FOUR HUNDRED Surface-to-air Missiles Stolen -Benghazi


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Oh, the phony scandal lie is sparking. The cream always rises to the top


FOUR HUNDRED surface-to-air missles stolen while Obama fiddled and Americans burned in Benghazi « Bob Owens

A former U.S. Attorney who represents whistle-blowers with knowledge of what happened when armed militants attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya last year says 400 surface-to-air missiles were ‘taken from Libya’ during the attack, and that the U.S. intelligence community is terrified they might be used to shoot down airliners.

Joe diGenova, whose wife Victoria Toensing – a former deputy assistant attorney general – also represents Benghazi witnesses and others with knowledge of the terror attack, told WMAL radio that the loss of those missiles is also one the reason the U.S. State Department shut down 19 embassies across the Middle East last week.
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What difference does it make?

If american airliners start falling out of the sky like flight 800 it'll cost hilly & the dems...:eusa_shifty:

[ame=]TWA Flight 800 Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Documentary HD - YouTube[/ame]

If that's the scandal behind Benghazi then I'm on board. But I won't buy into the 'Obama decreed that 4 Americans should die' argument.
400 missiles for terrorists, 1200 guns sent to mexico, disarming the US...

How stupid do you have to be to follow this idiot's leadership?
Surface-to-air missiles stolen in Libya may come into hands of Al Qaeda




However, the fact that the missiles have been stolen is not the worse thing in this story. Joe DiGenova claims that they were stolen on the same night when Libyan terrorists attacked the US embassy in Benghazi – September 11, 2012.

“We had troops ready to deploy in Croatia to go (to Benghazi) that night to rescue Americans,” DiGenova said in in interview with a Washington, D.C. radio station. “We have learned that one of the reasons the administration is so deeply concerned – we have been told there were 400 surface-to-air missiles stolen, and that they are or about in the hands of many people.”


Political observer Phil Greaves writes: “The Libyan weapons route to Syria
Read more: Surface-to-air missiles stolen in Libya may come into hands of Al Qaeda - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
this has already been posted & debunked retards :thup:

No wonder the Obama Administration has been keeping the witnesses under wraps so to speak. A whistleblower has now spilled the beans.

Whistleblower says 400 surface to air missiles were taken by Jihadists during Benghazi attack
Whistleblower says 400 surface to air missiles were taken by Jihadists during Benghazi attack

“This information comes from a former intelligence official who stayed in constant contact with people in the special ops and intelligence community,” said DiGenova, “and it is pretty clear that the biggest concern right now is that 400 missiles, which have been diverted in Libya and have gotten into the hands of some very ugly people. And they are worried, specifically according to these sources, about an attempt to shoot down an airliner,” he added.

your link: Council of Conservative Citizens :eusa_eh: :rofl:

AND it goes onto say:

“I do not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the process of the distribution of those missiles,” said DiGenova in an interview Monday with WMAL’s Mornings On The Mall.

:eusa_hand: rw OP FAIL :clap2:

WMAL is am radio :tinfoil: too ;)
If that's the scandal behind Benghazi then I'm on board. But I won't buy into the 'Obama decreed that 4 Americans should die' argument.
Well, of course he didn't decree that four Americans should die.

But he did try to cover it up so he could get re-elected.
If that's the scandal behind Benghazi then I'm on board. But I won't buy into the 'Obama decreed that 4 Americans should die' argument.
Well, of course he didn't decree that four Americans should die.

But he did try to cover it up so he could get re-elected.

What exactly did he cover up? Issa and the rest of the witch hunters have been saying that for almost a year, and haven't been able to prove anything. So do you have some new and improved information? :lol:
Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.
Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.

Considering how the bar has been lowered to crapper levels under Adolf Obama, 'Her Thighness' Clinton, and her tainted resume, actually meet the lower standard. 70 Years ago it would of been akin to putting Emperor Hirohito in office.

If that's the scandal behind Benghazi then I'm on board. But I won't buy into the 'Obama decreed that 4 Americans should die' argument.
Well, of course he didn't decree that four Americans should die.

But he did try to cover it up so he could get re-elected.


Romney was giving a blow by blow account as it was happening.

That's like the first time in history that's ever happened.
Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.

It was a "Cover Up" that lasted all of Three Days.

Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.

It was a "Cover Up" that lasted all of Three Days.


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