Four Down!!

Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.
I say the democratic congressmen should be recalled for leaving the state and not doing their jobs. This is unacceptable.
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

:lol:wow, how old are you ? remember the 2000 election? Ohio Kerry 2004? Oh wait its the old strawman....ID requirement= poll tax/disenfranchisement...

so dems are; to a) lazy, b) or to stupid or c) or irresponsible to posses adequate identification?( go ahead, its called the 5th amend, thats your out).:rolleyes:

For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts.

Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

so in other words your bias dedicates that we should let folks just vote come what may despite questionable poll keeping, records that are a mess, an antiquated slipshod validation system...well, there is Chicago and all, so, yea that follows. :rolleyes:

...I don't mind to much having to read past and thru 90% of your lunatic cheerful ignorance, but your dishonest (or completely infantile as in possessing a sentience level of a flat spare tire) mischaracterization of the Kansas law is , well, what are you, 14? ( you should read more than the rachel maddow btw, just a suggestion)

seriously, how old are you?
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.
I say the democratic congressmen should be recalled for leaving the state and not doing their jobs. This is unacceptable.

And if the PEOPLE of that state elected to do that it will happen.

Assuming of course that a recall election is the law of the land in that state.

It is not the law of the land in Maine, so the recall process for our Tea Party governor would first take a law allowing that process.

I doubt that will pass in the legislature.
It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

LOL care to explain how it affects mostly dim voters? and what affect does it have on those dim voters more than any other Voter?
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.


Generally recalls happen when politicians start doing things they never campaigned about, discussed or violates the will of the people.

Funny that.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.


Generally recalls happen when politicians start doing things they never campaigned about, discussed or violates the will of the people.

Funny that.

Or it could be the voice of the democrats are pushing this. But if the media would have been doing their job of reporting the news in 2009 -2010 you may would have heard about recalls for name brand democrats.
Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

:lol:wow, how old are you ? remember the 2000 election? Ohio Kerry 2004? Oh wait its the old strawman....ID requirement= poll tax/disenfranchisement...

so dems are; to a) lazy, b) or to stupid or c) or irresponsible to posses adequate identification?( go ahead, its called the 5th amend, thats your out).:rolleyes:

For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts.

Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

so in other words your bias dedicates that we should let folks just vote come what may despite questionable poll keeping, records that are a mess, an antiquated slipshod validation system...well, there is Chicago and all, so, yea that follows. :rolleyes:

...I don't mind to much having to read past and thru 90% of your lunatic cheerful ignorance, but your dishonest (or completely infantile as in possessing a sentience level of a flat spare tire) mischaracterization of the Kansas law is , well, what are you, 14? ( you should read more than the rachel maddow btw, just a suggestion)

seriously, how old are you?

That's all you have? Insults and baseless accusations? Fact: most new voters vote Democrat. Fact: Republicans in Kansas and elsewhere are pushing for or enacting voter ID laws that will affect mostly new voters. Do the math. Asshole.
It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

LOL care to explain how it affects mostly dim voters? and what affect does it have on those dim voters more than any other Voter?

If voter registration drives are hindered because of voter ID laws, that means less first time voters. Since first time voters tend to vote the math.
It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

LOL care to explain how it affects mostly dim voters? and what affect does it have on those dim voters more than any other Voter?

If voter registration drives are hindered because of voter ID laws, that means less first time voters. Since first time voters tend to vote the math.

If a person doesn't have an ID/ proof of citizenship they should not be voting
It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

LOL care to explain how it affects mostly dim voters? and what affect does it have on those dim voters more than any other Voter?

If voter registration drives are hindered because of voter ID laws, that means less first time voters. Since first time voters tend to vote the math.

LOL since voter ID affects everyone equally explain again how these supposed new "dem' voters are impacted more so then any other voter. Or are you simply implying that these "new" voters are in fact illegal and shouldn't be voting in the first place hence the hesitation in having any real ID.

Its well known the games that the left plays with voters and illegal votes and its time to put a stop to the practice which for some strange reason the left feels is their collective right.

Ya do the math alright.....its time to see the real numbers not the cooked ones.
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

Gee, sounds almost like the Democrats in Ohio allowing ACORN to register people who listed a park bench as their legal residence.
Kind of like the "recall" the republicans insisted for Bill Clinton

Politics are nasty aren't they?

You can't get your small brain past stupid, can you?

This thread is about one particular recall. Are you too fucking stupid to get basic facts? I disagree with the 'recall' process - I don't give a rats ass who's getting recalled.


"small brain"
"fucking stupid"

You must have picked up your debating skills while you were at Oxford

What I find funny is that you actually think this messageboard is 'debate'. :lol::lol::lol:

And... your own reputation on this board is not based on your rapier like wit and wisdom... you're a fucking joke. Not a very good one, but a joke nonetheless.
You can't get your small brain past stupid, can you?

This thread is about one particular recall. Are you too fucking stupid to get basic facts? I disagree with the 'recall' process - I don't give a rats ass who's getting recalled.


"small brain"
"fucking stupid"

You must have picked up your debating skills while you were at Oxford

What I find funny is that you actually think this messageboard is 'debate'. :lol::lol::lol:

And... your own reputation on this board is not based on your rapier like wit and wisdom... you're a fucking joke. Not a very good one, but a joke nonetheless.

Why I am but a lowly sewer worker, I never claimed to have attended Oxford

You, however, are held to a higher standard and never fail to disappoint
If it is true that most first time voters vote Democrat, then it's a good thing they grow up, get jobs and families, learn better, and start voting for Republicans.
If it is true that most first time voters vote Democrat, then it's a good thing they grow up, get jobs and families, learn better, and start voting for Republicans.

Funny...I did the complete opposite

But then again, Republicans were different back then
If it is true that most first time voters vote Democrat, then it's a good thing they grow up, get jobs and families, learn better, and start voting for Republicans.

Funny...I did the complete opposite

But then again, Republicans were different back then

It comes as no surprise that you never grew up, didn't get a job, stayed single, stopped learning and started voting Democratic...
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

What an idiot you are.

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