Four Jewish women targeted in latest anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn

A.) Anybody who just thinks cultures must go extinct for the good of mankind, is a complete vermin, that clearly doesn't value anything, and has clear emotional detachment & detachment of logic.
Bullshit - you're the one citing evolution to begin with.

Plus the fact that you're citing an archaic 19th century biological theory invented by the Englishman Darwin, which itself is just one of the many archaic theories contained within the scientific method of Francis Bacon, a 15th century English clergyman, (which in its worst incarnations, is just a childish theory or "god" for ugly and sex-starved people, usually overweight, pale, single male CoD addicts who masturbate to anime, that a man or woman of the fitter or more beautiful variety wouldn't bother to taint or bore themselves with to begin with), shows you've already been "assimilated" by Britain, and value its archaic, 19th century, Western European theories and bodies of knowledge more than your own Eastern European kind to begin with.

B.) There's absolutely no proof that cultures, much less races, religions, or ethnics are created equal.
Therefor your assertions are ludicrous.
Right, I'm arguing that yours is decidedly inferior and deserves to go extinct, I'm sorry you think that's "morally wrong".

C.) I will continue to support my extended family, being Poles, Catholics, and most Eastern Europeans.
You will have to kill us first.
Hopefully the CIA or Mossad does that and gets it over with.

Make up your mind, are you on the side of "evolution", or the side of your own "culture", you seem bipolar in that regard.

A.) Causing a culture to go extinct is a form of genocide.
Too bad, there's nothing evolutionarily wrong with that, and you'd have no problem with genociding others such as blacks and Jews anyway, you only care for your own tribe, not any overarching moral principle, so why should any other tribe care about yours?

So if your tribe dies, then I suppose that's just nature's wrath, you're just demand "affirmative action" on its own behalf, so in the words of Ivan Drago; "if it dies, it dies".

You keep referencing the Western European theory of evolution anyway, so you've already "assimilated" so to speak.

This is why "identarian" politics as a whole is worthless anyway, since if one only cares for their immediate tribe, then there is no overarching principle such as "genocide being immoral" to begin with which they can fall back on.

You're an amoral monstrosity who wants to take out people.

B.) There's absolutely no evidence of cultural, racial, ethnic, or religious equality.

You're an illogical monstrosity who wants degradation of the planet.

C.) I hope Putin's Russia does that to you.
Yours is inferior and deserves to die, not equal in any way.
A.) Anybody who just thinks cultures must go extinct for the good of mankind, is a complete vermin, that clearly doesn't value anything, and has clear emotional detachment & detachment of logic.
Bullshit - you're the one citing evolution to begin with.

Plus the fact that you're citing an archaic 19th century biological theory invented by the Englishman Darwin, which itself is just one of the many archaic theories contained within the scientific method of Francis Bacon, a 15th century English clergyman, (which in its worst incarnations, is just a childish theory or "god" for ugly and sex-starved people, usually overweight, pale, single male CoD addicts who masturbate to anime, that a man or woman of the fitter or more beautiful variety wouldn't bother to taint or bore themselves with to begin with), shows you've already been "assimilated" by Britain, and value its archaic, 19th century, Western European theories and bodies of knowledge more than your own Eastern European kind to begin with.

B.) There's absolutely no proof that cultures, much less races, religions, or ethnics are created equal.
Therefor your assertions are ludicrous.
Right, I'm arguing that yours is decidedly inferior and deserves to go extinct, I'm sorry you think that's "morally wrong".

C.) I will continue to support my extended family, being Poles, Catholics, and most Eastern Europeans.
You will have to kill us first.
Hopefully the CIA or Mossad does that and gets it over with.

Make up your mind, are you on the side of "evolution", or the side of your own "culture", you seem bipolar in that regard.

A.) Causing a culture to go extinct is a form of genocide.
Too bad, there's nothing evolutionarily wrong with that, and you'd have no problem with genociding others such as blacks and Jews anyway, you only care for your own tribe, not any overarching moral principle, so why should any other tribe care about yours?

So if your tribe dies, then I suppose that's just nature's wrath, you're just demand "affirmative action" on its own behalf, so in the words of Ivan Drago; "if it dies, it dies".

You keep referencing the Western European theory of evolution anyway, so you've already "assimilated" so to speak.

This is why "identarian" politics as a whole is worthless anyway, since if one only cares for their immediate tribe, then there is no overarching principle such as "genocide being immoral" to begin with which they can fall back on.

You're an amoral monstrosity who wants to take out people.

B.) There's absolutely no evidence of cultural, racial, ethnic, or religious equality.

You're an illogical monstrosity who wants degradation of the planet.

C.) I hope Putin's Russia does that to you.
Yours is inferior and deserves to die, not equal in any way.

Are you White?

I don't support genocide for anybody.

Although if Western Europeans & the Synagogue of Satan want to cause suicide, let them do it, they can be idiots on their own terms.

You are inferior & not equal in anyway.
Many of the founding Fathers of Communism were your beloved.

Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Lenin, Jacob Schiff, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Matvei Berman, Lazar Kogan, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Ricardo Wolf, Fidel Castro, Bela Kuhn all had a connection to the Synagogue of Satan.
And many of the Communists weren't Jews at all.
So what?

You have a very weak sick mind that fixates on an "enemy" you have latched onto (the Jooze!) and that's all you can see.
Many of the founding Fathers of Communism were your beloved.

Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Lenin, Jacob Schiff, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Matvei Berman, Lazar Kogan, Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Ricardo Wolf, Fidel Castro, Bela Kuhn all had a connection to the Synagogue of Satan.
And many of the Communists weren't Jews at all.
So what?

You have a very weak sick mind that fixates on an "enemy" you have latched onto (the Jooze!) and that's all you can see.

The Soviet NKVD was more Kosher than Russian in the mid 1930's.

The World wars helped Communism spread.
Sob is mentally ill. I’ll do my best not to get him riled up anymore

So says the guy who foams at the mouth insulting me, because they can't answer logical facts.

we’ve been insulting each other, I’m just more accurate in my depictions of you

So says the guy who's too scared to show himself, or prove his occupation, but has no problem making up their own critiques in hiding.

well I may or maybe a fat sloppy looking guy like yourself. But if so at least I have the intelligence not to broadcast it. As far as occupation. Any occupation is acceptable, and I’m not the one on here complaining about da jooooz 24/7

I don't look fat, or sloppy in my pic, anyways.

I've got on a slick leather cap & a slick leather bombers jacket.

You must be one fussy old coot.
Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.
You never heard of fundamentalist Islam?
It's the largest and best organized anti Jewish movement on earth. And it's the driving force behind the failed and dormant disinvest, sanction and boycott movement that has tried to
starve Israel.

Attacks on small groups of individuals and synagogues are indeed indicative of a larger movement. People that attack aren't doing this for no reason at all.

I think it fits a narrative they are trying to create. And thats all.

These Jews stand for things they shouldnt and they fear being identified as such so they feel they have to nip any backlash in the bud. They as a group push hard to import Muslims into the US so you can be sure thats not a threat to them here.
Over there yes. Christians as well as Jews are under threat in the mideast or anywhere Muslims are supreme. Israel is under constant threat. Its a dangerous game they play importing them here but they feel they can control the outcome.
Sob is mentally ill. I’ll do my best not to get him riled up anymore

So says the guy who foams at the mouth insulting me, because they can't answer logical facts.

we’ve been insulting each other, I’m just more accurate in my depictions of you

So says the guy who's too scared to show himself, or prove his occupation, but has no problem making up their own critiques in hiding.

well I may or maybe a fat sloppy looking guy like yourself. But if so at least I have the intelligence not to broadcast it. As far as occupation. Any occupation is acceptable, and I’m not the one on here complaining about da jooooz 24/7

I don't look fat, or sloppy in my pic, anyways.

I've got on a slick leather cap & a slick leather bombers jacket.

You must be one fussy old coot.
No, you look fat and pudgy
So says the guy who foams at the mouth insulting me, because they can't answer logical facts.

we’ve been insulting each other, I’m just more accurate in my depictions of you

So says the guy who's too scared to show himself, or prove his occupation, but has no problem making up their own critiques in hiding.

well I may or maybe a fat sloppy looking guy like yourself. But if so at least I have the intelligence not to broadcast it. As far as occupation. Any occupation is acceptable, and I’m not the one on here complaining about da jooooz 24/7

I don't look fat, or sloppy in my pic, anyways.

I've got on a slick leather cap & a slick leather bombers jacket.

You must be one fussy old coot.
No, you look fat and pudgy

Not at all, having big round head doesn't equate to fat & pudgy.
Why do Jews vote Democrat when inner city blacks attack them all the time.
About RJC

Did you just not know?[/QUOTE]

I dont see you wrong often but I hope you arent denying that Jews vote democrat. They do by a 70-30 margin always. There are jewish republicans of course. And some of the leading lights of Conservative philosophy are Jewish. But as a whole Jews and their concentrated media and business power are aimed at supporting Democrats.
I looked at that RJC site and saw that it spends its time simply trying to bring Issues about Jews and Israel to Republican attention. I think thats their main purpose...not that I object. I am pro-Israel. Im just saying that they are a minority of jews. Godly Jews mostly I would think.
Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.
You never heard of fundamentalist Islam?
It's the largest and best organized anti Jewish movement on earth. And it's the driving force behind the failed and dormant disinvest, sanction and boycott movement that has tried to
starve Israel.

Attacks on small groups of individuals and synagogues are indeed indicative of a larger movement. People that attack aren't doing this for no reason at all.

I think it fits a narrative they are trying to create. And thats all.

These Jews stand for things they shouldnt and they fear being identified as such so they feel they have to nip any backlash in the bud. They as a group push hard to import Muslims into the US so you can be sure thats not a threat to them here.
Over there yes. Christians as well as Jews are under threat in the mideast or anywhere Muslims are supreme. Israel is under constant threat. Its a dangerous game they play importing them here but they feel they can control the outcome.

