Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market

Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease

You keep saying panic. It’s not panic you’re worried about, it’s quarantine and isolation measures that are recommended by medical experts.

I think putting economic worries over the worry the impact the disease will have on people is selfish and short sighted. Like, I’m sorry your 401k took a hit but it’ll come back. The people who die as a result of COVID-19 or those who can’t get medical attention as a result of a swamped and overloaded medical system aren’t.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I believe "Dem Hoax" was what the friggin President said
Referring to the democrat politicization of the chinese virus
but how is something a hoax if the federal government is taking actions that basically justify everything that was being reported about it?

Politicizing a crisis would be trying to deny it is a crisis at all because of your worry of how it affects your re-election -- deciding to not push forward with aggressive testing because you were worried about how it would make your numbers look -- that is politicizing in its most destructive way possible....

But ringing the alarm about something when so-called leadership is saying the opposite isn't what caused the virus to spread....

I could only wish the media did this before we invaded Iraq instead of being cheerleaders for the invasion......
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Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Coronavirus is public information, this is not insider trading.

The information passed by Burr was not public information....the public was being told the opposite.

I realize you are never allowed to say anything bad about your beloved party, but anyone that is not a fucking mindless sheep would have a problem with this happening....which explains why you do not

Burr did not reveal any information that is not available to public. He simply reached a different conclusion than the media.

This is clearly not insider trading.

I cannot image how much it sucks to live a life so beholden to a political party that you are not capable of rational thought
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Funny how none of the goofy goofs on the Left ever bothered to worry about insider trading when it involved the Democrats?

Now they squawk as if it is a new thing.

60 Minutes Caught Nancy Pelosi Engaging In Insider Trading | 710 WOR | Mark Simone
Over and over the white house is telling us that equiptment is available, this is available, etc....and over and over states are pleading for help....why is Trump keeping up the lies?????????????

At Least 2 GOP Senators Dumped Millions In Stock After Coronavirus Briefings
Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler reportedly made dozens of stock trades shortly after private health briefings for Congress began in January.
At Least 2 GOP Senators Dumped Millions In Stock After Coronavirus Briefings | HuffPost

There's money to made in our misery, that's why!!!
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Coronavirus is public information, this is not insider trading.

The information passed by Burr was not public information....the public was being told the opposite.

I realize you are never allowed to say anything bad about your beloved party, but anyone that is not a fucking mindless sheep would have a problem with this happening....which explains why you do not

Burr did not reveal any information that is not available to public. He simply reached a different conclusion than the media.

This is clearly not insider trading.

I cannot image how much it sucks to live a life so beholden to a political party that you are not capable of rational thought

How the hell is reaching a different conclusion insider trading?

Your attempts to undermine at all times has made you very stupid.
Funny how none of the goofy goofs on the Left ever bothered to worry about insider trading when it involved the Democrats?

Now they squawk as if it is a new thing.

60 Minutes Caught Nancy Pelosi Engaging In Insider Trading | 710 WOR | Mark Simone


Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease

You keep saying panic. It’s not panic you’re worried about, it’s quarantine and isolation measures that are recommended by medical experts.

I think putting economic worries over the worry the impact the disease will have on people is selfish and short sighted. Like, I’m sorry your 401k took a hit but it’ll come back. The people who die as a result of COVID-19 or those who can’t get medical attention as a result of a swamped and overloaded medical system aren’t.
Those people who may die from this are too few and not important enough to outweigh the performance of my 401k --- America is the wrong country to expect people to value human life over money..

As long as the percentages are small enough, we can always find a way to rationalize our love of money....and pay lip service to the value of human life when the cameras are on....

Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler both made dozens of stock trades shortly after private health briefings for Congress began in January.


The plot thickens...

Indeed it does. Dianne Feinstein and hubby dump over $6 million in stocks right before the crash:

Dianne Feinstein, 3 Senate colleagues sold off stocks before coronavirus crash: reports

Will lefties demand her resignation?
Yes she should resign...especially if she was urging everyone that this virus was a hoax and nothing to be worried about...

