Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein Sold Off Stocks Before Coronavirus Crash – Faces Up To 20 Years In Prison Under The STOCK Act

Right Journalism ^ | 03.20.2020 | Alex D.

This morning news broke out that four Republican senators are being accused of dumping their stocks after being briefed on the coronavirus in private meetings.

Richard Burr of North Carolina, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.

The mainstream media was quick to attack the GOP members as corrupt but it seems they are not alone.

Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein of California is also accused of insider trading.

Feinstein, who serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and her husband sold between $1.5 million and $6 million in stock in California biotech company Allogene Therapeutics, between Jan. 31 and Feb. 18, Fox News reported.

This morning news broke out that four Republican senators are being accused of dumping their stocks after being briefed on the coronavirus in private meetings.

Richard Burr of North Carolina, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.

The mainstream media was quick to attack the GOP members as corrupt but it seems they are not alone.

Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein of California is also accused of insider trading.

Feinstein, who serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and her husband sold between $1.5 million and $6 million in stock in California biotech company Allogene Therapeutics, between Jan. 31 and Feb. 18, Fox News reported.

When questioned by the newspaper, a spokesman for the Democrat from San Francisco said Feinstein wasn’t directly involved in the sale.

“All of Senator Feinstein’s assets are in a blind trust,” the spokesman, Tom Mentzer, told the Times. “She has no involvement in her husband’s financial decisions.”

Under the Stock act, if proven guilty of insider trading she faces up to 20 years in prison. The maximum criminal fine for individuals is now $5,000,000, and the maximum fine for non-natural persons (such as an entity whose securities are publicly traded) is now $25,000,000.

From Wikipedia:

The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act (Pub.L. 112–105, S. 2038, 126 Stat. 291, enacted April 4, 2012) is an Act of Congress designed to combat insider trading. It was signed into law by President Barack Obama on April 4, 2012. The bill prohibits the use of non-public information for private profit, including insider trading by members of Congress and other government employees. It confirms changes to the Commodity Exchange Act, specifies reporting intervals for financial transactions.

The bill was introduced by Joe Lieberman, independent United States Senator for Connecticut, on January 26, 2012, and passed in the Senate by a 96–3 vote. Later the House of Representatives passed it by a 417–2 vote. The bill was supported heavily by vulnerable incumbents and signed into law by President Obama. According to the current United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics, “A member, officer, or employee of the Senate shall not receive any compensation, nor shall he permit any compensation to accrue to his beneficial interest from any source, the receipt or accrual of which would occur by virtue of influence improperly exerted from his position as a member, officer, or employee.”

The maximum prison sentence for an insider trading violation is now 20 years. The maximum criminal fine for individuals is now $5,000,000, and the maximum fine for non-natural persons (such as an entity whose securities are publicly traded) is now $25,000,000.

This is nothing new when it comes to high ranking Democrats.

A few years back a huge scandal burst out but the Dems made a cover-up of everything as always.

Steve Kroft reported that members of Congress can legally trade stock based on non-public information from Capitol Hill and the main star of the show was Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi and her husband participated in an initial public offering of Visa in 2008, according to CBS. They bought 5,000 shares at the initial price of $44; two days later, shares were trading at $64, CBS said.

The network reported the investment came at the same time a piece of legislation that was opposed by credit-card companies was making its way through the House.

“Congress has never done more for consumers nor has the Congress passed more critical reforms of the credit card industry than under the Speakership of Nancy Pelosi,” Pelosi spokesman, Drew Hammill, said in a statement few days after the report came out.

CBS said it used as a starting point for its story the research of Peter Schweizer, a fellow at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank at Stanford University.

About a year ago, he began work on a book about “soft corruption” in Washington, CBS reported. The network said it had independently verified the material it used.

Pelosi’s spokesman criticized the CBS story for failing to note that the “legislation in question was reported out of the Judiciary Committee on October 3, 2008 — the day the House was consumed in passing TARP and also the last day the House was in session before the November election.”

You can watch the preview of the show and the full show below! Preview:


Democrats leadership are the most corrupt politicians in the history of our country and we the people are being abused by them.

Every time our country makes significant success the Dems are here to ruin that.

