Four-day workweek, 46% raise: UAW makes 'audacious' demands ahead of possible strike against Big 3 automakers

I guess you havent seen all those illegals crossing the southern border who are working for Red Chinese wages...

I saw them flooding in for decades, especially under Saint Reagan. He liked using them for scabs. My favorite was his busting the meat packer strikes with them, then laughing my ass off when the wholesales prices of meat climbed like a rocket afterwards. lol the cultist still won't acknowledge that or his tax increases on the working and middle class, which is even more hilarious. And now they wonder why they get beat out of elections by loons like Biden and AOC. lol they're as nuts as Democrats.
I saw them flooding in for decades, especially under Saint Reagan. He liked using them for scabs. My favorite was his busting the meat packer strikes with them, then laughing my ass off when the wholesales prices of meat climbed like a rocket afterwards. lol the cultist still won't acknowledge that or his tax increases on the working and middle class, which is even more hilarious. And now they wonder why they get beat out of elections by loons like Biden and AOC. lol they're as nuts as Democrats.
Fuck you dudley,smuddly, it was Tipp O'Neil the liar that promised President Reagan a secure border, only if Ron agreed to make 6 million diseased illegals legal with amnesty. President Reagan in good faith agreed, then Tippy the fucker reneged on the deal. So in comes President Trump the left wants him to deal with them, the Don tells them to go fuck themselves, because you cant trust a Prog, and they go bat chit crazy...
Fuck you dudley,smuddly, it was Tipp O'Neil the liar that promised President Reagan a secure border, only if Ron agreed to make 6 million diseased illegals legal with amnesty. President Reagan in good faith agreed, then Tippy the fucker reneged on the deal. So in comes President Trump the left wants him to deal with them, the Don tells them to go fuck themselves, because you cant trust a Prog, and they go bat chit crazy...
This is the pattern with Democrats. They also burned Reagan AND Bush 41 on tax pledges.
Ya, that would be awful. Can you imagine if the regular guy was able to pay his bills? Or even worse have enough money to go on vacation once a year! I mean can you imagine if a guy starting at one of the big three factories could buy a car they were building with a years wages? It would be pandemonium!
How is the union auto worker going to pay his bills after the plant closes and he has no job?
What about the Union reps, they dont do shit for the company but steal from the union workers, with promises that eventually the reps cant keep. Those reps sit in their office figuring out ways to make themselves much richer, while only asking enough to satisfy the worker. Talk about hypocrisy at its worst.

Fuck the unions, they have nothing to offer, bust them up, in the US it is up to each person to achieve the American dream, not a collective process.
Silly. The vast majority of UAW workers support the union.

You’re stuck in 1970, when unions were corrupt and somewhat controlled by the mob. This isn’t happening today.

The corruption you should fear are the criminal capitalists in collusion with the duopoly crime families and media who are screwing workers.
How is the union auto worker going to pay his bills after the plant closes and he has no job?
There’s a problem with your post. The automakers are flush with cash and profits. Why shouldn’t the workers be paid more due to this success? Why do you only want the executives and shareholders enriched? Are you jealous?
All of these demands will be passed on to the consumer. Prices are already too dang high. The Unions have no concept of reality anymore. They are putting themselves out of business.

More Detroits about to happen. Oh well.
Silly. The vast majority of UAW workers support the union.

You’re stuck in 1970, when unions were corrupt and somewhat controlled by the mob. This isn’t happening today.

The corruption you should fear are the criminal capitalists in collusion with the duopoly crime families and media who are screwing workers.
Every time i see a Onion(smelly union) formed within a few months i see prices skyrocket while products and services diminish.
A four-day workweek at full-time pay, a 46% wage increase and a share of company profits are among the demands of the union representing approximately 150,000 workers at the Big 3 U.S. automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Stellantis.

The United Auto Workers, or UAW, has vowed to launch a strike on Sept. 14 if the union and the automakers fail to reach an agreement by then.

Even UAW President Shawn Fain last month described the workers' set of demands as "audacious." He has defended the ambitious agenda in a series of public statements, citing billions in profits enjoyed by the Big 3.

The automakers, meanwhile, have largely rejected the demands. Only Ford has presented a contract proposal, offering a 9% wage increase over the term of the contract, plus a one-time payout that brings the total raise to 15%.

We're moving in the direction where unless you have a Government job, a Union job, or work for a large tech company you're fucked.

Plenty of foreign cars are made in USA without unions......Just sayin'.

They are going to get their jobs shipped off to Mexico.
Lol. This has nothing to do with the education or skill level of auto workers. They work for companies making big profits. As such, their union (UAW) has every right to demand a share of those profits.

I support this effort as I prefer average Americans obtaining greater benefits and incomes. You seem to prefer they get nothing, while the executives and shareholders benefit greatly. Are you an elitist?

Then you agree that when the company has far lower profits, the workers agree to cut their wages that year or pay the company to make up the loss?

Here is what I said in another post on this thread.

"Yeah, the wage increase sounds outrageous but it is over four years. Since President Biden took office, prices have gone up 19% and gas is going up again."

and this:

"Some of the union demands are outrageous but many are reasonable."

"I recently saw that building an electric car takes 40% fewer workers. The automakers are losing an obscene amount of money to build each one. At the same time, taxpayers are paying them an obscene amount of money through our government to build more of them."

"Who is the loser?"
Maybe our corporations secretly want illegals so they can exploit them.
And who is the President of the US, and allowing the diseased illegals to cross the border every month?


Fuck you dudley,smuddly, it was Tipp O'Neil the liar that promised President Reagan a secure border, only if Ron agreed to make 6 million diseased illegals legal with amnesty. President Reagan in good faith agreed, then Tippy the fucker reneged on the deal. So in comes President Trump the left wants him to deal with them, the Don tells them to go fuck themselves, because you cant trust a Prog, and they go bat chit crazy...

Go fuck yurself; Reagan was a fraud. Made up stories by his press agents and professional liars carry zero weight. Reagan also ran away from terrorists attacks, and then cut deals with the vermin as well. He was however the best President Japan and Mexico ever had, so you have that tit to suck on at least.
Go fuck yurself; Reagan was a fraud. Made up stories by his press agents and professional liars carry zero weight. Reagan also ran away from terrorists attacks, and then cut deals with the vermin as well. He was however the best President Japan and Mexico ever had, so you have that tit to suck on at least.
And i am supposed to believe everything you say, just like i am to believe Joe Biteme?

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