Four Down!!

Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.


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Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?
UPDATE: Darling is considered less vulnerable in a recall election than several other GOPers, because Scott Walker got 54 percent of the vote in her district last year, but it’s also worth pointing out that Obama won her district in 2008 with 51 percent.

Notice how Greg Sargent reference the Governor as a female? He sounds just a little bit bitter and not very civil.

No, stupid. When Sargent said "her", he was referring to Sen. Darling.
UPDATE: Darling is considered less vulnerable in a recall election than several other GOPers, because Scott Walker got 54 percent of the vote in her district last year, but it’s also worth pointing out that Obama won her district in 2008 with 51 percent.

Notice how Greg Sargent reference the Governor as a female? He sounds just a little bit bitter and not very civil.

No, stupid. When Sargent said "her", he was referring to Sen. Darling.

Why are you so bitter? Your comment isn't very civil.
Yeah, we noticed that when klappenbagger was elected....

oh wait.:lol:

What? She didn't win? But she gave a victory speech and everything...:eek:

and she just asked for a recount..down by 7300 and change....:lol:
And even more telling, the vindictive bitch just had one of her minions stating there was no apparent discrpency in the waukesha vote and that it's been accepted as the valid result... but wants the clerk investigated for "anomolies" in 2006. The same freakin' anaomlies that showed up in Milwaukee county and have already been explained to the satisfaction of anyone with any knowledge of them. Votes counted vs ballots cast, which apparently is the difference between the number of votes reported from the machines electronicly (ballots cast) and all other ballots recorded that are not on the machines. Can you say "witch hunt"? Doesn't this dumb bitch know that casting doubt on the validity of a current supreme court election by fishing for dirt in the witch pool can only harm the very court she sought to sit on?
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Don't we all find it womewhat odd that referendum votes like this are so threatening to the POLs?

What does that really tell us about the state of democracy in this so called democratic Republic?

I don't know the facts in the WI case, but I know here in Maine our Governor, a tea party candidate did NOT get 62% of the votes.

And his actions thus far have so embarrrased and annoyed the majority of Mainers that a very active group of vitizens is attempting to create a RECALL PROCESS so that he can be voted out of office.

One would think, in a democractic society, such power to the people would not be thought a threat.

I predict that if Maine gives the people the ability to vote to remove our current governor, he will be thrown out of office.

If, of course, such a process passes muster in the Maine Legislature.

That, I rather doubt, is going to happen.
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Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?
the activist wings of both political parties.

Union thugs on one side, tea party on the other.

So far; Tea party 1 - Union thugs 0
Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?
the activist wings of both political parties.

Union thugs on one side, tea party on the other.

So far; Tea party 1 - Union thugs 0

Considering the judge was supposed to win in a walk I wouldn't go thumping my chest if I were you.
Don't we all find it womewhat odd that referendum votes like this are so threatening to the POLs?

What does that really tell us about the state of democracy in this so called democratic Republic?

I don't know the facts in the WI case, but I know here in Maine our Governor, a tea party candidate did NOT get 62% of the votes.

And his actions thus far have so embarrrased and annoyed the majority of Mainers that a very active group of vitizens is attempting to create a RECALL PROCESS so that he can be voted out of office.

One would think, in a democractic society, such power to the people would not be thought a threat.

I predict that if Maine gives the people the ability to vote to remove our current governor, he will be thrown out of office.

If, of course, such a process passes muster in the Maine Legislature.

That, I rather doubt, is going to happen.
So laughable. You make the same mistake of arrogance that all the Klappenbagger morons did. You assume that because a minority of loud and whiny malcontented leftist twits don't like the governor "the people" don't like the governor. You assume in your arrogance that because you are "embarrassed and annoyed" a "majority" is embarrassed and annoyed... the echo chamber has that effect.
Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?
the activist wings of both political parties.

Union thugs on one side, tea party on the other.

So far; Tea party 1 - Union thugs 0

Considering the judge was supposed to win in a walk I wouldn't go thumping my chest if I were you.
Denial of reality won't change it to what you want it to be. The unions hyped the race and turned into a referendum on walker. two months befor the election he was thought safe, by the time the election came around it was anybodies guess. When the election was about him, he was safe, when the unions made it about walker they essentially reran the 2010 race with him as a proxy for walker... walker won again. Not to mention the fact that in a multi candidate primary he won 55% of the vote, that would mean 45% of the people didn't vote for him and thats where he started from. Given the hype a 5% swing was not too bad.

