Four Down!!

Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.

I'm really not certain how you see this as shameful behavior. If your elected officials begin supporting things that the electorate does not support, then they have a right to recall those representatives. Just because they have the signatures for the recall does not mean they will win the recall. Seems to me like this is democracy in action. But obviously because you see a potential outcome that you do not like, you call it shameful.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.

I'm really not certain how you see this as shameful behavior. If your elected officials begin supporting things that the electorate does not support, then they have a right to recall those representatives. Just because they have the signatures for the recall does not mean they will win the recall. Seems to me like this is democracy in action. But obviously because you see a potential outcome that you do not like, you call it shameful.

You know the rules when you are elected. If you are in a state with recall rules, you are on notice that you had better pay attention to the voters or you can be recalled

Wisconsin Republicans acted like their election gave them a free pass to do whatever they wanted. The voters are reminding them that this is not so
Wisconsin Republicans acted like their election gave them a free pass to do whatever they wanted. The voters are reminding them that this is not so

The "voters" haven't done anything yet... a subset of alleged and unverified voters signed a recall petition... Many of them signed to oust the fleebaggers, or did you forget that?

The only recent guage was the election for Supreme Court which showed that the entire voting population in WI preferred the Republican over the Democratic...
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.

I see you have a limited understanding of democracy, huh? Within rules, the people have the inalienable right to recall elected politicians with whom they are dissatisfied. See the GOP recall effort against Governor Gray Davis in California.

The effort to recall Gray Davis began with Republicans Ted Costa, Mark Abernathy, and Howard Kaloogian, who filed their petition with the California Secretary of State and started gathering signatures. The effort was not taken seriously, until Rep. Darrell Issa, who hoped to run as a replacement candidate for governor, donated $2 million towards the effort. This infusion of money allowed Costa and Kaloogian to step up their efforts. Eventually, proponents gathered about 1.6 million signatures, of which 1,356,408 were certified as valid.[4]

Recall is OK.

The replacement of a person with a Commie/Socialist or for a stooge for unions bursting with entitlements is NOT OK.
Wisconsin Republicans acted like their election gave them a free pass to do whatever they wanted. The voters are reminding them that this is not so

The "voters" haven't done anything yet... a subset of alleged and unverified voters signed a recall petition... Many of them signed to oust the fleebaggers, or did you forget that?

The only recent guage was the election for Supreme Court which showed that the entire voting population in WI preferred the Republican over the Democratic...

The issue is whether the Wisconsin recall process is justified. It is legal and the process is proceeding in accordance with Wisconsin laws
Wisconsin Republicans acted like their election gave them a free pass to do whatever they wanted. The voters are reminding them that this is not so

The "voters" haven't done anything yet... a subset of alleged and unverified voters signed a recall petition... Many of them signed to oust the fleebaggers, or did you forget that?

The only recent guage was the election for Supreme Court which showed that the entire voting population in WI preferred the Republican over the Democratic...

The issue is whether the Wisconsin recall process is justified. It is legal and the process is proceeding in accordance with Wisconsin laws

"Justified" is subjective...

Nobody is arguing the legality of the process....
Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

:lol:wow, how old are you ? remember the 2000 election? Ohio Kerry 2004? Oh wait its the old strawman....ID requirement= poll tax/disenfranchisement...

so dems are; to a) lazy, b) or to stupid or c) or irresponsible to posses adequate identification?( go ahead, its called the 5th amend, thats your out).:rolleyes:

For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts.

Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

so in other words your bias dedicates that we should let folks just vote come what may despite questionable poll keeping, records that are a mess, an antiquated slipshod validation system...well, there is Chicago and all, so, yea that follows. :rolleyes:

...I don't mind to much having to read past and thru 90% of your lunatic cheerful ignorance, but your dishonest (or completely infantile as in possessing a sentience level of a flat spare tire) mischaracterization of the Kansas law is , well, what are you, 14? ( you should read more than the rachel maddow btw, just a suggestion)

seriously, how old are you?

That's all you have? Insults and baseless accusations? Fact: most new voters vote Democrat. Fact: Republicans in Kansas and elsewhere are pushing for or enacting voter ID laws that will affect mostly new voters. Do the math. Asshole.
Sooooooooo, your problem with new voters having to prove who they really are is a problem because....................?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

LOL care to explain how it affects mostly dim voters? and what affect does it have on those dim voters more than any other Voter?

