have almost went bankrupt and would have without government bailouts and stupid fleet sales.

Now the scam is that unless the car companies settle with the filthy ass UAW then they won't get any of the billions of taxpayer's subsidy dollars that the stupid Potatohead administration got for the idiotic electric vehicles.

This is bad government that feeds Union greed and the rest of us pay for it.

This is what we got when Potatohead stole the election.
Say hello to big inflation again, if the UAW gets anywhere near this kind of absurd increase!
They don't give a shit.

They are greedy sonofabitches and they are the cash cow for the asshole Democrats.

Their greed would just be laughed at in a free economy but the Democrats are their Sugar Daddies that use the filthy government to put pressure on the car companies so expect the bastards to get what they demand.

The despicable Potatohead administration caused the massive inflation and then used our taxpayer's money to subsidize the car companies and now are going to make the car companies settle with the UAW in order to get the taxpayer's money.
That money also goes to elderly widows living off investments that were made decades ago. Should they get shortchanged now?

There's no problem if profit sharing is what the company decides to do. I'm just pointing out that workers are always eager to share in the profits but not very eager to share in the losses. Also, you didn't answer if it would be better for everyone to take a cut in their pay or for some to lose their jobs permanently.
Lol. Do you really think there isn’t enough for the workers and investors?

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