Four Down!!

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

What an idiot you are.

What a sniveling little prick you are. Prove me wrong, you fucking pussy, or shut the fuck up. Ass-stain.

So let me guess you're simply not smart enough to be able to find out where you get the ID is that the problem or is your Pom Poms getting in the way of filling out the form?
What an idiot you are.

What a sniveling little prick you are. Prove me wrong, you fucking pussy, or shut the fuck up. Ass-stain.

So let me guess you're simply not smart enough to be able to find out where you get the ID is that the problem or is your Pom Poms getting in the way of filling out the form?
I've asked him twice now to explain his position......So far nothing, but a request to "do the math'

Funny shit indeed!
If the law says you must have a quorum to vote, then you must get a quorum. There are no laws preventing a senator from leaving the state. There are no laws requiring them to be present for all votes.
decidely false, and that why the Senate has the power to COMPEL senators to attend by whatever means neccessary under the WI constituion.

Evidently not
wrong again. What they didn't have the power to do was enforce the law outside of WI unless the neighboring state cooperated with them and picked up and extradited the scum.
Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

:lol:wow, how old are you ? remember the 2000 election? Ohio Kerry 2004? Oh wait its the old strawman....ID requirement= poll tax/disenfranchisement...

so dems are; to a) lazy, b) or to stupid or c) or irresponsible to posses adequate identification?( go ahead, its called the 5th amend, thats your out).:rolleyes:

For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts.

Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

so in other words your bias dedicates that we should let folks just vote come what may despite questionable poll keeping, records that are a mess, an antiquated slipshod validation system...well, there is Chicago and all, so, yea that follows. :rolleyes:

...I don't mind to much having to read past and thru 90% of your lunatic cheerful ignorance, but your dishonest (or completely infantile as in possessing a sentience level of a flat spare tire) mischaracterization of the Kansas law is , well, what are you, 14? ( you should read more than the rachel maddow btw, just a suggestion)

seriously, how old are you?

That's all you have? Insults and baseless accusations? Fact: most new voters vote Democrat. Fact: Republicans in Kansas and elsewhere are pushing for or enacting voter ID laws that will affect mostly new voters. Do the math. Asshole.

asshole? ahhhhhhhh :( :lol:

as if 'math' was all it was about, you have a bias and you're pissed, your objections are mitigation and don't hold water:lol:

math is meaningless, we could have allowed the slaves a one for one vote in the south, there by allowing them to accrue a dishonest plurality, theres your "math".... here they want to ensure new time registrants are actually citizens, wow what a concept and want id at polling places wow wee....anything else of substance you ignored of course because you don't really care, you're just emoting.

and for the record I insulted your ignorant and I think willful mischaracterization of the law and your poor and uninformed strawmen. deal with it. as to your age, don't bother answering, it shows. :eusa_hand:
decidely false, and that why the Senate has the power to COMPEL senators to attend by whatever means neccessary under the WI constituion.

Evidently not
wrong again. What they didn't have the power to do was enforce the law outside of WI unless the neighboring state cooperated with them and picked up and extradited the scum.

They were not subject to arrest upon their return. There is no law preventing a Senator from leaving the state.

Temper tantrums from the republican Senators didn't change anything and now the republican senators are up for recall due to abuse of power
Evidently not
wrong again. What they didn't have the power to do was enforce the law outside of WI unless the neighboring state cooperated with them and picked up and extradited the scum.

They were not subject to arrest upon their return. There is no law preventing a Senator from leaving the state.

Temper tantrums from the republican Senators didn't change anything and now the republican senators are up for recall due to abuse of power

They are up for recall because the liberals don't like the ideology of those elected.

The D senators, however, are up for recall for fleeing the state and not doing their jobs.
Evidently not
wrong again. What they didn't have the power to do was enforce the law outside of WI unless the neighboring state cooperated with them and picked up and extradited the scum.

They were not subject to arrest upon their return. There is no law preventing a Senator from leaving the state.

