Four Down!!

Don't you love how they bring up Davis being recalled, like there is ANY COMPARISON between the two.


Gry Davis was taking the State downhill...he was ousted. Too bad Aaaahnold didn't help matters.
Arnold was nothing more than a wolf in sheeps clothing.....A lib trying to masquerade as a con.

We all see what the lib's have done to this great state.....Taken it straight down the fucking toilet with their ridiculous policies.

Anybody needing proof of what liberals are capable of destroying, look no further than the state of California.......Look no further than the sheer number of corporations and businesses large and small who have up and fled. And continue to up and leave.

Fuckin' idiots!
Don't you love how they bring up Davis being recalled, like there is ANY COMPARISON between the two.


Gry Davis was taking the State downhill...he was ousted. Too bad Aaaahnold didn't help matters.

A recall is a recall...but it sounds like you are saying that if YOU do it, it's perfectly ok and very democratic...when we do it, it's anti-democratic.

Sure sounds like you are saying that.
Nooooooo. Those senators aren't taking the state down the toilet. They are working to do away with wasteful shit.....Like unsustainable public union benefits that are only helping to bankrupt the state.

Not that you stupid lib's would ever understand.
Don't you love how they bring up Davis being recalled, like there is ANY COMPARISON between the two.


Gry Davis was taking the State downhill...he was ousted. Too bad Aaaahnold didn't help matters.

A recall is a recall...but it sounds like you are saying that if YOU do it, it's perfectly ok and very democratic...when we do it, it's anti-democratic.

Sure sounds like you are saying that.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up their point of view. Republican = Good, Democrat = Bad.

Doesn't matter if said Republican is a serial killing Nazi, they're still going to back them.
Nooooooo. Those senators aren't taking the state down the toilet. They are working to do away with wasteful shit.....Like unsustainable public union benefits that are only helping to bankrupt the state.

Not that you stupid lib's would ever understand.

They already did away with a good portion of the benefits. The problem was when they tried to do away with the union members right to free speech.
Gry Davis was taking the State downhill...he was ousted. Too bad Aaaahnold didn't help matters.

A recall is a recall...but it sounds like you are saying that if YOU do it, it's perfectly ok and very democratic...when we do it, it's anti-democratic.

Sure sounds like you are saying that.
Nooooooo. Those senators aren't taking the state down the toilet. They are working to do away with wasteful shit.....Like unsustainable public union benefits that are only helping to bankrupt the state.

Not that you stupid lib's would ever understand.

Well, well, well. Look who showed up on this thread and is engaging me....again. :eusa_whistle:
Gry Davis was taking the State downhill...he was ousted. Too bad Aaaahnold didn't help matters.

A recall is a recall...but it sounds like you are saying that if YOU do it, it's perfectly ok and very democratic...when we do it, it's anti-democratic.

Sure sounds like you are saying that.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up their point of view. Republican = Good, Democrat = Bad.

Doesn't matter if said Republican is a serial killing Nazi, they're still going to back them.
What up, buddy?

Well, this is about the dumbest post i've seen from you.

I'll say it again....Davis was an ineffective leader who was helping take this state down the fucking toilet, along with the idiotic liberal legislators.

Those senators in Wisconsin are trying to save their state. And one of the things that became necessary to aid in helping to save said state, is doing away with unsustainable public union benefits.

Truth hurts, but yyou may as well get used to it, because there are quite a few of your beloved unsustainable liberal entitlement programs that are going on the chopping block very soon.....And rightfully so!

Ya' might want to consider advising your fellow lib's to start thinking about taking the personal responsibility route, and do away with their, "the government owes me something" ways.....'cause the days of reckoning are coming, and the liberal dream of Utopia is about to be destroyed!......And rightfully so!
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A recall is a recall...but it sounds like you are saying that if YOU do it, it's perfectly ok and very democratic...when we do it, it's anti-democratic.

Sure sounds like you are saying that.
Nooooooo. Those senators aren't taking the state down the toilet. They are working to do away with wasteful shit.....Like unsustainable public union benefits that are only helping to bankrupt the state.

Not that you stupid lib's would ever understand.

Well, well, well. Look who showed up on this thread and is engaging me....again. :eusa_whistle:
WTF are you babbling about now?

You are one strange lil' lezbo to be sure!:cuckoo:
Democracy in action

Socialists in action. Idiots.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.
Dimwits don't like the people having a say, they are socialists. They cry and play dirty when they don't like something, but they only make themselves look like two year olds. And dimwits, this isn't just my opinion, you are idiot two year olds.
Nooooooo. Those senators aren't taking the state down the toilet. They are working to do away with wasteful shit.....Like unsustainable public union benefits that are only helping to bankrupt the state.

Not that you stupid lib's would ever understand.

Well, well, well. Look who showed up on this thread and is engaging me....again. :eusa_whistle:
WTF are you babbling about now?

You are one strange lil' lezbo to be sure!:cuckoo:

And bringing up my sexuality completely off are obsessed.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.
Dimwits don't like the people having a say, they are socialists. They cry and play dirty when they don't like something, but they only make themselves look like two year olds. And dimwits, this isn't just my opinion, you are idiot two year olds.