Neocon wars created the refugee crisis in the first place.
Why do Jews vote Democrat when inner city blacks attack them all the time.
About RJC

Did you just not know?

I dont see you wrong often but I hope you arent denying that Jews vote democrat. They do by a 70-30 margin always. There are jewish republicans of course. And some of the leading lights of Conservative philosophy are Jewish. But as a whole Jews and their concentrated media and business power are aimed at supporting Democrats.
I looked at that RJC site and saw that it spends its time simply trying to bring Issues about Jews and Israel to Republican attention. I think thats their main purpose...not that I object. I am pro-Israel. Im just saying that they are a minority of jews. Godly Jews mostly I would think.[/QUOTE]

I'm not denying many vote Democrat. I'm saying let's not say all Jewish people vote Democrat.
Jews deserve this shit because they helped the Demoncrats get elected in the city, state and most of the time the country like Bill Clinton and the brown turd Oblummer.
How unamerican and disgusting. If I had my way, I would put you on every talk show in the county to embarrass your stupid, evil ass. I would also like to to see who salutes when you raise that flag. Drag the roaches into the light.
Plz do, just like idiots like you who would vote for Gavin Newsome out there in Californication and expect such great things to happen, and get shit on the streets along with drugs and homeless all over the place. You vote stupidly you get the stupid treatment. You are one of those stupid people.
What "chosen" people?

Every religion think's they are chosen.

So there is no "God" or "Satan" and it's just a freak coincidence that the Jews have been persecuted like no other segment of humanity in human history?

I can't say if there is a "god" or "satan" - that's beyond my pay grade. However, I recognize the "chosen" argument for what it is - antisemitic. I am also very aware of the rising violence against ethnic and religious violence around the world and it's not good.

What about violence against Christians? locking up all those Christian children at the border.
Planned massacres targeted at one group of people, with special structures designed and built for the occasion, and those in predominantly Christian countries? Who do you think should have welcomed the survivors of the Holocaust? The Jews have not been the only ones targeted for total destruction in history, but what was done to them was really, really shitty. The worst.

Planned killings aimed at many, not just Jews, but also Russians, Poles, UIkrainians, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Mentally retarded, Mentally Ill, Jehovah Witnesses etc.

This is supposed to excuse it? The Jews were specifically targeted, in writing. What's wrong with you Catholic boys, anyway? I was just reading about giuliani, and then there's hannity, and more. Are you all out of control? It sure seems like it. Remember Jesus? He used to have a part in Christianity.

So were a lot of non-Jewish people.

85 million died in WW2, and just 6 million Jews.

Take a logic pill, you stupid moron.

You are just an arrogant, ignorant anti-semite.

You have no concept of reality.

About 7% of people who died in WW2 were Jews.

They don't deserve anymore protection than a lot of others who died in WW2 particularly Russians & Chinese.

They were most of the ones who were targeted because of their specific religious or ethnic identity. That IS reality.
Planned killings aimed at many, not just Jews, but also Russians, Poles, UIkrainians, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Mentally retarded, Mentally Ill, Jehovah Witnesses etc.

This is supposed to excuse it? The Jews were specifically targeted, in writing. What's wrong with you Catholic boys, anyway? I was just reading about giuliani, and then there's hannity, and more. Are you all out of control? It sure seems like it. Remember Jesus? He used to have a part in Christianity.

So were a lot of non-Jewish people.

85 million died in WW2, and just 6 million Jews.

Take a logic pill, you stupid moron.

You are just an arrogant, ignorant anti-semite.

You have no concept of reality.

About 7% of people who died in WW2 were Jews.

They don't deserve anymore protection than a lot of others who died in WW2 particularly Russians & Chinese.

They were most of the ones who were targeted because of their specific religious or ethnic identity. That IS reality.

Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia

The Generalplan Ost (German pronunciation: [ɡenəˈʁaːlˌplaːn ˈɔst]; English: Master Plan for the East), abbreviated GPO, was the Nazi German government's plan for the genocide[1] and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale, and colonization of Central and Eastern Europe by Germans. It was to be undertaken in territories occupied by Germany during World War II. The plan was attempted during the war, resulting indirectly and directly in millions of deaths of ethnic Slavs by starvation, disease, or extermination through labor. But its full implementation was not considered practicable during the major military operations, and was prevented by Germany's defeat.[2][3][4]

The plan entailed the enslavement, forced displacement, and mass murder of the Slavic peoples (and substantial parts of the Baltic peoples, especially Lithuanians and Latgalians[5]) in Europe along with planned destruction of their nations, whom the "Aryan" Nazis viewed as racially inferior.[6] The program operational guidelines were based on the policy of Lebensraum designed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in fulfilment of the Drang nach Osten (drive to the East) ideology of German expansionism. As such, it was intended to be a part of the New Order in Europe.[7]

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