four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

You must come from one candy ass place then. If enjoying your 2A rights is terrorism I feel sorry for you.

You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.

Did ya shoot him?
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.
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None of that matters, in the final analysis.

It turned into a hugely successful Teaching Moment, on the part of the Open-Carry Club folk.

It doesn't matter why they brought guns into a restaurant.

Maybe they intended on using them to stir their coffee, or tripod, then stack their jackets on.

Doesn't matter.

They have the right to do so, in that jurisdication.

Once again the point flies over your head, which is surprising for a Kondor.... the point is not and never has been "whether they have the right". The law establishes that they do. That much is not in question.

What, other than wanting the government to control every aspect of everyone's life, is your fucking problem with it then?

^^ STILL butthurt over being called on that and unable to document :rofl:
You keep proving just how stupid you are. In an open carry State one may not legally draw and fire on someone simply because they happen to be carrying a firearm. And in the specific case the men had the rifles SLUNG on their shoulders. That is not even a minor threat.

Just as the law makes it legal to open carry it makes it ILLEGAL to fire on someone for doing so.

You keep claiming that the simple act of possessing a firearm is reason to open fire. That is ignorant and beyond stupid. No Judge and no Jury would ever agree that is a reasonable assumption or action.

Further the cops that responded to the 911 call did not draw their weapons either. Yet they were "shudder" faced with 4 to 6 men with slung rifles. Using your ignorant opinion they should have dawn their weapons and ordered the men to disarm before approaching them since according to YOU the simple act of possessing a firearm is a danger and a threat.
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

You are aware of course that Florida is an open carry State too, right?
I guess you don't know that it is impossible to lock yourself into a freezer at a fast food restaurant, which is why I know the fucking story is a fucking lie.


How big is that ass you pull from exactly?

Gee, where did I get that from.

I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.
That's right, I got it from actually reading the OP.

Didn't you just makes a stupid crack about me and reading class? Maybe you should learn to do it yourself before you try to make yourself look smarter than me.

Indeed I did, because the post actually referenced --- conveniently cut out here -- is this:
Pussified fast-food employees overreact and hide in freezer

Fixed it for ya.

I guess these victims were "pussified" in the freezer too.

--- asshole.

--- which link relates, and I quote, " Four people were shot and left to die in the freezer".

Nothing about a "lock" in any part of the post. Dumbass.

I guess my understanding of physics is more advanced than yours. For one thing, I know that physics makes it impossible for a gun that isn't pointed in my direction to discharge a projectile that will strike me.

I guess my understanding of human nature is more advanced than yours, since I know that a shooter actually aims his gun first.

Did you have a point coming sometime soon?

Moving the goal post because I showed people how stupid you are? You were asked why the mere sight of a gun scares you, you replied physics.

Wrong. I said nothing anywhere about what scares me. Again -- reading comprehension. Or in this case lack thereof. Or perhaps just a rampant case of rewriting history when the present one is inconvenient. From the bottomless ass.
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I guess my understanding of physics is more advanced than yours. For one thing, I know that physics makes it impossible for a gun that isn't pointed in my direction to discharge a projectile that will strike me.

I guess my understanding of human nature is more advanced than yours, since I know that a shooter actually aims his gun first.

Did you have a point coming sometime soon?

And yet in this thread you have INSISTED that the mere carrying of a firearm slung over ones shoulder is reason to panic and fear. That it equates to terrorism to carry said firearm and that while legal it should never be done.

Did I now. Where?
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

So you'd rather deal with a "gangsta" than the head of the C of C? Damn son! If you're driving from NOLA to Florida, you'll be coming within 20 miles of me. Do yourself a favor. Don't come to Foley. I know the head of the local C of C. You wouldn't trust him.
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

You are aware of course that Florida is an open carry State too, right?

True, but they only kill black people in private upper class communities. Texans kill people just for the hell of it.
I guess my understanding of human nature is more advanced than yours, since I know that a shooter actually aims his gun first.

Did you have a point coming sometime soon?

And yet in this thread you have INSISTED that the mere carrying of a firearm slung over ones shoulder is reason to panic and fear. That it equates to terrorism to carry said firearm and that while legal it should never be done.

Did I now. Where?

