Four-day workweek, 46% raise: UAW makes 'audacious' demands ahead of possible strike against Big 3 automakers

Exactly. Workers are realizing the system is rigged against them. Workers nationwide should unionize and force the assholes at the top to share the spoils.

Big corporations have been making sizeable profits which they use to buy back their stock, which pushes up stock prices and greatly benefits the c-level executives. The worker’s needs are never considered.
I'm well aware that low-skilled labor has flat-lined, and that's largely because it can be done by virtually anyone anywhere in the world, hence the movement of those jobs overseas. It's cost effective to have the labor done overseas and then ship the goods back here. Add to that the inevitable automation by machines that do a better job, don't take breaks and don't complain about anything, and it won't be long before the majority of all low-skilled jobs will be done by machines.

If you want those jobs to come back to the US and for them to be paid high wages, prepare to price the poor right out of most goods and services.
Lol. No, it’s not just low skilled labor it’s the entire working class.

You fail to understand, on purpose. The big three have been making tremendous profits, why should the executives and shareholders be the only ones to benefit? Shouldn’t the workers who actually make the product, receive some of the benefits of these high earnings?

Or is that communism to you?
Lol. No, it’s not just low skilled labor it’s the entire working class.
Really? My wages went up every year until I hit the top of my career, and I now control how much I make.
You fail to understand, on purpose. The big three have been making tremendous profits, why should the executives and shareholders be the only ones to benefit? Shouldn’t the workers who actually make the product, receive some of the benefits of these high earnings?

Or is that communism to you?
They are receiving some of the benefits, and it's not communism for workers to share profits if they buy into the company, aka, own stocks. That was one of the ways Circuit City gave us bonuses back in the day. In really good years we would get stock options that we could sell later on, and I made some good money off those. Of course, we all like a generous boss, but we have to remember that the owners of the company are the ones who literally own the company and take both the risks and the rewards of doing so. The workers don't, they do a specified amount of work for a specified amount of money. If you hire a groundskeeper who makes your backyard look fantastic when you have a potential client over and get his business, do you owe them anything more than what you agreed to pay them? I say no.
A four-day workweek at full-time pay, a 46% wage increase and a share of company profits are among the demands of the union representing approximately 150,000 workers at the Big 3 U.S. automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Stellantis.

The United Auto Workers, or UAW, has vowed to launch a strike on Sept. 14 if the union and the automakers fail to reach an agreement by then.

Even UAW President Shawn Fain last month described the workers' set of demands as "audacious." He has defended the ambitious agenda in a series of public statements, citing billions in profits enjoyed by the Big 3.

The automakers, meanwhile, have largely rejected the demands. Only Ford has presented a contract proposal, offering a 9% wage increase over the term of the contract, plus a one-time payout that brings the total raise to 15%.

We're moving in the direction where unless you have a Government job, a Union job, or work for a large tech company you're fucked.

Plenty of foreign cars are made in USA without unions......Just sayin'.

Union workers are and always have been the laziest fucks in the USA. What's even worse Ford lost 4.5 billion on electric vehicles, another obvious loser
You’re uninformed.

The big three have earned enormous profits. Why do you prefer all that money go to the top executives and Wall Street? Why not share those profits with workers?
Because it ain't theirs, shithead. The SOLE purpose of businesses is profit above all else. WTF do you expect companies to do, break even every year?
Because it ain't theirs, shithead. The SOLE purpose of businesses is profit above all else. WTF do you expect companies to do, break even every year?
Lol. So their choices are break even or make enormous profits. No other choices exist in your small mind.
The average guy isnt a Union Auto Worker, but the guys who are in construction, A/C and Plumbing. Those guys are willing to get dirty and work long hours, while these dope smoking car robot watchers, just sit their moaning how unfair their compensation packages are. Fuck em, bust the unions, start making people work for the skills that they have, not what some Union puke thinks they are worth.

The GOP should demand that any prole who refuses to work for Red Chinese wages be arrested and shot. That will teach these uppity proles who's boss.
A four-day workweek at full-time pay, a 46% wage increase and a share of company profits are among the demands of the union representing approximately 150,000 workers at the Big 3 U.S. automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Stellantis.

The United Auto Workers, or UAW, has vowed to launch a strike on Sept. 14 if the union and the automakers fail to reach an agreement by then.

Even UAW President Shawn Fain last month described the workers' set of demands as "audacious." He has defended the ambitious agenda in a series of public statements, citing billions in profits enjoyed by the Big 3.

The automakers, meanwhile, have largely rejected the demands. Only Ford has presented a contract proposal, offering a 9% wage increase over the term of the contract, plus a one-time payout that brings the total raise to 15%.

We're moving in the direction where unless you have a Government job, a Union job, or work for a large tech company you're fucked.

Plenty of foreign cars are made in USA without unions......Just sayin'.

I've been a Realtor for over 50 years. I made my living negotiating. The golden rule!


Some of the union demands are outrageous but many are reasonable.

I recently saw that building an electric car takes 40% fewer workers. The automakers are losing an obscene amount of money to build each one. At the same time, taxpayers are paying them an obscene amount of money through our government to build more of them.

Who is the loser?
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Say hello to big inflation again, if the UAW gets anywhere near this kind of absurd increase!
Yeah, the wage increase sounds outrageous but it is over four years. Since President Biden took office, prices have gone up 19% and gas is going up again.
BS. Many UAW workers are many only $15/hour.
ONLY $15.00 an hour? How much should someone who lacks a high school education, skills, work ethic, or experience?

NOT when you include all their benefits.

The GOP should demand that any prole who refuses to work for Red Chinese wages be arrested and shot. That will teach these uppity proles who's boss.
I guess you havent seen all those illegals crossing the southern border who are working for Red Chinese wages...
ONLY $15.00 an hour? How much should someone who lacks a high school education, skills, work ethic, or experience?

NOT when you include all their benefits.

Lol. This has nothing to do with the education or skill level of auto workers. They work for companies making big profits. As such, their union (UAW) has every right to demand a share of those profits.

I support this effort as I prefer average Americans obtaining greater benefits and incomes. You seem to prefer they get nothing, while the executives and shareholders benefit greatly. Are you an elitist?
Say hello to big inflation again, if the UAW gets anywhere near this kind of absurd increase!
No. Inflation has absolutely nothing to do with this.

You seem to forget the companies are making big profits. As such, the workers who make the product should share in those profits.

Why do you support enriching the executives and shareholders, while screwing the workers? Are you an elitist?
Lol. This has nothing to do with the education or skill level of auto workers. They work for companies making big profits. As such, their union (UAW) has every right to demand a share of those profits.

I support this effort as I prefer average Americans obtaining greater benefits and incomes. You seem to prefer they get nothing, while the executives and shareholders benefit greatly. Are you an elitist?
What about the Union reps, they dont do shit for the company but steal from the union workers, with promises that eventually the reps cant keep. Those reps sit in their office figuring out ways to make themselves much richer, while only asking enough to satisfy the worker. Talk about hypocrisy at its worst.

Fuck the unions, they have nothing to offer, bust them up, in the US it is up to each person to achieve the American dream, not a collective process.

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