But only a total moron would be claiming this virus was a hoax made up by the Democrats...oh wait!
If liberals could not lie about trump you would have nothing to say at all
Please find the lie....

You can't go from claiming this virus is nothing and will go away magically --- you can't go from claiming there are only 15 cases and that will go down to zero in the next few days -- then the very next week declare it a global pandemic unless you were fucking lying....

and I give zero fucks about your juvenille "Don't talk about my daddy" complex....History will judge you morons like it did when you were bush sycophants...
How are you enjoying the panic that the china virus is causing?

the insane reaction to the virus will kill more people than the virus itself

but all the dems wanted to do is convince the public that trump dropped tje ball when he didnt
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
How do you think Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton got rich? They all engaged in insider trading.

But if you are Martha Stewart and make a stock move based on information about your own company, well then.......JAIL TIME FOR YOU.....but NOT FOR THEM.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease

You keep saying panic. It’s not panic you’re worried about, it’s quarantine and isolation measures that are recommended by medical experts.

I think putting economic worries over the worry the impact the disease will have on people is selfish and short sighted. Like, I’m sorry your 401k took a hit but it’ll come back. The people who die as a result of COVID-19 or those who can’t get medical attention as a result of a swamped and overloaded medical system aren’t.
Those people who may die from this are too few and not important enough to outweigh the performance of my 401k --- America is the wrong country to expect people to value human life over money..

As long as the percentages are small enough, we can always find a way to rationalize our love of money....and pay lip service to the value of human life when the cameras are on....
Could we extend this to not caring how many die from the air pollution due to over weight, over sized, inefficient vehicles?
How the hell is reaching a different conclusion insider trading?

He had information that the public did not have. That is why he reached the conclusion that turned out to be the correct one. But he is a Repub so you have to defend him to your dying breath.

Sucks to be you
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease

You keep saying panic. It’s not panic you’re worried about, it’s quarantine and isolation measures that are recommended by medical experts.

I think putting economic worries over the worry the impact the disease will have on people is selfish and short sighted. Like, I’m sorry your 401k took a hit but it’ll come back. The people who die as a result of COVID-19 or those who can’t get medical attention as a result of a swamped and overloaded medical system aren’t.
Those people who may die from this are too few and not important enough to outweigh the performance of my 401k --- America is the wrong country to expect people to value human life over money..

As long as the percentages are small enough, we can always find a way to rationalize our love of money....and pay lip service to the value of human life when the cameras are on....
Could we extend this to not caring how many die from the air pollution due to over weight, over sized, inefficient vehicles?

My car has 2 engines just so i can put out twice as much pollution......because Murica!!
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
How do you think Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton got rich? They all engaged in insider trading.

But if you are Martha Stewart and make a stock move based on information about your own company, well then.......JAIL TIME FOR YOU.....but NOT FOR THEM.


Pick up a paper or watch the news you idiot. The news will tell you all you want to know or all you don't want to know.

As for the States? My State is doing all it can. As for your?? I couldn't care less.
How the hell is reaching a different conclusion insider trading?

He had information that the public did not have. That is why he reached the conclusion that turned out to be the correct one. But he is a Repub so you have to defend him to your dying breath.

Sucks to be you

What information did he have that public had no access to?
Over and over the white house is telling us that equiptment is available, this is available, etc....and over and over states are pleading for help....why is Trump keeping up the lies?????????????

At Least 2 GOP Senators Dumped Millions In Stock After Coronavirus Briefings
Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler reportedly made dozens of stock trades shortly after private health briefings for Congress began in January.
At Least 2 GOP Senators Dumped Millions In Stock After Coronavirus Briefings | HuffPost

There's money to made in our misery, that's why!!!
You expect too much from him.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I believe "Dem Hoax" was what the friggin President said
Referring to the democrat politicization of the chinese virus

It wasn’t politicization, it was trying to get the president to take the issue seriously.

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