Also, don’t forget the swamp creatures from the GOP they should all answer for their crimes.

Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that Democrats and the mainstream media suppress.


Congress made it legal for themselves to commit inside trading. They made it illegal a few years ago and then went back and inserted the protection provisions basically in the middle of the night

Dianne Frankenstein already got away with war profiteering, by steering no-bid contracts to her husband's corporation....She'll skate from this too....Book it.
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein Sold Off Stocks Before Coronavirus Crash – Faces Up To 20 Years In Prison Under The STOCK Act

Right Journalism ^ | 03.20.2020 | Alex D.

This morning news broke out that four Republican senators are being accused of dumping their stocks after being briefed on the coronavirus in private meetings.

Richard Burr of North Carolina, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.

The mainstream media was quick to attack the GOP members as corrupt but it seems they are not alone.

Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein of California is also accused of insider trading.

Feinstein, who serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and her husband sold between $1.5 million and $6 million in stock in California biotech company Allogene Therapeutics, between Jan. 31 and Feb. 18, Fox News reported.

This morning news broke out that four Republican senators are being accused of dumping their stocks after being briefed on the coronavirus in private meetings.

Richard Burr of North Carolina, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.

The mainstream media was quick to attack the GOP members as corrupt but it seems they are not alone.

Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein of California is also accused of insider trading.

Feinstein, who serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and her husband sold between $1.5 million and $6 million in stock in California biotech company Allogene Therapeutics, between Jan. 31 and Feb. 18, Fox News reported.

When questioned by the newspaper, a spokesman for the Democrat from San Francisco said Feinstein wasn’t directly involved in the sale.

“All of Senator Feinstein’s assets are in a blind trust,” the spokesman, Tom Mentzer, told the Times. “She has no involvement in her husband’s financial decisions.”

Under the Stock act, if proven guilty of insider trading she faces up to 20 years in prison. The maximum criminal fine for individuals is now $5,000,000, and the maximum fine for non-natural persons (such as an entity whose securities are publicly traded) is now $25,000,000.

From Wikipedia:

The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act (Pub.L. 112–105, S. 2038, 126 Stat. 291, enacted April 4, 2012) is an Act of Congress designed to combat insider trading. It was signed into law by President Barack Obama on April 4, 2012. The bill prohibits the use of non-public information for private profit, including insider trading by members of Congress and other government employees. It confirms changes to the Commodity Exchange Act, specifies reporting intervals for financial transactions.

The bill was introduced by Joe Lieberman, independent United States Senator for Connecticut, on January 26, 2012, and passed in the Senate by a 96–3 vote. Later the House of Representatives passed it by a 417–2 vote. The bill was supported heavily by vulnerable incumbents and signed into law by President Obama. According to the current United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics, “A member, officer, or employee of the Senate shall not receive any compensation, nor shall he permit any compensation to accrue to his beneficial interest from any source, the receipt or accrual of which would occur by virtue of influence improperly exerted from his position as a member, officer, or employee.”

The maximum prison sentence for an insider trading violation is now 20 years. The maximum criminal fine for individuals is now $5,000,000, and the maximum fine for non-natural persons (such as an entity whose securities are publicly traded) is now $25,000,000.

This is nothing new when it comes to high ranking Democrats.

A few years back a huge scandal burst out but the Dems made a cover-up of everything as always.

Steve Kroft reported that members of Congress can legally trade stock based on non-public information from Capitol Hill and the main star of the show was Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi and her husband participated in an initial public offering of Visa in 2008, according to CBS. They bought 5,000 shares at the initial price of $44; two days later, shares were trading at $64, CBS said.

The network reported the investment came at the same time a piece of legislation that was opposed by credit-card companies was making its way through the House.

“Congress has never done more for consumers nor has the Congress passed more critical reforms of the credit card industry than under the Speakership of Nancy Pelosi,” Pelosi spokesman, Drew Hammill, said in a statement few days after the report came out.

CBS said it used as a starting point for its story the research of Peter Schweizer, a fellow at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank at Stanford University.

About a year ago, he began work on a book about “soft corruption” in Washington, CBS reported. The network said it had independently verified the material it used.

