Four Down!!

There is nothing improper or illegal about these recalls. Voters in Wisconsin are exercising their 1st Amendment rights (as much as that offends conservatives here).

Even if unsuccessful, it's a message to the Wisconsin GOP that they aren't immune and will have to answer for their far right policies.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.

This is why nothing ever changes. When the government does act financially responsible, the socialist will move to protect their perks. They choose to not look at the fact, we can't afford them anymore.

So sad but so true. The Public Unions are in Panic-Mode. The Taxpayers have had enough of their shake-downs so now their pressuring their Democrat friends to save them. This Wisconsin Governor is actually a very brave man. He's trying to save Wisconsin's future. I hope he stays strong and stays on track. He does have a lot of support.

We can certainly what a brave man he is from that taped phone conversation.
This governor is trying to save wisconsin? Can one honestly believe that. As a small business owner I know that IS NOT THE TRUTH. But behold the other small business owners who believe this are truly dumb. I now help out by boycotting certain businesses. Dont tell anybody though.
Walker could have stopped after the unions said ok with the contributions. All this mess could have been stopped if he would have stopped there. Now I am stuck with Wississippi...a bunch of dummies.
This governor is trying to save wisconsin? Can one honestly believe that. As a small business owner I know that IS NOT THE TRUTH. But behold the other small business owners who believe this are truly dumb. I now help out by boycotting certain businesses. Dont tell anybody though.
Yeah... trying to control out of control parasites who have been wasting millions of taxpayer dollars for decades is a bad thing.

What you gonna do when the Debt Ceiling is hit, the feddies can't bail out your state anymore and the dollar nosedives. How you gonna pay for all the gubmint largess then? Fairy sprinkles?

But you go ahead and play your petty boycott games. May your business reap what you sow.
There is nothing improper or illegal about these recalls. Voters in Wisconsin are exercising their 1st Amendment rights (as much as that offends conservatives here).

Even if unsuccessful, it's a message to the Wisconsin GOP that they aren't immune and will have to answer for their far right policies.
Yeah, trying to do away with wasteful spending, like unsustainable public union benefits is a far right policy.......So, when the liberal dominated legislature starts going after the same here in this great state that they have destroyed, as many are now saying they will have to do, you'll just mark it down as far right policies, correct?

LMAO!.....You damn lib's are beyond funny, to the point of being downright ridiculous in your asinine points of view.

No wonder the liberal agenda is going straight down the fucking tubes.
This governor is trying to save wisconsin? Can one honestly believe that. As a small business owner I know that IS NOT THE TRUTH. But behold the other small business owners who believe this are truly dumb. I now help out by boycotting certain businesses. Dont tell anybody though.
Yeah, that's just fuckin' great........Tear down your fellow small business owners, and create higher unemployment in your state........You're fuckin' brilliant!

What a fuckin' asshat!:cuckoo:
"But you go ahead and play your petty boycott games. May your business reap what you sow. "

Thanx. Some small businesses are down more than 10 percent. And they have the gall to complain that they are being boycotted...What did they think? Were they actually dumb enough to believe that people affected by this were just going to kindly accept it? Who in their right mind would gladly accept cuts and do it quietly? Anyone who gladly conceded has mental issues. In america it is the workers versus the owners in a controversial and adversarial relationship. Thats the way capitalism is designed. If an owner doesnt like workers then he should do it all himself and should not DREAM of expanding. I do all my own work for my business so I dont have to hire others. Then I have no reason to complain like other stupid bad business people do that workers are asking for more. Do it YOURSELF but dont complain about those you hire.
"But you go ahead and play your petty boycott games. May your business reap what you sow. "

Thanx. Some small businesses are down more than 10 percent. And they have the gall to complain that they are being boycotted...What did they think? Were they actually dumb enough to believe that people affected by this were just going to kindly accept it? Who in their right mind would gladly accept cuts and do it quietly? Anyone who gladly conceded has mental issues. In america it is the workers versus the owners in a controversial and adversarial relationship. Thats the way capitalism is designed. If an owner doesnt like workers then he should do it all himself and should not DREAM of expanding. I do all my own work for my business so I dont have to hire others. Then I have no reason to complain like other stupid bad business people do that workers are asking for more. Do it YOURSELF but dont complain about those you hire.
Seriously, there is very little in the above post that makes sense.

Just what the fuck are you boycotting other small businesses for?

The issue was about "PUBLIC employees unsustainable benefits". It had absolutely NOTHING to do with with small private business.......So, WTF?

It's fucking ridiculous.
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What you dont get is it wasnt about balancing the budget. After the unions conceded the contributions walker simply was going to get rid of the unions. Now he did. Good for him.
It was never about the budget. If it had been, walker would have said thanx and moved on. Some businesses are now going to suffer some and they have reaped what they deserve as you have stated. While these people are now contributing and are losing their collective bargaining they arent stupid....they know which businesses supported this mess... I supported the public employees and have a sign in my business window stating so. Those that have openly opposed are mad now that their business is down. How STUPID are they? Did they think this would not happen? As a fellow business owner I really cant say I will help them out or support them. As you stated they have reaped what they sowed.
What you dont get is it wasnt about balancing the budget. After the unions conceded the contributions walker simply was going to get rid of the unions. Now he did. Good for him.
It was never about the budget. If it had been, walker would have said thanx and moved on. Some businesses are now going to suffer some and they have reaped what they deserve as you have stated. While these people are now contributing and are losing their collective bargaining they arent stupid....they know which businesses supported this mess... I supported the public employees and have a sign in my business window stating so. Those that have openly opposed are mad now that their business is down. How STUPID are they? Did they think this would not happen? As a fellow business owner I really cant say I will help them out or support them. As you stated they have reaped what they sowed.