If voter registration drives are hindered because of voter ID laws, that means less first time voters. Since first time voters tend to vote the math.
Your whole argument is some of the dumbest shit i've seen on this board, seriously.

How in the fuck does having to prove your identity to verify your right to vote going to hinder registration drives?

And don't give me that "do the math" bullshit. Explain your claim.

Funny, I think what they did WAS standing up and fighting. Instead of taking things lying down, they really pushed the issue by forcibly delaying the vote. They left the state to prevent a quorum, and in doing so helped to force the opposition to wait longer; their whole intention all along was to buy more time. They could have taking things lying down. They could have just gone into the office, accepted that things weren't going to go the way they wanted, and could have written it off. Nobody would have thought less of them. But that was not enough. They weren't ready to give up yet. They elevated the battle to the next level. Disagree with their position all you want, but the real absence of honor is anyone who would be so dishonest as to say that these people failed to stand up and fight or that they abandoned their duty. They saw their duty to their constituents through moreso than most politicians would have the stomach to risk doing.

oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

So using your logic if the Republicans had fled DC so that there was no quorum for the Health Care vote that would have been Legit too? Or is THAT different?
:clap2: A fourth WI Republican senator is now up for recall.

Sides ready for recall of Sen. Harsdorf - Leader-Telegram: Leader Telegram

West-central Wisconsin Democrats say they have succeeded in gathering more than enough signatures to force a recall election of state Sen. Sheila Harsdorf this summer.

Harsdorf, of rural River Falls, is one of eight Republican senators targeted for their support of what Democrats call Gov. Scott Walker's radical agenda, including his budget repair bill that curtails collective bargaining rights for most of the state's roughly 300,000 public workers.

After holding celebrations across the district Monday evening, recall organizers plan a vehicle caravan drive to Madison today to file the signatures with the Government Accountability Board, said Bob Salt, chairman of the Dunn County Democratic Party.

The board, which oversees elections in the state, has indicated 15,744 signatures - a quarter of the votes cast in the most recent gubernatorial election - are required to trigger a recall election in Harsdorf's 10th Senate District, but Salt said organizers collected about 20,000 since March 2, just to be safe.

"Collecting 20,000 signatures in that short of a time with all volunteers is an amazing accomplishment," an elated Salt said Monday, adding that more than 6,200 were submitted by Menomonie organizers plus another 2,000 or so from UW-Stout.

Boy do I love the patriots of Wisconsin. Get those GD basterds outta there!!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
:clap2: A fourth WI Republican senator is now up for recall.
Ya' screw with the Bull, ya' get the Horn!!!
oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

So using your logic if the Republicans had fled DC so that there was no quorum for the Health Care vote that would have been Legit too? Or is THAT different?

Thats different somehow.
Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters.

What an idiot you are.

What a sniveling little prick you are. Prove me wrong, you fucking pussy, or shut the fuck up. Ass-stain.
LOL care to explain how it affects mostly dim voters? and what affect does it have on those dim voters more than any other Voter?

If voter registration drives are hindered because of voter ID laws, that means less first time voters. Since first time voters tend to vote the math.
Your whole argument is some of the dumbest shit i've seen on this board, seriously.

How in the fuck does having to prove your identity to verify your right to vote going to hinder registration drives?

And don't give me that "do the math" bullshit. Explain your claim.


I already explained it. Learn to read or comprehend what you've read. FACT: First-time voters are young and tend to vote Democrat. FACT: Republican state legislators are attempting to pass, or have already passed, legislation that makes it harder for first-time voters to register. Again, DO THE FUCKING MATH.
CaféAuLait;3548392 said:
Dems are up for recall too.

Enough signatures for Sen. Jim Holperin have been collected:

Group: Holperin recall is a go | Wausau Daily Herald |

I believe there are one or two more with enough signatures too.
Hansen and Wirch.

Looks like the Republicans that will have a fight on their hands are kapanke (tough district where klappenbagger won big) and Hopper in who's district Prosser won big, but he has personal problems with his soon to be ex wife---woman scorned thingy. Otherwise the rest seem fairly safe.

