Four Republicans Now Support Marriage Equality In the U.S. Senate!

Gay marriage is a non issue to thinking folks.
Gay marriage affects no one.
30 years from now folks are going to look back and say "wow, people were really stupid to make those whack claims that gays in the military would disrupt unit cohesion and gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage for straight folk. How could we have ever fallen for that nonsense?"
Three of the four Republicans who have started to support this are in blue or blue leaning states the three Democrats listed who still oppose it are in red or red leaning states and it is also an election year see a pattern here?
Oh no....we're doomed.

Come on people...just let them have their way. Do we really want to sit and listen to their tantrums for another 2 years of this administration. We're aren't taking a stand for the REAL issues, so why are we pushing back on this garbage. Let 'em get married...they screw around as much as straight couples do. All it will do is increase the divorce rate in the nation. Personally, I don't understand why a man would enjoy humping another man's ass, but hey...what do I care?

Apparently, something is going wrong with our nation on a mental or medical or genetic level because there seem to be more and more gays out there. All I can do is teach my children that it's not normal. And I will do that until the day I die. No one can stop me from doing so. I don't give a damn what anybody says. Wrong is wrong....immoral is immoral....sick is sick .... and that's my position.

Fire away if it makes you feel better to disagree or call me names. It will NOT change my mind just as I'm not going to change the minds of the pro-gay community.
Think Progress.

Ad hominem circumstantial constitutes an attack on the bias of a source. This is fallacious because a disposition to make a certain argument does not make the argument false
We need a "faggots and drunks corner" forum. So you guys can play these games all day and night. You can alternately squeal over important fag issues, and drunkenly slobber on yourselves.
We need a "faggots and drunks corner" forum. So you guys can play these games all day and night. You can alternately squeal over important fag issues, and drunkenly slobber on yourselves.

Further confirmation of the fact that citizens need the protection of the Constitution its case law from this sort of hate and ignorance as much today as any time in our Nation's history.
they don't care about marriage "equality" all they want is the perks you get with it

and if they have to beat you all over the head about it, they will
Three of the four Republicans who have started to support this are in blue or blue leaning states the three Democrats listed who still oppose it are in red or red leaning states and it is also an election year see a pattern here?


Susan Collins. That made me lol.
We need a "faggots and drunks corner" forum. So you guys can play these games all day and night. You can alternately squeal over important fag issues, and drunkenly slobber on yourselves.

How very Christian of you.
Marriage equality?

You mean to "right" to plunder someone else's Social Security money? Can you understand why the far left got behind this one?

Other than that not sure what other "equality" they are talking about.
We need a "faggots and drunks corner" forum. So you guys can play these games all day and night. You can alternately squeal over important fag issues, and drunkenly slobber on yourselves.

Further confirmation of the fact that citizens need the protection of the Constitution its case law from this sort of hate and ignorance as much today as any time in our Nation's history.

koshergirl would not know the Constitution if someone read it to her.
they don't care about marriage "equality" all they want is the perks you get with it

and if they have to beat you all over the head about it, they will

Why should any married couple not want to benefit from the tax breaks, etc.?

Quit yer whining. Please.
Think Progress.

Ad hominem circumstantial constitutes an attack on the bias of a source. This is fallacious because a disposition to make a certain argument does not make the argument false

Because thinkprogress is a far left blog site that should be in the same classification as the Onion.

Ad hom: fallacious disposition. Of course the responsible right to responsible left loves to do it to Fox every chance as well.

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