Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market

These "insider traders" need to be outed so they can be "primaried".
Oh please.

"Every company should be cognizant of the fact that you may have to alter your travel. You may have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they're making to Europe is essential or whether it can be done on video conference. Why risk it?" Burr said.

It was already being reported publicly it was becoming a major problem in parts of Europe.
Yeah, real insider trading tips.
Feb 27, cnn
February 27 coronavirus news - CNN
Trump February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

Trump February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Look at what Burr said. It was a problem in Europe. Geesh. -Think about your travel.- He mentioned nothing about the US in that statement.

He said it was going to be more akin to the 1918 pandemic...did the public have the information at that time?

Man if government isnt explaining biology to you then you are completely helpless golfing gator. I had you pegged years ago.

The lengths that you people go to just to avoid having to comment on your Repub overlords is a fun thing to watch

the government didnt save you from the china virus. cry some more lackey. A chat room libertarian until you get scared.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Why does everything in your world come down to Repub vs Dem?
It doesent

but your side has been on a partisan warpath since trump was elected

just for the record I think what burr did with his stock is wrong
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Several Senators from both parties sold their stocks after being briefed. It isn’t one party or the other. Both did it.

Yes, that has been covered in this thread. You will notice I did not make it about a party. But this was the first one I read about that had warned donors about what was coming.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Why does everything in your world come down to Repub vs Dem?
It doesent

but your side has been on a partisan warpath since trump was elected

just for the record I think what burr did with his stock is wrong

This is my side....Libertarian Party show me what they have done.

What about him telling his donors about the dangers to come? you did not have a problem with it.
As Senators were briefed on the potential Coronavirus threat all of them realized it could be bad for the nation and the economy. Surprising no one some of these Senators decided to protect themselves first.

Richard Burr, some other senators sold lots of stock as virus fears started

These were just the first names. Republicans and Democrats apparently called their Stock Brokers and issued Sell orders on their holdings. Loeffler claims her portfolio is managed by third party advisors. Anyone willing to bet they did not get a phone call?

Democrats and Republicans did exactly the same thing. They protected themselves first. So think about that the next time you argue that the other side is corrupt. Both are. And as long as you pretend that it only afflicts the others you will continue to enable the corrupt on your side. Libs and Conservatives need to take note. Both parties are so full of shit they could fertilize every farm and garden in the country.

I put this in another thread, but it bears repeating.


Trump is the first one who actually gave up wealth to become President.

  1. Schweizer points out that if you're an elected official and you sit on an important committee, you are allowed to trade on the information that comes to you or even results from your committee-related decisions. It stands to reason that if you're on the banking committee, you probably trade bank stocks, playing it both long and short. If you're a staffer, you may accumulate sensitive information and sell it to hedge funds. A lot of careerists trade on non-public information.
  2. Nancy Pelosi, the 60th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives with an estimated net worth of $58 million, bought 5,000 shares of V (Visa) at the privileged IPO price $44. This trade showed a profit immediately and the shares went up to about $88 in a matter of days. However, Pelosi worked on major legislation that if it had not been killed in the body she led, would have had a strong negative affect on the price right at that time. The rest of us can't do it because we're subject to strict conflict of interest rules, unlike lawmakers. Plus, we're not invited to participate in IPOs until after the price is run up.
  3. Congressmen are big winners in the stock market. They cultivate companies in their loyalty structure from whom they get insider information often at the committee level. There are many ways they get rich while serving constituents, especially if you know what big deal Warren Buffett will do and when. Many names are given in this book of successful inside information operators within Congress.
  4. The Pay-to-Play regime and the flow of insider information can be used by even the most novice traders using an online brokerage account. One big story is how Congressman Spensor Bachus used a private meeting with Fed Chair Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson. Bachus was in the role of Ranking Member on the House Financial Services Committee. He used the dire information presented to him in this meeting to bet heavily that the market would go down, using option trades. Bachus, working with Bernanke and Paulson from July 2008 to November 2008, scalped $50K out of the falling market. The book has lots of war stories like that.
  5. …the political class is so intelligent that they--get this!--compel CEOs to let them buy lucrative shares in IPOs at very low prices in exchange for passing favorable legislation for those CEOs! And all the while, the stupid idiot people of America--that would be you and me who have a 9 to 5 job, worship God and like to go to a ballgame every now and then--just carry on with their ignorance-is-bliss lives while the political class keeps enriching their wealth, power and influence in this way!! Genius...simply genius!
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Several Senators from both parties sold their stocks after being briefed. It isn’t one party or the other. Both did it.
and they should be called out on it...and either shamed into resigning or at least forced to defend what they did to the American people...

the government didnt save you from the china virus. cry some more lackey. A chat room libertarian until you get scared.

I am not asking the government to save me from anything, this is about a US Senator giving rich donors inside information that was withheld from the rest of the country.

I realize you are never allowed to say anything bad about your beloved party, but anyone that is not a fucking mindless sheep would have a problem with this happening....which explains why you do not
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Coronavirus is public information, this is not insider trading.

The information passed by Burr was not public information....the public was being told the opposite.

I realize you are never allowed to say anything bad about your beloved party, but anyone that is not a fucking mindless sheep would have a problem with this happening....which explains why you do not
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I believe "Dem Hoax" was what the friggin President said
Referring to the democrat politicization of the chinese virus
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Are you telling us that all the democrat senators were totally in the dark about this virus and only Burr knew what was really going on?

Weren’t Republicans making fun of Democrats for warning about this weeks ago?
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease
Maybe the corporate elite decided it was better to be safe than sorry......or do you think the "libs" forced all of this to happen?
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Coronavirus is public information, this is not insider trading.

The information passed by Burr was not public information....the public was being told the opposite.

I realize you are never allowed to say anything bad about your beloved party, but anyone that is not a fucking mindless sheep would have a problem with this happening....which explains why you do not

Burr did not reveal any information that is not available to public. He simply reached a different conclusion than the media.

This is clearly not insider trading.

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