Four Government Agencies that Impact our Daily Lives

Oct 22, 2011
A few facts for Americans to consider when looking at the breadth of the Corporate Lobby and its impact in our government and our lives. This is in four very big government agencies the FDA, USDA, Dept of Health & Human Services, & Dept of Education. These agencies are responsible for the oversight, regulation, & establishment of US policy over the US Food system, pharmaceutical & medical technology, medical process & nutrition, & the implementation, training, & education of the American people. This includes our children and our adults from executives, managerial professionals, professional classes covering doctors, lawyers, scientists, accountants, and educators etc.
There is much to say to how these four agencies impact & affect our daily and in all frankness the entire length of our life. Americans in general live with an almost blind faith that these agencies are keeping us safe & ensuring we are receiving the best in the world in what the free market has to offer. It’s obvious right… the majority of American’s refrigerators are full, or at least you don’t have to go very far to get tasty foods and if we are feeling sick we can just go down the street to the drug store or a little further to the hospital or clinic to get the best drug and healthcare in the world. The best thing is that it will be provided if you do not have any money and insurance will cover the majority of the costs, right?
This I do believe is just not true.

The main point that needs to be stated for Americans to research and make a stand against is the major influence that corporate America has in these agencies, not just in padding pockets of agency officials, but more so in the fact that these agencies allow companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Baxter to not only provide the clinical studies for drugs, technology, & medical process but also, to interpret the clinical results, create the US Policy surrounding the use and application of medicine, and tell them how to regulate it. These same companies then provide huge grants to academic institutions, hospitals, city governments even doctor groups and practices to establish a trust with communities all the while no one has once really looked at what they are doing because they manage the whole process beginning to end. They even fund and influence the text books and clinical guides that all of our doctors & nurses learn from.

The same goes for Companies like Monsanto, Cargill, ConAgra, Tyson, all big Agriculture companies in the crops & meat industries which control the process through the USDA and go figure both Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer & Johnson & Johnson are partners with food companies supplying them with the antibiotics for their cattle, and co-oping with their scientists to create Genetically Modified Crops this is even where chemical companies tied to big Oil get to playing together. Just look at where the agency directors, policy administration leaders, and even the legal representatives in these agencies are coming from and you will see they all are coming from the same companies that are supposed to be regulated. This applies to any presidential or congressional office placement such as the Supreme Judiciary and executive cabinets, we all know where George Bush’s cabinet member were coming from, have we looked at Obama's, even worse.

This is the inherent problem with our regulating government system it just becomes a tool for corporate America. If the truth be told, think about why America has become so sick and obese, we are the #1 nation in the world in sickness, High blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Bipolar disorder, ADHD, Autism, the list goes on and on. Why would this actually be true in a country that has such a big regulatory government, just follow the money and look at the process we put in place for the government to keep safe. It's not just economics that the government has let become controlled by the Corporations & Private Federal Reserve Banking it's every sector that we have allowed them to regulate.
We the people have an obligation to take back this county, our economic future, our health, our food, our children's minds, our very own life depends on this. We will not have a future if we do not.
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A few facts for Americans to consider when looking at the breadth of the Corporate Lobby and its impact in our government and our lives. This is in four very big government agencies the FDA, USDA, Dept of Health & Human Services, & Dept of Education. These agencies are responsible for the oversight, regulation, & establishment of US policy over the US Food system, pharmaceutical & medical technology, medical process & nutrition, & the implementation, training, & education of the American people. This includes our children and our adults from executives, managerial professionals, professional classes covering doctors, lawyers, scientists, accountants, and educators etc.
There is much to say to how these four agencies impact & affect our daily and in all frankness the entire length of our life. Americans in general live with an almost blind faith that these agencies are keeping us safe & ensuring we are receiving the best in the world in what the free market has to offer. It’s obvious right… the majority of American’s refrigerators are full, or at least you don’t have to go very far to get tasty foods and if we are feeling sick we can just go down the street to the drug store or a little further to the hospital or clinic to get the best drug and healthcare in the world. The best thing is that it will be provided if you do not have any money and insurance will cover the majority of the costs, right?
This I do believe is just not true.

The main point that needs to be stated for Americans to research and make a stand against is the major influence that corporate America has in these agencies, not just in padding pockets of agency officials, but more so in the fact that these agencies allow companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Baxter to not only provide the clinical studies for drugs, technology, & medical process but also, to interpret the clinical results, create the US Policy surrounding the use and application of medicine, and tell them how to regulate it. These same companies then provide huge grants to academic institutions, hospitals, city governments even doctor groups and practices to establish a trust with communities all the while no one has once really looked at what they are doing because they manage the whole process beginning to end. They even fund and influence the text books and clinical guides that all of our doctors & nurses learn from. The same goes for Companies like Monsanto, Cargill, ConAgra, Tyson, all big Agriculture companies in the crops & meat industries which control the process through the USDA and go figure both Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer & Johnson & Johnson are partners with food companies supplying them with the antibiotics for their cattle, and co-oping with their scientists to create Genetically Modified Crops this is even where chemical companies tied to big Oil get to playing together. Just look at where the agency directors, policy administration leaders, and even the legal representatives in these agencies are coming from and you will see they all are coming from the same companies that are supposed to be regulated. This applies to any presidential or congressional office placement such as the Supreme Judiciary and executive cabinets, we all know where George Bush’s cabinet member were coming from, have we looked at Obama's, even worse. This is the inherent problem with our regulating government system it just becomes a tool for corporate America. If the truth be told, think about why America has become so sick and obese, we are the #1 nation in the world in sickness, High blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Bipolar disorder, ADHD, Autism, the list goes on and on. Why would this actually be true in a country that has such a big regulatory government, just follow the money and look at the process we put in place for the government to keep safe. It's not just economics that the government has let become controlled by the Corporations & Private Federal Reserve Banking it's every sector that we have allowed them to regulate.
We the people have an obligation to take back this county, our economic future, our health, our food, our children's minds, our very own life depends on this. We will not have a future if we do not.

Some paragraph breakings, a link if appropriate may help.

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