And if I were in Wisconsin and saw your sign I would not do business with you. A knife cuts both ways.
What you dont get is it wasnt about balancing the budget. After the unions conceded the contributions walker simply was going to get rid of the unions. Now he did. Good for him.
It was never about the budget. If it had been, walker would have said thanx and moved on. Some businesses are now going to suffer some and they have reaped what they deserve as you have stated. While these people are now contributing and are losing their collective bargaining they arent stupid....they know which businesses supported this mess... I supported the public employees and have a sign in my business window stating so. Those that have openly opposed are mad now that their business is down. How STUPID are they? Did they think this would not happen? As a fellow business owner I really cant say I will help them out or support them. As you stated they have reaped what they sowed.

And if I were in Wisconsin and saw your sign I would not do business with you. A knife cuts both ways.

Especially if it is doublesided. ;)
Yes it does. Unfortunately it never needed to cut in either direction. Now it does. For one person to come in and divide the state as has been done is reprehensible and cowardly. The money had been conceded. It was agreed upon. To go further was simply to spite and political. Now we have nothing but a mess. As for not coming to my business? Good, I wouldnt want to serve you anyway.
Yes it does. Unfortunately it never needed to cut in either direction. Now it does. For one person to come in and divide the state as has been done is reprehensible and cowardly. The money had been conceded. It was agreed upon. To go further was simply to spite and political. Now we have nothing but a mess. As for not coming to my business? Good, I wouldnt want to serve you anyway.

So you don't want to serve veterans? What was the name of that business again? We'll see if we can start a veteran boycott of it...
Is this deliberate misrepresentation, or do ya'll really not know what went down in Wisconsin? The conservative talking point is that Walker's bill was needed to close Wisconsin's deficit, and that the unions were demanding unsustainable benefits. But that simply is not true.

Unions conceded all spending cuts in the bill. They agreed to have their benefits cut. What they didn't want was to loose collective bargaining rights in the future... the right to have a say in future budget debates. At any time, Walker could have ended the stand off and moved on with a balanced budget, simply by agreeing to leave unions' collective bargaining rights untouched. The fact that he didn't shows where his true priorities are.

With the Democratic senators out of state, Walker didn't have a quorum, so he couldn't pass any budgetary bills. Than how did he pass the union busting law? He took everything budget related out of the bill, leaving in only the union busting part. So he didn't need a quorum any more, because the bill had nothing to do with the budget. This makes it clear... the parts that the unions were fighting against, the reason that the Democrats were out of state, had nothing to do with the budget.

Ryan inserted them into a budget bill because he wanted to make it appear that he needed to kill the unions to fix the budget.
What you dont get is it wasnt about balancing the budget. After the unions conceded the contributions walker simply was going to get rid of the unions. Now he did. Good for him.
It was never about the budget. If it had been, walker would have said thanx and moved on. Some businesses are now going to suffer some and they have reaped what they deserve as you have stated. While these people are now contributing and are losing their collective bargaining they arent stupid....they know which businesses supported this mess... I supported the public employees and have a sign in my business window stating so. Those that have openly opposed are mad now that their business is down. How STUPID are they? Did they think this would not happen? As a fellow business owner I really cant say I will help them out or support them. As you stated they have reaped what they sowed.
And what's dragging the budget out of balance? Gubmint unions. Oooh hard equation to figure out. You have union shills on both side of the argument divvying up money that belongs to neither of them. Yeah... there's honest and open negotiation.

BTW, I just noticed your SN. What a surprise. It's the mantra of the Baby Boomers: "I got mine so fuck you." Born in the 1950's I bet.
I have no beef with veterans. In fact, I support them. I have had quite a few bring in their stuff to be fixed. However, I have no beef with public sector workers either. They have agreed to contribute. Case closed. Sorry if I offended you but I wont follow all other business owners in declaring public workers enemies. They arent. They put their money back into the economy. They have supported me. I reciprocate. Once they conceded the money, I had no problem with them. I agree they needed to pay their fair share. They agreed. Everything else was a power grab.
"But you go ahead and play your petty boycott games. May your business reap what you sow. "

Thanx. Some small businesses are down more than 10 percent. And they have the gall to complain that they are being boycotted...What did they think? Were they actually dumb enough to believe that people affected by this were just going to kindly accept it? Who in their right mind would gladly accept cuts and do it quietly? Anyone who gladly conceded has mental issues. In america it is the workers versus the owners in a controversial and adversarial relationship. Thats the way capitalism is designed. If an owner doesnt like workers then he should do it all himself and should not DREAM of expanding. I do all my own work for my business so I dont have to hire others. Then I have no reason to complain like other stupid bad business people do that workers are asking for more. Do it YOURSELF but dont complain about those you hire.

And WHY are they down? Government intrusion? An unstable Regime infesting the WhiteHouse? Congress? You seem to take great glee at stomping on those that make this Republic work.
No glee but to declare a group of people the enemy when they really arent is wrong. I call em like I see them. Can you honestly say that public sector workers are enemies? That is wrong. Sorry. Someone has to do that job. If people dont like what they make why didnt they become prison guards?
They have agreed to concessions. They agreed to furlough days. So they should make minimum wage, correct? What is the argument against them? WHy are so many short sighted people against a snow plow driver? They plow your roads so you can go to your job for gods sake. But you dont want them to make a living wage correct?

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