So you have not insisted that the simple act of carrying a rifle is a reason to panic? A reason to fear? I admit you may not have said the terror part but you did not dispute it when one of your buddies said it now did you? And you agree in principle that the simple act of carrying a firearm is terrifying in your opinion to those in the general public.
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

You are aware of course that Florida is an open carry State too, right?

True, but they only kill black people in private upper class communities. Texans kill people just for the hell of it.

Provide evidence of your claim and one case is not proof of the claim.
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

You are aware of course that Florida is an open carry State too, right?

As is Alabama. Not sure about Mississippi, the other state where he won't trust anyone but gangstas.
None of that matters, in the final analysis.

It turned into a hugely successful Teaching Moment, on the part of the Open-Carry Club folk.

It doesn't matter why they brought guns into a restaurant.

Maybe they intended on using them to stir their coffee, or tripod, then stack their jackets on.

Doesn't matter.

They have the right to do so, in that jurisdication.

Once again the point flies over your head, which is surprising for a Kondor.... the point is not and never has been "whether they have the right". The law establishes that they do. That much is not in question.
No, Pogo, the point doesn't fly over my head.

I merely assert that the point is moot, and I speculate that it will not be allowed by Gun Rights folk to be effectively utilized by Gun-Grabber folk to advance their agenda.

Big difference.

I would have thought that that much was obvious and did not require explicit articulation.

Can a red herring be moot though?

There is no point of contention that open carry is the law in Texas. That's not what the story is about. The actual story is about human judgment. Not the law.

We've even got one guy here (Sarge) who insists that while one set of citizens should have no restrictions on their carrying of firearms, another set of citizens should have restrictions on how they view that.

Now that's scary.
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

You are aware of course that Florida is an open carry State too, right?

True, but they only kill black people in private upper class communities. Texans kill people just for the hell of it.

Never been to Miami before, have you?
There is another point that deserves mentioning. What is legal in Texas is certainly not a guide for what should be legal elsewhere. Hell, this mortician shot an 81 year old widow in the back 4 times, killed her, and hid her body for 9 months in a freezer, all the while giving away the $10 million dollars that he inherited from her. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO LIFE, THE TOWN DEMANDED HIS RELEASE, PRETTY MUCH BASED ON THE LOGIC THAT SHE WAS A MEAN, TIGHTFISTED BITCH WHO NEEDED KILLING! They even made a movie about it, entitled, "Bernie".

Texas mortician who killed wealthy widow going free - SFGate

I am getting ready to take a vacation in Florida, and since I live in AZ, I have to cross Texas one way or another. I am going to fly to New Orleans, and rent a car from there. In New Orleans, your basic gun tottin' nut is an unvarnished gangster. In Texas, he is the head of the local chamber of commerce.
I prefer to know exactly who I am dealing with.

So you'd rather deal with a "gangsta" than the head of the C of C? Damn son! If you're driving from NOLA to Florida, you'll be coming within 20 miles of me. Do yourself a favor. Don't come to Foley. I know the head of the local C of C. You wouldn't trust him.

I'm sure that you are right. I have lived in Dallas, Carrolton, Plano, Garland, Houston, and McAllen, Texas, and learned decades ago that politicians and community leaders in Texas are not the kind of people that I would turn my back on. I first learned this when "Landslide Lyndon" campaigned as the peace candidate in 1964.... Then, of course, we had the administration of the Evil One, Whose Name Must Never Be Spoken, a few years back.
Once again the point flies over your head, which is surprising for a Kondor.... the point is not and never has been "whether they have the right". The law establishes that they do. That much is not in question.
No, Pogo, the point doesn't fly over my head.

I merely assert that the point is moot, and I speculate that it will not be allowed by Gun Rights folk to be effectively utilized by Gun-Grabber folk to advance their agenda.

Big difference.

I would have thought that that much was obvious and did not require explicit articulation.

Can a red herring be moot though?

There is no point of contention that open carry is the law in Texas. That's not what the story is about. The actual story is about human judgment. Not the law.

We've even got one guy here (Sarge) who insists that while one set of citizens should have no restrictions on their carrying of firearms, another set of citizens should have restrictions on how they view that.

Now that's scary.

You keep proving the point, you are an idiot. You keep claiming that the general population should fear and panic and be terrified if someone carries a firearm in public. You keep claiming that in a State where open carry is legal one can reasonably shoot a person so doing it just because they are afraid of them.
And yet in this thread you have INSISTED that the mere carrying of a firearm slung over ones shoulder is reason to panic and fear. That it equates to terrorism to carry said firearm and that while legal it should never be done.