On the Democratic side

Holprin and hansen in who's districts Prosser won fairly comfortably and Wirch where Klappenbagger won by a few... but he's the "you're fucking dead" massage parlor candidate.

If i had to bet...

Kapanke's in the most trouble followed by Holprin, Hansen and Wirch with Hopper on the bubble. If they all go down GOP picks up one seat.
If voter registration drives are hindered because of voter ID laws, that means less first time voters. Since first time voters tend to vote the math.
Your whole argument is some of the dumbest shit i've seen on this board, seriously.

How in the fuck does having to prove your identity to verify your right to vote going to hinder registration drives?

And don't give me that "do the math" bullshit. Explain your claim.


I already explained it. Learn to read or comprehend what you've read. FACT: First-time voters are young and tend to vote Democrat. FACT: Republican state legislators are attempting to pass, or have already passed, legislation that makes it harder for first-time voters to register. Again, DO THE FUCKING MATH.
You haven't explained jack shit....Telling someone to do the "math" is not an explanation.

Explain your position. It's as simple as that.

How does asking someone to provide ID to verify their right to vote, somehow translate into it making it harder for first time voters to register?......Do first time voters not have ID?........ Do they have a problem producing ID?.......Did they lose their ID?.....Will they forget to have ID on them and have to go home and get it?

Come on man, explain yourself........Explain this vast right wing conspiracy to us all!
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Democracy in action


Democracy in Action? Like fleeing the state and bastardizing the political process generally, or democracy in action like breaking and entering to thwart the recall process?

Green Bay Police Investigating 'Recall Hansen' Office Burglary

Green Bay Police Investigating 'Recall Hansen' Office Burglary - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM

To be a lib with great ideals but zero heart to back it up. Must make life easy.

No more undemocratic than a filibuster.
patently false. To conduct a filibuster the senators have to be there and actively doing their job. Fleebagging is the avoidance of doing their job. Aside from that the failure of a cloture vote is not a filibuster and the GOP did not have enough Senators to conduct one. The only reason legislation didn't get passed was because the 60 democratics in the democratic caucus couldn't agree on it.
Democracy in Action? Like fleeing the state and bastardizing the political process generally, or democracy in action like breaking and entering to thwart the recall process?

Green Bay Police Investigating 'Recall Hansen' Office Burglary

Green Bay Police Investigating 'Recall Hansen' Office Burglary - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM

To be a lib with great ideals but zero heart to back it up. Must make life easy.

No more undemocratic than a filibuster.
patently false. To conduct a filibuster the senators have to be there and actively doing their job. Fleebagging is the avoidance of doing their job. Aside from that the failure of a cloture vote is not a filibuster and the GOP did not have enough Senators to conduct one. The only reason legislation didn't get passed was because the 60 democratics in the democratic caucus couldn't agree on it.

If the law says you must have a quorum to vote, then you must get a quorum. There are no laws preventing a senator from leaving the state. There are no laws requiring them to be present for all votes.
No more undemocratic than a filibuster.
patently false. To conduct a filibuster the senators have to be there and actively doing their job. Fleebagging is the avoidance of doing their job. Aside from that the failure of a cloture vote is not a filibuster and the GOP did not have enough Senators to conduct one. The only reason legislation didn't get passed was because the 60 democratics in the democratic caucus couldn't agree on it.

If the law says you must have a quorum to vote, then you must get a quorum. There are no laws preventing a senator from leaving the state. There are no laws requiring them to be present for all votes.
decidely false, and that why the Senate has the power to COMPEL senators to attend by whatever means neccessary under the WI constituion.
patently false. To conduct a filibuster the senators have to be there and actively doing their job. Fleebagging is the avoidance of doing their job. Aside from that the failure of a cloture vote is not a filibuster and the GOP did not have enough Senators to conduct one. The only reason legislation didn't get passed was because the 60 democratics in the democratic caucus couldn't agree on it.

If the law says you must have a quorum to vote, then you must get a quorum. There are no laws preventing a senator from leaving the state. There are no laws requiring them to be present for all votes.
decidely false, and that why the Senate has the power to COMPEL senators to attend by whatever means neccessary under the WI constituion.

Evidently not

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