Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting

Nutter politicians are afraid of their loud-mouthed fringe voters. They pander as mindlessly as they breathe. Common sense limits are out of the question.

Makes one proud.

Proud of what ?

That you are one of the loud mouth fringe ?

Wonderful. :eusa_shhh:
The day after 12 people were killed in the movie theater in Colorado, 12 people were killed in Texas, when a pickup truck veered off the road.

No one, to my knowledge, has called for a ban on pickup trucks.

The government misused firearms by allowing them to cross the border got people killed, don't hear the anti gunner saying the government needs to be banned from having firearms.
I take it you would never in a million years vote for a gun hating communist like Willard, correct?

That's liberal state Massachusetts Romney speaking pal!
He knows it doesn't work that way any longer now that he's nationwide.
He's had to change his position on other issues as well.
Once Second Ammendment issues go nationwide, it's just the Dems who are the gun haters.

So Willard has a history of hating guns and says he supports strong anti-gun legislation, but has flip flopped into liking them because you want him to? Sounds plausible. :cuckoo:

He knows which side of an issue he now needs to be on, and I could care less if it's different from his past views, what's important is his views going forward, and in this case it wont be second ammendmemt restrictions. That will be from the Dem.
That's liberal state Massachusetts Romney speaking pal!
He knows it doesn't work that way any longer now that he's nationwide.
He's had to change his position on other issues as well.
Once Second Ammendment issues go nationwide, it's just the Dems who are the gun haters.

So Willard has a history of hating guns and says he supports strong anti-gun legislation, but has flip flopped into liking them because you want him to? Sounds plausible. :cuckoo:

He knows which side of an issue he now needs to be on, and I could care less if it's different from his past views, what's important is his views going forward, and in this case it wont be second ammendmemt restrictions. That will be from the Dem.

I see, so you don't care about Willard's very liberal anti-gun actions of the past. You don't care that in the 08' debates he said he would sign into law a federal assault weapons ban,...all that matters is that he will whisper sweet nothings into your ear this time around,.."Yes baby, I know I did you wrong before numerous times, but I promise not to do it again,..."

Get a clue and vote for those that actually stand behind your views, not those you wish would,....
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The assault weapon didn't kill the majority of people in the Colorado shooting, try the shotgun and handgun......

"Assault weapon/rifle" is misleading.... it can't fire any faster than a semi-auto .22 rifle I own.

The shotgun was most likely the worst though... that is devistating in a crowd :eek:
Keep talking Dems ! :clap2:

Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting

Four Democrats have come forward in the wake of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. to voice support for new legislation aimed to combat gun violence.

Colorado Rep. Diana DeGette, New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez joined Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey Tuesday to voice support for Lautenberg's bill outlawing the sale of high-capacity gun magazines.

"I hope that this does spark a national conversation about where we go in terms of reasonable gun control measures," Menendez told reporters gathered for a press conference on the issue. "So that no one like Alex Teves, who grew up in New Jersey and found himself in Colorado, will ever again be gunned down by a man who could build an arsenal with a click of a mouse and have it delivered to his door by the cart load--ammunition, high capacity clips, explosives, bomb-making materials--all within the law."

Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

You do know that the newest conspiracy theory is that the government backed the shooter so they could pass anti-gun legislation...way to go..give 'em fuel for the fire.
Keep talking Dems ! :clap2:

Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting

Four Democrats have come forward in the wake of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. to voice support for new legislation aimed to combat gun violence.

Colorado Rep. Diana DeGette, New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez joined Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey Tuesday to voice support for Lautenberg's bill outlawing the sale of high-capacity gun magazines.

"I hope that this does spark a national conversation about where we go in terms of reasonable gun control measures," Menendez told reporters gathered for a press conference on the issue. "So that no one like Alex Teves, who grew up in New Jersey and found himself in Colorado, will ever again be gunned down by a man who could build an arsenal with a click of a mouse and have it delivered to his door by the cart load--ammunition, high capacity clips, explosives, bomb-making materials--all within the law."

Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

You do know that the newest conspiracy theory is that the government backed the shooter so they could pass anti-gun legislation...way to go..give 'em fuel for the fire.
Anythings possible but right now all we have to go on is the shooter was a whack job, except for the ant gun decptive president that's all we have to go on.,
Lets remember that we already have a lot of gun laws and we still don't enforce them like we should. More laws are not the answer. Punish people who break the law using guns, not slap their hands but really come down on them hard. This CO incidence is rate and unfortunate but lets don't start changing laws like it will fix the probelm. It won't. One shot gun in trained hands could have done the same damage or more. This guy is crazy and if being crazy was a crime we couldn't build enough prisons.

The point is only law abiding citizens will suffer from new gun laws.
Communists hate private gun ownership.

Whew...good thing we aren't Communists then. I love my guns...of course, I don't have military style weapons whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the least amount of time.

All of our fundamental rights have "riders" on them. Why is this right so "untouchable" and can't have any restrictions on it?

The problem is some politicians think gun ownership of any kind is a threat.

They won't stop at assault weapons.

I personally don't see the need for owning an assault rifle other than just to collect it.

I have heard that Obama is waiting till after the election to use regulations and executive-orders to essentially outlaw private gun ownership.

Collecting is as legit as any,they are fun to shoot,beer cans cower in fear!
Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting

That's not gun-control legislation, but it's good to see a few Dems not cower at the feet of the NRA. More should learn from them.
So Willard has a history of hating guns and says he supports strong anti-gun legislation, but has flip flopped into liking them because you want him to? Sounds plausible. :cuckoo:

He knows which side of an issue he now needs to be on, and I could care less if it's different from his past views, what's important is his views going forward, and in this case it wont be second ammendmemt restrictions. That will be from the Dem.