Temper tantrums from the republican Senators didn't change anything and now the republican senators are up for recall due to abuse of power
are you seriously this stupid? The Legislature has the power to compel the attendance of legislators up to and including deciding what their punishment should be for avoiding attendance... to include any measure they deem fit. That would include taking them into custody (arresting) and delivering them to the well of the Senate dumbass. They didn't go that far... they could have. The Constitution of the state of WI is the LAW, dumbfuck, and arresting and delivering errant legislators has been done in the past. In fact dumbshit, the very story linked about Lincoln goes into detail about how legislators trying this in the past were "rounded up" at the local tavern and delivered. Who do you think did the "rounding up", moron. Your inane assertion that they were not subject to arrest does not mean they were not subject to being taken into custody and delivered. They were.

Also, idiot, it's not possible to abuse power by using the power you do have in the exercise of the authority you posses.
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Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

What an idiot you are.

What a sniveling little prick you are. Prove me wrong, you fucking pussy, or shut the fuck up. Ass-stain.

Why should anyone be allowed to vote who cannot provide some proof of citizenship? What exactly is it I need to prove? that you're an idiot? Well I think mission accomplished will do.
They are up for recall because the liberals don't like the ideology of those elected.

The D senators, however, are up for recall for fleeing the state and not doing their jobs.

No liar...the D senators are up for recall because they lurched too far to the RIGHT.

If we wanted Republicans we'd vote them in...


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The whole reason they left the state was so that they couldn't be picked up and delivered to the vote. Out of state then the state had no jurisdiction. They hid from their own laws.....
wrong again. What they didn't have the power to do was enforce the law outside of WI unless the neighboring state cooperated with them and picked up and extradited the scum.

They were not subject to arrest upon their return. There is no law preventing a Senator from leaving the state.

Temper tantrums from the republican Senators didn't change anything and now the republican senators are up for recall due to abuse of power
are you seriously this stupid? The Legislature has the power to compel the attendance of legislators up to and including deciding what their punishment should be for avoiding attendance... to include any measure they deem fit. That would include taking them into custody (arresting) and delivering them to the well of the Senate dumbass. They didn't go that far... they could have. The Constitution of the state of WI is the LAW, dumbfuck, and arresting and delivering errant legislators has been done in the past. In fact dumbshit, the very story linked about Lincoln goes into detail about how legislators trying this in the past were "rounded up" at the local tavern and delivered. Who do you think did the "rounding up", moron. Your inane assertion that they were not subject to arrest does not mean they were not subject to being taken into custody and delivered. They were.

Also, idiot, it's not possible to abuse power by using the power you do have in the exercise of the authority you posses.

Evidently not...

Can't arrest outside of your jurisdiction and there are no laws preventing them from leaving the state

Let's see who pays the political price in Wisconsin. The governor does not seem as cocky anymore
The whole reason they left the state was so that they couldn't be picked up and delivered to the vote. Out of state then the state had no jurisdiction. They hid from their own laws.....
Under the full faith and credit clause the state of IL should have honored the acts of the WI Senate under thier constitution and delivered them into the custody of WI law enforcement.
They were not subject to arrest upon their return. There is no law preventing a Senator from leaving the state.

Temper tantrums from the republican Senators didn't change anything and now the republican senators are up for recall due to abuse of power
are you seriously this stupid? The Legislature has the power to compel the attendance of legislators up to and including deciding what their punishment should be for avoiding attendance... to include any measure they deem fit. That would include taking them into custody (arresting) and delivering them to the well of the Senate dumbass. They didn't go that far... they could have. The Constitution of the state of WI is the LAW, dumbfuck, and arresting and delivering errant legislators has been done in the past. In fact dumbshit, the very story linked about Lincoln goes into detail about how legislators trying this in the past were "rounded up" at the local tavern and delivered. Who do you think did the "rounding up", moron. Your inane assertion that they were not subject to arrest does not mean they were not subject to being taken into custody and delivered. They were.

Also, idiot, it's not possible to abuse power by using the power you do have in the exercise of the authority you posses.

Evidently not...

Can't arrest outside of your jurisdiction and there are no laws preventing them from leaving the state

Let's see who pays the political price in Wisconsin. The governor does not seem as cocky anymore
I look forward to it. Unlike you I have actually done some research on the matter and believe the GOP has as much chance of picking up a seat or two as they have of anything. I will likely be laughing at you just as much on the night of the recalls as I am now regarding Klappenbagger.

BTW, nice concession on the fact thet they WERE subject to arrest in WI.
They are up for recall because the liberals don't like the ideology of those elected.