Did I now. Where?

So you have not insisted that the simple act of carrying a rifle is a reason to panic? A reason to fear? I admit you may not have said the terror part but you did not dispute it when one of your buddies said it now did you? And you agree in principle that the simple act of carrying a firearm is terrifying in your opinion to those in the general public.

In a restaurant, sure that reaction is reasonable. Now I wasn't there so I didn't say *I* was panicked, but I am saying it's understandable that someone would be upon seeing someone armed in a place where there would be no honorable reason to be. Such as a restaurant. A baseball game. A church. A funeral. A wedding. Damn right that's justifiable cause for concern. Why do we have metal detectors screening out guns when we go to court?

The OP, not I, called what OCT did "terrorism" and although I understand what loose definition he's getting at, I don't agree with that definition. Just because I didn't take issue with it doesn't mean I agree with it. Blackhawk actually made the point and I thanked it as a gesture of assent. This paragraph is already more time invested than it's worth. I don't call it "terrorism"; I call it "baiting".
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No, Pogo, the point doesn't fly over my head.

I merely assert that the point is moot, and I speculate that it will not be allowed by Gun Rights folk to be effectively utilized by Gun-Grabber folk to advance their agenda.

Big difference.

I would have thought that that much was obvious and did not require explicit articulation.

Can a red herring be moot though?

There is no point of contention that open carry is the law in Texas. That's not what the story is about. The actual story is about human judgment. Not the law.

We've even got one guy here (Sarge) who insists that while one set of citizens should have no restrictions on their carrying of firearms, another set of citizens should have restrictions on how they view that.

Now that's scary.

You keep proving the point, you are an idiot. You keep claiming that the general population should fear and panic and be terrified if someone carries a firearm in public. You keep claiming that in a State where open carry is legal one can reasonably shoot a person so doing it just because they are afraid of them.

That wasn't mine either. We Retards must all look alike to you.

But his point, I'll just repeat again, was taking the old tired "arm everybody because the gun is the answer to everything" mentality to its logical conclusion, which obviously doesn't work. That's the whole point of thinking an idea out to its logical conclusion. And when that conclusion is found to end badly, you can take it as a pretty good indication that the idea was flawed in the first place.

Which is what we Retards of the Ilk Order have been saying all along --- that saying the answer to a guy with a gun is more guys with more guns, is like fighting a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
Once again the point flies over your head, which is surprising for a Kondor.... the point is not and never has been "whether they have the right". The law establishes that they do. That much is not in question.
No, Pogo, the point doesn't fly over my head.

I merely assert that the point is moot, and I speculate that it will not be allowed by Gun Rights folk to be effectively utilized by Gun-Grabber folk to advance their agenda.

Big difference.

I would have thought that that much was obvious and did not require explicit articulation.

Can a red herring be moot though?

There is no point of contention that open carry is the law in Texas. That's not what the story is about. The actual story is about human judgment. Not the law.

We've even got one guy here (Sarge) who insists that while one set of citizens should have no restrictions on their carrying of firearms, another set of citizens should have restrictions on how they view that.

Now that's scary.
No, Pogo, I was saying that the (as you phrased it) so-called and subjective 'human judgment' is the point which is moot, in this instance, because it is just that - subjective.

Consequently, when faced with subjective and diverse opinion on the matter, one is obliged to fall back upon fact (of law, in this instance) rather than anecdotal and subjective opinion as to what is and is not appropriate.

You and others are free to view it in any way you wish.

As are those who are busy counterpointing you in this matter.

And, view what you will, none of that signifies.

That particular jurisdiction still enjoys Open-Carry privileges (rights).

Gun-grabber opinions on the subject are apparently not going to be allowed to dominate in future discussions about subsequent and related legislation.

This is, in all probability, and in the larger scheme of things, a good thing.
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If I owned a store and someone came in carrying a shotgun, I would ask myself.....Why is he carrying a shotgun in my store?

a. He likes to take his gun shopping
b. He is here to rob me

I would tend to lean towards "b"

In the interest of safety, I would shoot him at the earliest convenience. After all, It is my second amendment right to do so

Dude...just stop. The trolling stopped being at all amusing the first time and is now merely tiresome.

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