BTW, you may want to take a look at the winning candidate in the SC race in each of the Senate districts where a recall is most likely. As I said, I look forward to recall night, and I suspect I'll be laughing as much then as I am now.
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the activist wings of both political parties.

Union thugs on one side, tea party on the other.

So far; Tea party 1 - Union thugs 0

Considering the judge was supposed to win in a walk I wouldn't go thumping my chest if I were you.
Denial of reality won't change it to what you want it to be. The unions hyped the race and turned into a referendum on walker. two months befor the election he was thought safe, by the time the election came around it was anybodies guess. When the election was about him, he was safe, when the unions made it about walker they essentially reran the 2010 race with him as a proxy for walker... walker won again. Not to mention the fact that in a multi candidate primary he won 55% of the vote, that would mean 45% of the people didn't vote for him and thats where he started from. Given the hype a 5% swing was not too bad.

The judge was supposed to win in a walk and he won by a CH.

Districts that went for Walker in November flipped.

The wave is coming......
I don't know. I just can't get over the fact that the Democrat Senators flee to Illinois to avoid losing a vote and the people want to recall the Republican Senators. If they recall one Republican Senator and not all the Democrats, I'll think it is the cheese BRAIN and not the CheeseHEAD state.
Considering the judge was supposed to win in a walk I wouldn't go thumping my chest if I were you.
Denial of reality won't change it to what you want it to be. The unions hyped the race and turned into a referendum on walker. two months befor the election he was thought safe, by the time the election came around it was anybodies guess. When the election was about him, he was safe, when the unions made it about walker they essentially reran the 2010 race with him as a proxy for walker... walker won again. Not to mention the fact that in a multi candidate primary he won 55% of the vote, that would mean 45% of the people didn't vote for him and thats where he started from. Given the hype a 5% swing was not too bad.

The judge was supposed to win in a walk and he won by a CH.

Districts that went for Walker in November flipped.

The wave is coming......
keep believing that tripe. I guess you still haven't looked at who won the vote in the actual districts where recall efforts are the most likely to result in a recall election. Will you cry when the likely "wave" is the good people of WI waving bye-bye to Halperin, Hansen and Wirch? If the vote follows the vote in the SC election halperin, Hansen and kapanke lose, the GOP picks up one. If personal foibles enter the decission making Wirch and Hopper also lose and the GOP still picks up one. The most likely to go are Halperin, Hansen, Wirch and Kapanke... meaning the GOP picks up 2.
If the union win this, Wisconsin loses. This crap can't go on we can't afford it. Wisconsin will become another CA and NY. Debt galore and no way out. I still say the union is not the problem it is the idiot that agreed to the outrageous terms of the contract. They need to learn to say no.
If the union win this, Wisconsin loses. This crap can't go on we can't afford it. Wisconsin will become another CA and NY. Debt galore and no way out. I still say the union is not the problem it is the idiot that agreed to the outrageous terms of the contract. They need to learn to say no.
You're forgetting that the state was a blue bastion of power befor the last election and the people who you say "should have said no" are the same people who were benefitting from funnelling union dues into there campaign coffers.
Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?
Radical left wing kooks with out of state support. I would not doubt for a second that a more than insignificant portion of the signatures for the recall are suspect as they often are.
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Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?
Radical left wing kooks with out of state support.

Radical left wingers are trying to recall the Dem senators :confused:
Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?

Concerned constituents who were NOT represented by the chickenshit fleebaggers who ran away....
Not surprised. But, what's the record for successful recalls of state reps in WI? less than 1%? And I know personally that trouble is still being bussed in from out of state, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of the signatures don't even come from residents.

Here's proof it's still being bused in from out of state. Government union troublemakers, on your tax dollar. Direct from the union bulletin board for government workers.

Who is the driving force behind the recall efforts for the eligible WI 14?

Concerned constituents who were NOT represented by the chickenshit fleebaggers who ran away....

With a little help from a RW group from Utah.

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