The D senators, however, are up for recall for fleeing the state and not doing their jobs.

No liar...the D senators are up for recall because they lurched too far to the RIGHT.

If we wanted Republicans we'd vote them in...

The Rs delivered what they promised, which was to shrink government and demonstrate fiscal constraint.

The libs fled the state, and some have initiated the recall process against them.

Now, if you need cussing and cartoons in order to discuss the issue, I'll move along (once again) to the people that actually know how to converse like adults.
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They are up for recall because the liberals don't like the ideology of those elected.

The D senators, however, are up for recall for fleeing the state and not doing their jobs.

No liar...the D senators are up for recall because they lurched too far to the RIGHT.

If we wanted Republicans we'd vote them in..., that's not true. They're up for recall mainly because they left and denied a quorum. That and the fact that GOP Senators are being recalled and control of the Senate is in play.
are you seriously this stupid? The Legislature has the power to compel the attendance of legislators up to and including deciding what their punishment should be for avoiding attendance... to include any measure they deem fit. That would include taking them into custody (arresting) and delivering them to the well of the Senate dumbass. They didn't go that far... they could have. The Constitution of the state of WI is the LAW, dumbfuck, and arresting and delivering errant legislators has been done in the past. In fact dumbshit, the very story linked about Lincoln goes into detail about how legislators trying this in the past were "rounded up" at the local tavern and delivered. Who do you think did the "rounding up", moron. Your inane assertion that they were not subject to arrest does not mean they were not subject to being taken into custody and delivered. They were.

Also, idiot, it's not possible to abuse power by using the power you do have in the exercise of the authority you posses.

Evidently not...

Can't arrest outside of your jurisdiction and there are no laws preventing them from leaving the state

Let's see who pays the political price in Wisconsin. The governor does not seem as cocky anymore
I look forward to it. Unlike you I have actually done some research on the matter and believe the GOP has as much chance of picking up a seat or two as they have of anything. I will likely be laughing at you just as much on the night of the recalls as I am now regarding Klappenbagger.

BTW, nice concession on the fact thet they WERE subject to arrest in WI.

Since they were not in they weren't
Dems will file a massive amount of signatures tomorrow to trigger a recall election against a fifth Wisconsin GOP state senator, I’m told.

Graeme Zielinski, the spokesman for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, confirms to me that Democrats will submit approximately 30,000 signatures for the recall of Alberta Darling — nearly 150 percent of the 20,343 required.

This is the fifth time Dems have collected far more signatures than necessary for a recall — all but ensuring that all five recall elections will actually happen.

Dems to file huge amount of signatures to recall a fifth Wisconsin GOPer - The Plum Line - The Washington Post
They are up for recall because the liberals don't like the ideology of those elected.

The D senators, however, are up for recall for fleeing the state and not doing their jobs.

No liar...the D senators are up for recall because they lurched too far to the RIGHT.

If we wanted Republicans we'd vote them in...



lol, if it makes you fweel better to believe that crappola.
cue the twilight zone music.:eusa_whistle:
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Evidently not...

Can't arrest outside of your jurisdiction and there are no laws preventing them from leaving the state

Let's see who pays the political price in Wisconsin. The governor does not seem as cocky anymore
I look forward to it. Unlike you I have actually done some research on the matter and believe the GOP has as much chance of picking up a seat or two as they have of anything. I will likely be laughing at you just as much on the night of the recalls as I am now regarding Klappenbagger.

BTW, nice concession on the fact thet they WERE subject to arrest in WI.

Since they were not in they weren't

I fully proved that I didn't know shit so, I come up with some lame deflection like this.

Evidently not...

Can't arrest outside of your jurisdiction and there are no laws preventing them from leaving the state

Let's see who pays the political price in Wisconsin. The governor does not seem as cocky anymore
I look forward to it. Unlike you I have actually done some research on the matter and believe the GOP has as much chance of picking up a seat or two as they have of anything. I will likely be laughing at you just as much on the night of the recalls as I am now regarding Klappenbagger.

BTW, nice concession on the fact thet they WERE subject to arrest in WI.

Since they were not in they weren't
That however is not what you asserted

rightwinger said:
They were not subject to arrest upon their return.

^^^that is^^^

Maybe you should stick to the kiddie pool?
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