And I don't recall (no pun intended) your posts complaining about the governor recall in CA a few years back...Could you link us to your complaining posts about that?
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.
Dimwits don't like the people having a say, they are socialists. They cry and play dirty when they don't like something, but they only make themselves look like two year olds. And dimwits, this isn't just my opinion, you are idiot two year olds.

And I don't recall (no pun intended) your posts complaining about the governor recall in CA a few years back...Could you link us to your complaining posts about that?
And why would anybody bitch about Davis being recalled?

He deserved it, unlike those senators in Wisconsin who did the right thing in trying to save their states finacial future..
Dimwits don't like the people having a say, they are socialists. They cry and play dirty when they don't like something, but they only make themselves look like two year olds. And dimwits, this isn't just my opinion, you are idiot two year olds.

And I don't recall (no pun intended) your posts complaining about the governor recall in CA a few years back...Could you link us to your complaining posts about that?
And why would anybody bitch about Davis being recalled?

He deserved it, unlike those senators in Wisconsin who did the right thing in trying to save their states finacial future..

Davis Deserved being recalled. AND he *WAS*, legally. Statists cannot stand it.
Davis Deserved being recalled. AND he *WAS*, legally. Statists cannot stand it.

Actually, I agree. Davis allowed himself to be effed-over by the energy companies. Therefore he proved himself to be incompetent, and he did deserve to be recalled.

And I actually always kind of liked Arnold, though admittedly I'm not a resident of CA.

But these Wisconsin Senators ALSO deserve to be recalled. They clearly overstepped, and the people who voted for them have discovered that they're not doing what they wanted them to.

That's the purpose of a recall, after all. To remove politicians when they either don't live up to their campaign promises, are incompetent, or overstep their bounds.
I live in Wisconsin. As a person who voted for the current governor, I was all for the unions paying their fair share, which they said they would. Going after their collective bargaining is fine with me also since I pay taxes to employ them.
On the other hand, giving millions of dollars in tax breaks to corporations also HURTS the economy of the state and is a joke. A good share of my business comes from those evil snow plow drivers and teachers and police. My business will now suffer because of this. Not to mention the state is now divided and will remain that way for a long time. What a mess. To watch the governor in Michigan take over entire cities and throw the political process out for his rich donors is truly anti american.
A recall is a recall...but it sounds like you are saying that if YOU do it, it's perfectly ok and very democratic...when we do it, it's anti-democratic.

Sure sounds like you are saying that.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up their point of view. Republican = Good, Democrat = Bad.

Doesn't matter if said Republican is a serial killing Nazi, they're still going to back them.
What up, buddy?

Well, this is about the dumbest post i've seen from you.

I'll say it again....Davis was an ineffective leader who was helping take this state down the fucking toilet, along with the idiotic liberal legislators.

Those senators in Wisconsin are trying to save their state. And one of the things that became necessary to aid in helping to save said state, is doing away with unsustainable public union benefits.

Truth hurts, but yyou may as well get used to it, because there are quite a few of your beloved unsustainable liberal entitlement programs that are going on the chopping block very soon.....And rightfully so!

Ya' might want to consider advising your fellow lib's to start thinking about taking the personal responsibility route, and do away with their, "the government owes me something" ways.....'cause the days of reckoning are coming, and the liberal dream of Utopia is about to be destroyed!......And rightfully so!

Dumb? Perhaps if I was referring to all people on the right, but I was just referring specifically to the two posters Bodecea was talking about.

Entitlements? Personally I'd love to see something done about Social Security and Medicare, like raising the retirement age. But your side's plans to privatize both are just pretty foolish. It'll just end up costing everyone more in the end.
If the senators are trying to save the state of wisconsin by cutting pensions and benefits of some unions, WHY NOT ALL? Like police and firemen. They werent touched. WHY? Someone please explain. Perhaps because they endorsed walker? I see the utter hypocrisy by the dems and the old crabby gop. Each beholden to their rich donors. Neither representing the hardworking people of wisconsin. Its all about the rich. When the middle class figures this out, they will show they have had enough.
Davis Deserved being recalled. AND he *WAS*, legally. Statists cannot stand it.

Actually, I agree. Davis allowed himself to be effed-over by the energy companies. Therefore he proved himself to be incompetent, and he did deserve to be recalled.

And I actually always kind of liked Arnold, though admittedly I'm not a resident of CA.

But these Wisconsin Senators ALSO deserve to be recalled. They clearly overstepped, and the people who voted for them have discovered that they're not doing what they wanted them to.

That's the purpose of a recall, after all. To remove politicians when they either don't live up to their campaign promises, are incompetent, or overstep their bounds.

Yep..but the whole "our recall is righteous, your recall is undemocratic" cracks me up it's such obvious bias.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.

This is why nothing ever changes. When the government does act financially responsible, the socialist will move to protect their perks. They choose to not look at the fact, we can't afford them anymore.

So sad but so true. The Public Unions are in Panic-Mode. The Taxpayers have had enough of their shake-downs so now their pressuring their Democrat friends to save them. This Wisconsin Governor is actually a very brave man. He's trying to save Wisconsin's future. I hope he stays strong and stays on track. He does have a lot of support.

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