Four Down!!

They fled the state to represent the will of the people.

They FLED the State like Petulant children afraid to face their obligations.

No, you have it completely wrong. They went above and beyond their obligations by leaving their homes and families to fight against a bill that Walker has since admitted had no effect on the budget and was only designed to tear down Unions and to push forward an assualt on the middle class.

I think they also broke the law, not sure though.The thing is they were elected by there people to do there bidding good,bad or ugly. They could have stayed and had better press coverage and chances to stop thee bill.
Funny, I think what they did WAS standing up and fighting. Instead of taking things lying down, they really pushed the issue by forcibly delaying the vote. They left the state to prevent a quorum, and in doing so helped to force the opposition to wait longer; their whole intention all along was to buy more time. They could have taking things lying down. They could have just gone into the office, accepted that things weren't going to go the way they wanted, and could have written it off. Nobody would have thought less of them. But that was not enough. They weren't ready to give up yet. They elevated the battle to the next level. Disagree with their position all you want, but the real absence of honor is anyone who would be so dishonest as to say that these people failed to stand up and fight or that they abandoned their duty. They saw their duty to their constituents through moreso than most politicians would have the stomach to risk doing.

oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

good grief, what do you know about "taking it in the ass"
you lefties get more disgusting every day you see your power slipping away.:lol:
oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

good grief, what do you know about "taking it in the ass"
you lefties get more disgusting every day you see your power slipping away.:lol:


I honestly wish this board would make all references to "taking it up the ass" a bannable offense.
Funny, I think what they did WAS standing up and fighting. Instead of taking things lying down, they really pushed the issue by forcibly delaying the vote. They left the state to prevent a quorum, and in doing so helped to force the opposition to wait longer; their whole intention all along was to buy more time. They could have taking things lying down. They could have just gone into the office, accepted that things weren't going to go the way they wanted, and could have written it off. Nobody would have thought less of them. But that was not enough. They weren't ready to give up yet. They elevated the battle to the next level. Disagree with their position all you want, but the real absence of honor is anyone who would be so dishonest as to say that these people failed to stand up and fight or that they abandoned their duty. They saw their duty to their constituents through moreso than most politicians would have the stomach to risk doing.

oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

Stephaneee is hard to beat in the hyper-partisan, lackey, department.
1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

good grief, what do you know about "taking it in the ass"
you lefties get more disgusting every day you see your power slipping away.:lol:


I honestly wish this board would make all references to "taking it up the ass" a bannable offense.
You'd be alienating YET ANOTHER conservative constituency, the LCR's :cool:
oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

Stephaneee is hard to beat in the hyper-partisan, lackey, department.

naaaa, that is your job.
Interesting concept of 'democracy' the democrats have. People vote, some people don't like the outcome. Recall.... all seems to be a tad against the will of the people. But I guess, to Democrats, the result only counts if they 'win'.

Shameful behavior.

"Mob" mentality in practice.

[ame=]YouTube - Buffalo Springfield - For What Its Worth (good sound quality!)[/ame]
Remember when this recall process started and a bunch of righties here were falling all over themselves laughing and claiming the Dems wouldn't even get the sigs?

That was funny.

And we are laughing harder at the lack of wisdom of the MOB Rule displayed for all to see. We are seeing the acts of petulant children that refuse meet life on terms, but rewrite it for their own self-agrandizement.

Valiant struggle...NOT. Mob Rule...YES.

On what planet is a legal recall, following the rules prescribed by the state, akin to "mob rule"?
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

LOL I wonder how many names on the recalls were dead, pets and Illegal voters?? I also wonder how the Dems are making out on the recalls?? Any info??
Funny, I think what they did WAS standing up and fighting. Instead of taking things lying down, they really pushed the issue by forcibly delaying the vote. They left the state to prevent a quorum, and in doing so helped to force the opposition to wait longer; their whole intention all along was to buy more time. They could have taking things lying down. They could have just gone into the office, accepted that things weren't going to go the way they wanted, and could have written it off. Nobody would have thought less of them. But that was not enough. They weren't ready to give up yet. They elevated the battle to the next level. Disagree with their position all you want, but the real absence of honor is anyone who would be so dishonest as to say that these people failed to stand up and fight or that they abandoned their duty. They saw their duty to their constituents through moreso than most politicians would have the stomach to risk doing.

oh brother, only in you hard core lefties are they heroes. to the NORMAL people they are frikken cowards and abandoned the REST of their constituents WHO DON'T BELONG IN A UNION.

you all can spin spin spin it all you want,

1. You aren't normal

2. What they did was legit

3. You are just pissed that they didn't stick around and take in the ass

how was this "legit" again?
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.
They took the peoples money and ran and hid like little pussys. Plain and simple it is not in their job description to leave the state...

Nothing is in their job description. :lol: But the chamber's rules regarding quorums seems to at the very least anticipate these kinds of actions. So it seems to me that this is a legitimate act.

really? thats called logic fail. If 'it' were "legit" it would be

and of course we could take this to its inevitable conclusion....which I am sure you are aware is____________________can you fill in the blank?
Well if they recall all the Reps and vote the Dems back in then the voters of WI don't really mind getting fucked by the Unions. It is a free country after all.

They don't mind if businesses leave and the jobs with em. The public sector will still have its cushy pensions and benefits and the taxpayers will foot the bill. Good for them. They must not mind getting hosed.

Its all up to the voters.

Does that still include Dead People, Pets, Illegal Votes, and tampering? I just thought I'd ask.

Have any proof? Voter fraud is not rampant in this country. It's just an excuse for Republicans to enact voter ID laws, which affect mostly Democrat voters. For example, Kansas has a new law that requires people to provide a birth certificate or passport when signing up to vote. Since most people don't carry either of those on a regular basis, or know where they are if they even have one, the law will significantly effect new voter registration efforts. Since an overwhelming majority of new voters tend to vote Democrat, Kansas's new law will mostly hurt Democrats.

In 2008, Obama got 68% of the votes from first-time voters. McCain got 30%.

If I remember correctly there Sarge ACORN was under indictment in what was it, 8 states for just that?? As for a birth certificate?? If I knew ai had to have one to be allowed to vote I'd bring it with me. Not that hard. They should ID folks before letting them vote. Just sayin.

I wonder if OL'BO will get 68% of the vote this time round??

As for 2012 if the Dems win big then they will be holding the bag as the country goes down the tubes. The only thing they can think to do is raise taxes and I don't think thats gonna do it. Revenue isn't the problem. Spending is and the Dems just don't want to cut anything. Since the Reps only hold the House they have no real power. If I were the them I'd sit back and let er ride.
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