Pelosi’s spokesman criticized the CBS story for failing to note that the “legislation in question was reported out of the Judiciary Committee on October 3, 2008 — the day the House was consumed in passing TARP and also the last day the House was in session before the November election.”

You can watch the preview of the show and the full show below! Preview:


Democrats leadership are the most corrupt politicians in the history of our country and we the people are being abused by them.

Every time our country makes significant success the Dems are here to ruin that.

Also, don’t forget the swamp creatures from the GOP they should all answer for their crimes.

Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that Democrats and the mainstream media suppress.


Congress made it legal for themselves to commit inside trading. They made it illegal a few years ago and then went back and inserted the protection provisions basically in the middle of the night

Dianne Frankenstein already got away with war profiteering, by steering no-bid contracts to her husband's corporation....She'll skate from this too....Book it.

Feinstein....the one with the Chinese spy driver?????

But yes indeedy!!!!! BINGO!!!!! that Feinstein!......that very one!!!! :04:
Gee 5 GOP Senators sold their stock BEFORE the Tramp stock market crashed and Feinstein sells Mar 17, well AFTER the Tramp Market Crash, and Tramp and his fellow Nazis focus on Feinstein only>
Gee what a surprise! NOT!
Now I'm beginning to understand where these scum "working" for the people (working LOL) get their money......all their millions
This shows that people in the government knew this was going to be a very big deal, yet trump ignored all the blatant flashing warning signs.

As these people were reading the intel reports outlining the seriousness of the virus and selling their stock, Trump was claiming "the virus is nothing but a media hoax" Well now we see that not only is this virus extremely serious and Trump foolishly and recklessly downplayed it, but also people in the government knew it was going to be a big deal.

This is what Burr told his connected peeps:
"There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," said Burr
Burr said that the COVID-19 outbreak "is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic,"

SO why would Burr say that, the same time Assclown Trump says this is nothing... Yeah I know, you won't admit the truth... typical...
Dems should impeach them. I wonder if House Democrats have learned their lessons on impeachment.
Nothing will happen....You heard it here first.
The three republicans are toast...Di Fi will be protected by the MSM....
Waaa Waaa it's all the media. Do you even realize how much of a little pussy ass bitch you sound like? All you do is cry. Change your little skull to a crying baby...or a huge vagina...

The same way you thought this virus was just a liberal media conspiracy a few weeks ago, how's that working out for ya!!!!
Nothing will happen....You heard it here first.
The three republicans are toast...Di Fi will be protected by the MSM....
Waaa Waaa it's all the media. Do you even realize how much of a little pussy ass bitch you sound like? Change your little skull to a crying baby...or a huge vagina...

The same way you thought this virus was just a liberal media conspiracy a few weeks ago, how's that working out for ya!!!!
How is it that you don't know about Dianne Frankenstein's war profiteering?
4 senators are now under fire for selling major stock holdings as coronavirus spread across the US | Markets Insider

Dianne Feinstein, 3 Senate colleagues sold off stocks before coronavirus crash: reports

Well there's a couple of ways to look at this.
1. They should all go down regardless
2. The gop should be thankful that Feinstein is one of them so they don't get outed.
Despite the fact that Feinstein is voting for impeachment with her right hand and pushing the sell button with her left
3 . The possibility of Feinstein getting off and the other 3 get canned. Thus reinforcing the idea that dems get favored treatment in the court system

Out of nowhere, Fox Noise suddenly promotes Feinstein to the head of the class. I did Nazi that coming. :rofl:

We did this btw. I started a thread, which was merged into an older one.
I posted this on the other thread of's six of them now

Shame on them!

nTx9hML.jpg that why Ron Johnson was running the red flag up the pole this morning?
'That's totally way out': Ron Johnson comments on coronavirus draw fire from Fauci at White House briefing

Five Republicans and One Democrat...ughh.....there HAS to be a joke in there somewhere. Somebody, save me!

Like I said on the other thread about this.....

Left, Right or is wrong all the same.

It's wrong no matter what side of the political spectrum you are.
This shows that people in the government knew this was going to be a very big deal, yet trump ignored all the blatant flashing warning signs.

As these people were reading the intel reports outlining the seriousness of the virus and selling their stock, Trump was claiming "the virus is nothing but a media hoax" Well now we see that not only is this virus extremely serious and Trump foolishly and recklessly downplayed it, but also people in the government knew it was going to be a big deal.