I see, so you don't care about Willard's very liberal anti-gun actions of the past. You don't care that in the 08' debates he said he would sign into law a federal assault weapons ban,...all that matters is that he will whisper sweet nothings into your ear this time around,.."Yes baby, I know I did you wrong before numerous times, but I promise not to do it again,..."

Get a clue and vote for those that actually stand behind your views, not those you wish would,....

We've set Romney straight, he knows if he wants to remain in the Republican Party he must adhere to certain rules. This is of course nationally speaking. He could get away with being a liberal Republican in a liberal cesspool such as Massachusetts, but that doesn't work once you've left it's borders.
Romney isn't perfect, but he's not Obama either, so we'll be rallying around him as long as he doesn't stray too far.
The only real motivation we need to get to the polls is provided by Barack Hussein Obama anyway.
Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting

That's not gun-control legislation, but it's good to see a few Dems not cower at the feet of the NRA. More should learn from them.

Absolutely !! We want as many Dems as possible to get out there and publicly share their true feelings about guns, and gun accessories. Please please please ! The more the merrier ! :clap2:
I take it you would never in a million years vote for a gun hating communist like Willard, correct?

That's liberal state Massachusetts Romney speaking pal!
He knows it doesn't work that way any longer now that he's nationwide.
He's had to change his position on other issues as well.
Once Second Ammendment issues go nationwide, it's just the Dems who are the gun haters.

So Willard has a history of hating guns and says he supports strong anti-gun legislation, but has flip flopped into liking them because you want him to? Sounds plausible. :cuckoo:

He's "evolved".
He knows which side of an issue he now needs to be on, and I could care less if it's different from his past views, what's important is his views going forward, and in this case it wont be second ammendmemt restrictions. That will be from the Dem.

I see, so you don't care about Willard's very liberal anti-gun actions of the past. You don't care that in the 08' debates he said he would sign into law a federal assault weapons ban,...all that matters is that he will whisper sweet nothings into your ear this time around,.."Yes baby, I know I did you wrong before numerous times, but I promise not to do it again,..."

Get a clue and vote for those that actually stand behind your views, not those you wish would,....

We've set Romney straight, he knows if he wants to remain in the Republican Party he must adhere to certain rules. This is of course nationally speaking. He could get away with being a liberal Republican in a liberal cesspool such as Massachusetts, but that doesn't work once you've left it's borders.
Romney isn't perfect, but he's not Obama either, so we'll be rallying around him as long as he doesn't stray too far.
The only real motivation we need to get to the polls is provided by Barack Hussein Obama anyway.

That is like saying you told a right winger to somehow magically become intellegent, it doesn't happen.

Instead of "well, I don't like him, he's a liberal, but we've told him how to think and he promised to abide by it, so that's good enough for me" is ridiculous. Try thinking for yourself and vote for those that actually support your views.
If gun rights are a strong issue for you, Obama has been very conservative with them, as has Johnson. Being an obedient sheep to the GOP is easy, thinking for yourself takes talent :up:
I see, so you don't care about Willard's very liberal anti-gun actions of the past. You don't care that in the 08' debates he said he would sign into law a federal assault weapons ban,...all that matters is that he will whisper sweet nothings into your ear this time around,.."Yes baby, I know I did you wrong before numerous times, but I promise not to do it again,..."

Get a clue and vote for those that actually stand behind your views, not those you wish would,....

We've set Romney straight, he knows if he wants to remain in the Republican Party he must adhere to certain rules. This is of course nationally speaking. He could get away with being a liberal Republican in a liberal cesspool such as Massachusetts, but that doesn't work once you've left it's borders.
Romney isn't perfect, but he's not Obama either, so we'll be rallying around him as long as he doesn't stray too far.
The only real motivation we need to get to the polls is provided by Barack Hussein Obama anyway.

That is like saying you told a right winger to somehow magically become intellegent, it doesn't happen.

Instead of "well, I don't like him, he's a liberal, but we've told him how to think and he promised to abide by it, so that's good enough for me" is ridiculous. Try thinking for yourself and vote for those that actually support your views.
If gun rights are a strong issue for you, Obama has been very conservative with them, as has Johnson. Being an obedient sheep to the GOP is easy, thinking for yourself takes talent :up:

You don't need to worry about it, but I am thinking for myself, and given the choice between Obama and Romney it's not even close.
We've set Romney straight, he knows if he wants to remain in the Republican Party he must adhere to certain rules. This is of course nationally speaking. He could get away with being a liberal Republican in a liberal cesspool such as Massachusetts, but that doesn't work once you've left it's borders.
Romney isn't perfect, but he's not Obama either, so we'll be rallying around him as long as he doesn't stray too far.
The only real motivation we need to get to the polls is provided by Barack Hussein Obama anyway.

That is like saying you told a right winger to somehow magically become intellegent, it doesn't happen.

Instead of "well, I don't like him, he's a liberal, but we've told him how to think and he promised to abide by it, so that's good enough for me" is ridiculous. Try thinking for yourself and vote for those that actually support your views.
If gun rights are a strong issue for you, Obama has been very conservative with them, as has Johnson. Being an obedient sheep to the GOP is easy, thinking for yourself takes talent :up:

You don't need to worry about it, but I am thinking for myself, and given the choice between Obama and Romney it's not even close.

Glad to hear you are voting for Obama :up:

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