This is what Burr told his connected peeps:
"There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," said Burr
Burr said that the COVID-19 outbreak "is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic,"

SO why would Burr say that, the same time Assclown Trump says this is nothing... Yeah I know, you won't admit the truth... typical...
:desk: You want them to tell everyone so we could have the stock market crash a couple month's earlier? THAT's why they didn't say anything. Everyone would panic. Which they did.
4 senators are now under fire for selling major stock holdings as coronavirus spread across the US | Markets Insider

Dianne Feinstein, 3 Senate colleagues sold off stocks before coronavirus crash: reports

Well there's a couple of ways to look at this.
1. They should all go down regardless
2. The gop should be thankful that Feinstein is one of them so they don't get outed.
Despite the fact that Feinstein is voting for impeachment with her right hand and pushing the sell button with her left
3 . The possibility of Feinstein getting off and the other 3 get canned. Thus reinforcing the idea that dems get favored treatment in the court system

Out of nowhere, Fox Noise suddenly promotes Feinstein to the head of the class. I did Nazi that coming. :rofl:

We did this btw. I started a thread, which was merged into an older one.

The New York Post ran a story this morning when it was only four US Senators accused of insider trading. Only Feinstein was identified by her party affiliation. The other three were just referred to as Senators. I smiled.
Gee 5 GOP Senators sold their stock BEFORE the Tramp stock market crashed and Feinstein sells Mar 17, well AFTER the Tramp Market Crash, and Tramp and his fellow Nazis focus on Feinstein only>
Gee what a surprise! NOT!
How do you think career politicians end up multi-millionaires? If it isn't stock sales based on advance information it's kickbacks or payoffs from Lobbyists.
4 senators are now under fire for selling major stock holdings as coronavirus spread across the US | Markets Insider

Dianne Feinstein, 3 Senate colleagues sold off stocks before coronavirus crash: reports

Well there's a couple of ways to look at this.
1. They should all go down regardless
2. The gop should be thankful that Feinstein is one of them so they don't get outed.
Despite the fact that Feinstein is voting for impeachment with her right hand and pushing the sell button with her left
3 . The possibility of Feinstein getting off and the other 3 get canned. Thus reinforcing the idea that dems get favored treatment in the court system

Out of nowhere, Fox Noise suddenly promotes Feinstein to the head of the class. I did Nazi that coming. :rofl:

We did this btw. I started a thread, which was merged into an older one.

The New York Post ran a story this morning when it was only four US Senators accused of insider trading. Only Feinstein was identified by her party affiliation. The other three were just referred to as Senators. I smiled.

Interesting. The story I started with was simply about Burr. That caught my eye because he's my state's Senator.

Sure enough Big Rube, who also has the same guy for a Senator, started biting at my ankles desperately trying to change the topic to "b-but ... but Feinstein".
This shows that people in the government knew this was going to be a very big deal, yet trump ignored all the blatant flashing warning signs.

As these people were reading the intel reports outlining the seriousness of the virus and selling their stock, Trump was claiming "the virus is nothing but a media hoax" Well now we see that not only is this virus extremely serious and Trump foolishly and recklessly downplayed it, but also people in the government knew it was going to be a big deal.

This is what Burr told his connected peeps:
"There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," said Burr
Burr said that the COVID-19 outbreak "is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic,"

SO why would Burr say that, the same time Assclown Trump says this is nothing... Yeah I know, you won't admit the truth... typical...
:desk: You want them to tell everyone so we could have the stock market crash a couple month's earlier? THAT's why they didn't say anything. Everyone would panic. Which they did.
I want them to take the proper precautions and ready the federal government for a proper response. Which Trump did not do. Trump was running around telling everyone this is nothing and that "they have is contained" When they didn't even remotely have it contained. Foxnews and all the Trump lemmings were calling this a liberal media hoax, as it was spreading rapidly throughout the country. If Trump would have responded properly then this crisis might be less severe, and maybe they would have actually contained it.

Trump completely mis-red the seriousness of the threat and he looks stupid now, just like you do with this asinine comment...

Anatomy of a Viral Lie

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